Master Thread Maxxing out (or not): Health / exercise / supplement thread

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Question for you guys. How much of your time / energy, do you put towards either weights or cardio of some sort? I'm sure it will depend on your particular situation, as to whether you're trying to lose weight or gain muscle/strength.

I'm probably 40% cardio, 60% weights in terms of time allocation. Not sure if that's the right ratio.
Doubt these work for many, but I got these air monarch cross trainers a couple weeks that have been really good for me. Took me a while to find something that didn’t make my feet hurt. Can’t wait to green em up cutting grass this summer

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Fucking Nike, and the Uyghers just nod in forced agreement. There has got to be a better and more free option out there. SKOL!
Serious workout pro tip I just thought of that I do. I am amazed at how much I have to warm up now. I used to not even know what warm up meant.


Something I do that is very productive is I will do something physical around the house or in the yard before I work out. Not anything back breaking, but enough where I need to move all the body parts around. And boom, mostly warmed up and got something done
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Serious workout pro tip I just thought of that I do. I am amazed at how much I have to warm up now. I used to not even know what warm up meant.


Something I do that is very productive is I will do something physics around the house or in the yard before I work out. Not anything back breaking, but enough where I need to move all the body parts around. And boom, mostly warmed up and got something done
You'll do physics? That doesn't sound like a physical activity that will get you warmed up. Must be studying entropy, enthalpy, or heat transfer or something that gets you fired up.
5x3 squats tonight 285. Normally I can do quite a bit more, but I feel like shit, plus I really haven’t had a lot of low rep heavy stuff in my program for a while.

Covid tested this morning and negative so I went to work and spread my snot around
5x3 squats tonight 285. Normally I can do quite a bit more, but I feel like shit, plus I really haven’t had a lot of low rep heavy stuff in my program for a while.

Covid tested this morning and negative so I went to work and spread my snot around
Getting a warmup in now on the treadmill, then into the weights. Thinking today is a pull day mostly. Lat pulls, pull ups, rows, etc, then mix in some leg stuff. Did squats yesterday, so maybe some weighted lunges and farmers walk today. Not sure what else yet.
Getting a warmup in now on the treadmill, then into the weights. Thinking today is a pull day mostly. Lat pulls, pull ups, rows, etc, then mix in some leg stuff. Did squats yesterday, so maybe some weighted lunges and farmers walk today. Not sure what else yet.
Impressive forum post on the treadmill

I invested in a concept 2 rower about 1.5 years ago and that is my go to warm up. As I bitched about early in this thread, treadmills fucking destroy my feet. Anything running recommended in my workouts I just row.

I have put a shitload of miles on that bad boy. But I would not recommend it to someone just planning to row. Only rowing day after day gets old really fast. I’ll do a 30 minute row every 6 months or so, but mostly I do short to medium (1-7 minutes) mixed in with the workout

I’m rowing multiple times a week for both warming up and actual workouts
Impressive forum post on the treadmill

I invested in a concept 2 rower about 1.5 years ago and that is my go to warm up. As I bitched about early in this thread, treadmills fucking destroy my feet. Anything running recommended in my workouts I just row.

I have put a shitload of miles on that bad boy. But I would not recommend it to someone just planning to row. Only rowing day after day gets old really fast. I’ll do a 30 minute row every 6 months or so, but mostly I do short to medium (1-7 minutes) mixed in with the workout

I’m rowing multiple times a week for both warming up and actual workouts
I actually have a rowing machine too, but I haven't really thought of doing it as a warmup. I like that though and may do that next time. I typically just do it as a part of a workout. 30 minutes on there is a lot!
I actually have a rowing machine too, but I haven't really thought of doing it as a warmup. I like that though and may do that next time. I typically just do it as a part of a workout. 30 minutes on there is a lot!
The 30 minute thing I don’t do much. If my workout is to run a 5k, I do it on the rower. Stuff like that

I just row for 2-3 minutes and it’s a really good start

I bought this because I had a hard time finding creatine at all (supply chain) but it's been worth every penny. It's super fine so if you breath into it too hard it will blow out the container but it mixes perfectly. There is not gritty or graininess at all, something that cheaper options typically have.

It's so nice that I will look at other products from them. Yes they are expensive but so far it's worth it to me.

I would highly recommend the Ignition and Phormula 1 hydrolized protein also. It is expensive but has been well worth it. It recommends taking pre and post workout but I only take post workout as it would be too many carbs and this regimen works great for me.

I workout pretty hard and I never experience any muscle soreness after taking this. I was a little sore when I first started lifting again but it wasn’t debilitating and it didn’t last long. I also never have any muscle fatigue.
I would highly recommend the Ignition and Phormula 1 hydrolized protein also. It is expensive but has been well worth it. It recommends taking pre and post workout but I only take post workout as it would be too many carbs and this regimen works great for me.

