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Mom (71) Has Covid - UPDATE

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Went to a head cold yesterday.
She was up and around cleaning everything. Almost hyper. with no real crash and she seems to be out of it.

ivermectin has proven it’s worth.
Get it and use it early test early. It’s no joke.

This variant seems to start like a sinus infectionallergies. Keep an eye on yourself and loved ones
That have those symptoms.

Better yet. she was moving around most of the day. Little fatigue mid day took a nap and back moving around. Couple other people that we talked with that are nottaking ivermectin are still dealing a little more severe. Im not saying its a wonder drug but it helps. Clearly helps.
It makes you feel a little bit crappy tummy and dizziness. Drink water. Shes seems right in line with what the data shows. Reduces symptoms and progresses recovery. Def a different variant. She never lost taste or smell. Im sharing this more so you all can get a feel for what
ivermectin does etc. plus I love my fam here.

Im sharing this bc its the 1st person I had to really worry about catching this. I wanted to closely monitor the progression. Ok So knowing what I wrote below. When we found out she had covid we called in ivermectin on Sunday night or evening. No pharmacy had it available. Monday was her sickest day as well as Tuesday morning. she took the ivermectin Tuesday morning and Wednesday. Woke up today feeling complete better. She text me around 9am (shes always up at 5) and said I feel completely better. Im drinking coffee and want to go outside. My BIl said it has been doing that like almost a cure. Its also seemed to protect or prevent those who were exposed. WOW. It was a 150 degree turn around. still not complete but she went to bed early and slept for 12 hrs woke up feeling better. They are publishing a study they are doing I think. Lol he said that. Def if you or a loved on get sick get ivermectin. Ive been hearing about how it works for months, and now have watched it first hand. Almost good.
My mom is in about as good as shape as a 71 yr old women can be. She stayed active and
it finally hit her hard Sunday monday and Tuesday morning. I truly believe ivermectin turned it. Well Prayer. Yes we are a deeply praying family. believe it or not. Lol I really really appreciate all of you on here, and the space provided to share these experiences with like minded people.
Much Love to you all. As tough as I wanted to be I was struggling. in a fog, questioning myself (almost) and everything I thought. I lead my 9 person family Me, wife, 6 kids an mom. They go as I go. My wife is a perfect partner. Smart strong and supportive in every way. Did i make a mistake with no vaccine? all sorts of stuff. You guys really helped. Thank you and Love and blessing to you all! Im standing shoulder to shoulder.

She has run a daycare out of our house my entire existence and loves it. The parents love it and her. 3 family's have had covid through all of this. This last one she caught it. She also works at Home Depot part time to get out of the house. Last Tuesday she said she didnt feel that good. Felt like a sinus infection. My wife thinks so as well. We had no idea one of the kids hadnt been at her house for a week or more due to the family having covid. It happened 2-3 other times. One was her Dr. All clear.
Tuesday not feeling well, Wednesday same. Thursday went to work. Remember her symptoms we like a sinus infection/hay fever, and we had no idea there was a sick kid again. Wife looks her over and its what it seems. She told the parents and they all said we dont care if you feel like working. Lol I was like ok... Friday she did not go to Home Depot felt yucky. Saturday went Shopping all day with my daughter. Found out Sunday about the sick family. WTF mom! good grief! Got her tested late Sunday and it was positive. Started feeling worse Monday. Seems to be the same since Monday feeling bad. Oxygen 98-99. Did not get the shot. BIL prescribed Ivermectin. Shes been on it since yesterday. She said she feels better today. Shes in great shape and very active. Worksout every day. Ill keep you all posted if youre interested to hear the
progression. Im nervous and a little angry. 4 of us are taking the precautionary dose. Sorry so long.
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Dec 1, 2020
She has run a daycare out of our house my entire existence and loves it. The parents love it and her. 3 family's have had covid through all of this. This last one she caught it. She also works at Home Depot part time to get out of the house. Last Tuesday she said she didnt feel that good. Felt like a sinus infection. My wife thinks so as well. We had no idea one of the kids hadnt been at her house for a week or more due to the family having covid. It happened 2-3 other times. One was her Dr. All clear.
Tuesday not feeling well, Wednesday same. Thursday went to work. Remember her symptoms we like a sinus infection/hay fever, and we had no idea there was a sick kid again. Wife looks her over and its what it seems. She told the parents and they all said we dont care if you feel like working. Lol I was like ok... Friday she did not go to Home Depot felt yucky. Saturday went Shopping all day with my daughter. Found out Sunday about the sick family. WTF mom! good grief! Got her tested late Sunday and it was positive. Started feeling worse Monday. Seems to be the same since Monday feeling bad. Oxygen 98-99. Did not get the shot. BIL prescribed Ivermectin. Shes been on it since yesterday. She said she feels better today. Shes in great shape and very active. Worksout every day. Ill keep you all posted if youre interested to hear the
progression. Im nervous and a little angry. 4 of us are taking the precautionary dose. Sorry so long.
Keep us updated @Joe Kings. Hope your Mom is alright.


