Monkey Pox outbreak general

Is it you that's asking the question, or just an image grabbed from the interweebs?

Bro, have I ever mentioned about the fact I haven't suffered any kind of dis-ease for several years now,...😂.

Sorry, I am just at a point where I find it morbidly comical that people still believe in the hysterical "germ theory" nonsense.

*Notice what Denise Dewald MD stated.

It a deception, whether she's aware or not, she & I'd bet many other "experts" have been instructed to disseminate this particular narrative.

I don't even need to be there, nor a "qualified" "expert" to know for damn sure there ain't no bloody "virus" being spread around the sewers by ratatouille.
There certainly will be fuck loads of bacteria, fungi, and all-sorts of harmful cellular mutations (*which is totally normal processes known as cellular Pleomorphism: living cells adjust & mutate dependant upon the surrounding environment.)
Some of these mutated cells/multicellular forms &/or cellular debris will most definitely fit the fictitious "germ theory" narrative template and thus conveniently seems to validate the moronic "monkeypox" fantasy.

At the bare minimum we need to eat, drink proper nutritional living foods, & strange as this will seem, living water(*not poisoned artificial chemicals like sodium fluoride, chlorine, etc)
Get sufficient sun exposure (*10minutes per day min)
Get fresh air and exercise daily.
Absolutely avoid common mainstream chemical products, pseudo-"foods"/drinks, shit like lynx and other chemical based bathroom products,...they are all literally poison.

The people getting sick with all these retarded plandemic boogeymen are already toxified and thus the most susceptible to the radiation.

If you have an EMF scanner, start recording the readouts each day.
I have.

Something I've previously forgotten to point out is that 'belief'(*what one focuses on as to be reality)does indeed manifest.
What I mean is that by believing in these fictional "virus" narratives is enough to manifest symptoms,...which then obviously creates the false verification in ones mind.
#Placebo Effect.
The media is mostly ignoring the fact that 95% of Monkey Pox cases are sexually transmitted between men. Their underlying reason for this is that woke-ism will not let them single out subgroups of people for almost any reason.

Now some are trying to change the name, labelling "monkey" as "racist", but they really mean "homophobic".

Butt holed on a minute. What name would you suggest?
Is it you that's asking the question, or just an image grabbed from the interweebs?

Bro, have I ever mentioned about the fact I haven't suffered any kind of dis-ease for several years now,...😂.

Sorry, I am just at a point where I find it morbidly comical that people still believe in the hysterical "germ theory" nonsense.

*Notice what Denise Dewald MD stated.

It a deception, whether she's aware or not, she & I'd bet many other "experts" have been instructed to disseminate this particular narrative.

I don't even need to be there, nor a "qualified" "expert" to know for damn sure there ain't no bloody "virus" being spread around the sewers by ratatouille.
There certainly will be fuck loads of bacteria, fungi, and all-sorts of harmful cellular mutations (*which is totally normal processes known as cellular Pleomorphism: living cells adjust & mutate dependant upon the surrounding environment.)
Some of these mutated cells/multicellular forms &/or cellular debris will most definitely fit the fictitious "germ theory" narrative template and thus conveniently seems to validate the moronic "monkeypox" fantasy.

At the bare minimum we need to eat, drink proper nutritional living foods, & strange as this will seem, living water(*not poisoned artificial chemicals like sodium fluoride, chlorine, etc)
Get sufficient sun exposure (*10minutes per day min)
Get fresh air and exercise daily.
Absolutely avoid common mainstream chemical products, pseudo-"foods"/drinks, shit like lynx and other chemical based bathroom products,...they are all literally poison.

The people getting sick with all these retarded plandemic boogeymen are already toxified and thus the most susceptible to the radiation.

If you have an EMF scanner, start recording the readouts each day.
I have.

Something I've previously forgotten to point out is that 'belief'(*what one focuses on as to be reality)does indeed manifest.
What I mean is that by believing in these fictional "virus" narratives is enough to manifest symptoms,...which then obviously creates the false verification in ones mind.
#Placebo Effect.
It’s just an image I grabbed from the internet. I wouldn’t give a shit about something like that
It seems like the outbreak is already waning. After a month full of random strangers having buttsecks the extent of it is a few thousand cases. By the time the pedophile in the White House decides this is an emergency it will be pretty much gone.

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