I workout pretty hard and I never experience any muscle soreness after taking this. I was a little sore when I first started lifting again but it wasn’t debilitating and it didn’t last long. I also never have any muscle fatigue.
Whats your daily/weekly schedule for working out?
I know this wasn’t direct at em but I’m answering anyways.

Lift M/Tu/Th/F, cardio and miscellaneous stuff W/Sa although I usually only get one of those two in.
Question applies to everyone. Can you expand on what your routine is on those different days? Don't have to get into too much detail if you don't want to, but what do you do on those lifting days? How long is a typical workout, and how many different exercises do you do? Do you combine back and biceps on one day, then chest and triceps on another day? Legs another day?

I'm looking to get a better workout schedule and want to get some ideas on what's been effective for others, as well as what the time commitment would be so I can schedule it appropriately. Currently, my workouts are usually about 10 minutes of warmup, then about 30-40 minutes of weights, then 5-10 minutes of cooldown, so about an hour.
Question for you guys. How much of your time / energy, do you put towards either weights or cardio of some sort? I'm sure it will depend on your particular situation, as to whether you're trying to lose weight or gain muscle/strength.

I'm probably 40% cardio, 60% weights in terms of time allocation. Not sure if that's the right ratio.
Strength training is by far my highest priority. Maintaining muscle mass as you age has many benefits. I lift “heavy” 3-4 days a week, depending on the program. For cardio, I push or pull weighted sleds, walk with a weighted vest, or jump rope. I do this 3-4 days a week for 30-45 minutes or for distance (e.g. 2 mile walk with a 40# vest).
Strength training is by far my highest priority. Maintaining muscle mass as you age has many benefits. I lift “heavy” 3-4 days a week, depending on the program. For cardio, I push or pull weighted sleds, walk with a weighted vest, or jump rope. I do this 3-4 days a week for 30-45 minutes or for distance (e.g. 2 mile walk with a 40# vest).
You jump rope for 30-45 minutes straight? Thats beast mode if true
Serious workout pro tip I just thought of that I do. I am amazed at how much I have to warm up now. I used to not even know what warm up meant.


Something I do that is very productive is I will do something physical around the house or in the yard before I work out. Not anything back breaking, but enough where I need to move all the body parts around. And boom, mostly warmed up and got something done
Yep, the older you are the more warmed up you need to be. When lifting, I spend 15-20 minutes warming up before I begin my lifting warmup sets. I’ve done many different types of warmups over the years but my latest and favorite is the Wenning warmup by power lifter Matt Wenning.
Question applies to everyone. Can you expand on what your routine is on those different days? Don't have to get into too much detail if you don't want to, but what do you do on those lifting days? How long is a typical workout, and how many different exercises do you do? Do you combine back and biceps on one day, then chest and triceps on another day? Legs another day?

I'm looking to get a better workout schedule and want to get some ideas on what's been effective for others, as well as what the time commitment would be so I can schedule it appropriately. Currently, my workouts are usually about 10 minutes of warmup, then about 30-40 minutes of weights, then 5-10 minutes of cooldown, so about an hour.

Sure, I am doing this program now:

I only use their programs, mostly because they work for me and I'm used to their methodology of sets, reps, exercises, etc.

I've purchased just about all of their programs and I've liked them all.

They have a free program so you can see how they structure stuff:

They are barbell based workouts so the it's one main lift a day (Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Overhead Press) along with supplemental lifts. Each day would be considered "full body" for this program. They do have a bodybuilding focuses template which is more muscle group focused.

Each workout is around 45-60 minutes, some of the higher end volume days will probably push past 60 but those only last a week or two.

I do bis, tris, abs, and calves on my cardio days. I prioritize those over doing the cardio because, well abs and calves > cardio.

My warmup is doing whatever lift I'm doing up to my working sets. I don't do any typical warm up or stretch, I literally just do my lift to warm up. It works well for me and I know how to structure it so I'm warmed for my lifts. No cooldown either, I workout at 5:00 am so by the time I'm done, my son is up and needing breakfast, as am I so I take my shoes off and start cooking. I've never had any injury or strain or anything like that so I'm not concerned about it from that standpoint. I lift in my garage which has a barbell, plates, some bands, curl bar, adjustable dumbbells, and some pads I made to do deficit deadlifts, etc. off of. Once HBAR pops off I'll buy more stuff 😂😂
You jump rope for 30-45 minutes straight? Thats beast mode if true
No. Sorry. I usually start my workouts with a 3 minute jump. Then, sometimes, I’ll jump for 5-10 minutes after a lift. On off days, I’ve jumped up to 20 minutes with stops. I strive for different jumps like sprints, high knees, double unders, etc. I am ok with a rope but definitely wouldn’t be mistaken for a boxer.
Sure, I am doing this program now:

I only use their programs, mostly because they work for me and I'm used to their methodology of sets, reps, exercises, etc.