Jan 8, 2021
I have elderly family who have gotten Wuhan. Were treated with either Regeneron or Ivermectin, including a 101 y/o woman who never goes outside or shopping. All got well quickly. They did have lingering fatigue but that's expected with any respiratory disease at those ages.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Love everyone's household cures. It's like it's the middle ages again.

Anyone used chickens feet?
Coming from an obese slob. Ivermectin works with almost 100% success rate. It seems drastic and immediate. Do you have any personal experiences? Or anybody you can draw a conclusion from personally? I do. Maybe you should act like a man and not speak about things you know you have no idea speaking about. You got the shot. Live with it. Thats you. Stop trying to persuade people to, so you have company in your life's decisions. Be a man STFU and live with your choices on your own.

ts also starting to look like the shot people are not protected at all. And are the spreaders. The unvaccinated that got sick seem to be protected.
You do you, Fats. With all due respect.


Jan 15, 2021
Coming from an obese slob. Ivermectin works with almost 100% success rate. It seems drastic and immediate. Do you have any personal experiences? Or anybody you can draw a conclusion from personally? I do. Maybe you should act like a man and not speak about things you know you have no idea speaking about. You got the shot. Live with it. Thats you. Stop trying to persuade people to, so you have company in your life's decisions. Be a man STFU and live with your choices on your own.

ts also starting to look like the shot people are not protected at all. And are the spreaders. The unvaccinated that got sick seem to be protected.
You do you, Fats. With all due respect.

Weird to see all the zealotry tied to home remedies without much testing, it's the same zealotry with the vaccines that do have legitimate questions behind them.

People don't actually care about what works or doesn't work, they only care about their tribe "winning."


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021
Weird to see all the zealotry tied to home remedies without much testing, it's the same zealotry with the vaccines that do have legitimate questions behind them.

People don't actually care about what works or doesn't work, they only care about their tribe "winning."
Not home remedies, proven remedies and prophylactical treatments.

Just because an appliance in your Livingroom hasn't informed you of them, doesn't mean they aren't effective.

Keep rolling up your sleeve.


Jan 15, 2021
Not home remedies, proven remedies and prophylactical treatments.

Just because an appliance in your Livingroom hasn't informed you of them, doesn't mean they aren't effective.

Keep rolling up your sleeve.

Lol, I’m sure your team has some great tricks up their sleeves. It’s hilarious, this is like the country music vs rock and roll trend in the early 00’s.

You can spout how great your anecdotes are all day long. There still hasn’t been a systematic review. You can argue, and I’d agree, it’s something we should look into. But don’t pretend it’s this cure all based on some fringe findings and anecdotes. That’s as bad as the vaccine zealots.


Jan 8, 2021
Coming from an obese slob. Ivermectin works with almost 100% success rate. It seems drastic and immediate. Do you have any personal experiences? Or anybody you can draw a conclusion from personally? I do. Maybe you should act like a man and not speak about things you know you have no idea speaking about. You got the shot. Live with it. Thats you. Stop trying to persuade people to, so you have company in your life's decisions. Be a man STFU and live with your choices on your own.

ts also starting to look like the shot people are not protected at all. And are the spreaders. The unvaccinated that got sick seem to be protected.
You do you, Fats. With all due respect.

Don’t feed the troll man. It’s all this person is , ignore function

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Weird to see all the zealotry tied to home remedies without much testing, it's the same zealotry with the vaccines that do have legitimate questions behind them.

People don't actually care about what works or doesn't work, they only care about their tribe "winning."
We know how you are. No need to project it. Home Remedies lol. IT was a prescription. Youre a goofy MFer


Jan 10, 2021
Better yet. she was moving around most of the day. Little fatigue mid day took a nap and back moving around. Couple other people that we talked with that are nottaking ivermectin are still dealing a little more severe. Im not saying its a wonder drug but it helps. Clearly helps.
It makes you feel a little bit crappy tummy and dizziness. Drink water. Shes seems right in line with what the data shows. Reduces symptoms and progresses recovery. Def a different variant. She never lost taste or smell. Im sharing this more so you all can get a feel for what
ivermectin does etc. plus I love my fam here.

Im sharing this bc its the 1st person I had to really worry about catching this. I wanted to closely monitor the progression. Ok So knowing what I wrote below. When we found out she had covid we called in ivermectin on Sunday night or evening. No pharmacy had it available. Monday was her sickest day as well as Tuesday morning. she took the ivermectin Tuesday morning and Wednesday. Woke up today feeling complete better. She text me around 9am (shes always up at 5) and said I feel completely better. Im drinking coffee and want to go outside. My BIl said it has been doing that like almost a cure. Its also seemed to protect or prevent those who were exposed. WOW. It was a 150 degree turn around. still not complete but she went to bed early and slept for 12 hrs woke up feeling better. They are publishing a study they are doing I think. Lol he said that. Def if you or a loved on get sick get ivermectin. Ive been hearing about how it works for months, and now have watched it first hand. Almost good.
My mom is in about as good as shape as a 71 yr old women can be. She stayed active and
it finally hit her hard Sunday monday and Tuesday morning. I truly believe ivermectin turned it. Well Prayer. Yes we are a deeply praying family. believe it or not. Lol I really really appreciate all of you on here, and the space provided to share these experiences with like minded people.
Much Love to you all. As tough as I wanted to be I was struggling. in a fog, questioning myself (almost) and everything I thought. I lead my 9 person family Me, wife, 6 kids an mom. They go as I go. My wife is a perfect partner. Smart strong and supportive in every way. Did i make a mistake with no vaccine? all sorts of stuff. You guys really helped. Thank you and Love and blessing to you all! Im standing shoulder to shoulder.

She has run a daycare out of our house my entire existence and loves it. The parents love it and her. 3 family's have had covid through all of this. This last one she caught it. She also works at Home Depot part time to get out of the house. Last Tuesday she said she didnt feel that good. Felt like a sinus infection. My wife thinks so as well. We had no idea one of the kids hadnt been at her house for a week or more due to the family having covid. It happened 2-3 other times. One was her Dr. All clear.
Tuesday not feeling well, Wednesday same. Thursday went to work. Remember her symptoms we like a sinus infection/hay fever, and we had no idea there was a sick kid again. Wife looks her over and its what it seems. She told the parents and they all said we dont care if you feel like working. Lol I was like ok... Friday she did not go to Home Depot felt yucky. Saturday went Shopping all day with my daughter. Found out Sunday about the sick family. WTF mom! good grief! Got her tested late Sunday and it was positive. Started feeling worse Monday. Seems to be the same since Monday feeling bad. Oxygen 98-99. Did not get the shot. BIL prescribed Ivermectin. Shes been on it since yesterday. She said she feels better today. Shes in great shape and very active. Worksout every day. Ill keep you all posted if youre interested to hear the
progression. Im nervous and a little angry. 4 of us are taking the precautionary dose. Sorry so long.
Speedy recovery.


Jan 15, 2021
you are a insufferable douche



Jan 9, 2021
She already loads up on Vc Vd and Zinc. We just added the Ivermectin.
BIL is running a covid JnJ study and he has access to another very progressive drug he claim DT took. He also said Trump was really really sick, and this drug crushed it. My words lol.
Sorry behind, good news and prayers to your Mom.
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