I've purchased just about all of their programs and I've liked them all.

They have a free program so you can see how they structure stuff:

They are barbell based workouts so the it's one main lift a day (Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Overhead Press) along with supplemental lifts. Each day would be considered "full body" for this program. They do have a bodybuilding focuses template which is more muscle group focused.

Each workout is around 45-60 minutes, some of the higher end volume days will probably push past 60 but those only last a week or two.

I do bis, tris, abs, and calves on my cardio days. I prioritize those over doing the cardio because, well abs and calves > cardio.

My warmup is doing whatever lift I'm doing up to my working sets. I don't do any typical warm up or stretch, I literally just do my lift to warm up. It works well for me and I know how to structure it so I'm warmed for my lifts. No cooldown either, I workout at 5:00 am so by the time I'm done, my son is up and needing breakfast, as am I so I take my shoes off and start cooking. I've never had any injury or strain or anything like that so I'm not concerned about it from that standpoint. I lift in my garage which has a barbell, plates, some bands, curl bar, adjustable dumbbells, and some pads I made to do deficit deadlifts, etc. off of. Once HBAR pops off I'll buy more stuff 😂😂
Good stuff, I'll check out that program, thanks! Also in the same boat on HBAR ;)
Olive oil, 3-cups of coffee/day.

I load up on antioxidants.

I have also dropped 20 lbs on Keto plus intermittent fasting.

I am a person that just can not consume carbs.
When you went keto, or cut out carbs, did it screw with your heart at all? I did that a while back, and lost weight fairly quickly, which was good, but it seems like it made my heart have palpitations sometimes.
Question applies to everyone. Can you expand on what your routine is on those different days? Don't have to get into too much detail if you don't want to, but what do you do on those lifting days? How long is a typical workout, and how many different exercises do you do? Do you combine back and biceps on one day, then chest and triceps on another day? Legs another day?

I'm looking to get a better workout schedule and want to get some ideas on what's been effective for others, as well as what the time commitment would be so I can schedule it appropriately. Currently, my workouts are usually about 10 minutes of warmup, then about 30-40 minutes of weights, then 5-10 minutes of cooldown, so about an hour.
Here is a sample of my workouts. I think there is a total of 5. With my 1st Phorm app I can set the type of workout. In my case I go to the gym vs at home. They have several programs based on what you want to do (strength, general lifting, cardio, CrossFit, etc.) plus beginner, intermediate, or advanced. I’m sure others are similar. Important thing is to select what YOU want to do.

I’m at the gym when it opens at 5:30 and I am out by no later than 6:30 and I can get my workouts in no problem. I work out 6 days a week just because I want to. If you’re starting try to commit to at least 3 days of activity and work up from there as you want to. Something is better than nothing! Also, don’t over do it. At 47 I’m obviously not 18 anymore and injuries take a lot longer to heal. Listen to your body and don’t go too heavy too fast as that’s a recipe to mess something up.

As the weather gets warmer I will start adding in some running outside as treadmills don’t work for me as I get bored.


As for diet, again choose something that works for you. I’ve done KETO and it worked but I wanted more carbs as I love fruit. As @AgEngDawg can’t do carbs, I can’t do without, so find what works for you. Just make sure you are getting enough protein. I am between 170 to 200 per day.
One more thing. Take pictures. The program I’m on wants you to take assessments once a week and submit. At first it was a pain but I’m so glad I do it now. Each week I see changes and it helps to keep me motivated.!The scale does not tell the whole picture of what’s going on. Key measurements and pictures are much more valuable to long term success.
One more thing. Take pictures. The program I’m on wants you to take assessments once a week and submit. At first it was a pain but I’m so glad I do it now. Each week I see changes and it helps to keep me motivated.!The scale does not tell the whole picture of what’s going on. Key measurements and pictures are much more valuable to long term success.
To add to this, waist measurement would be the "one" if you are going to do measurements.

For reference:
I've went from 200 to 175 the last two years by doing three things (not drinking my calories, not eating big meals before bed, working out 3-4 times a week). It helps that my job gets me a lot of steps. I remember looking at my graduation pictures when I got my Master's and hated the fact that I looked like a fat ass.


I've went from 200 to 175 the last two years by doing three things (not drinking my calories, not eating big meals before bed, working out 3-4 times a week). It helps that my job gets me a lot of steps. I remember looking at my graduation pictures when I got my Master's and hated the fact that I looked like a fat ass.

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Hell yeah dude looking good.

I’ve got to cut out late meals. That’s the biggest killer for me
I did some shoulder press stuff, maybe 30 minutes. A little light headed, a little out of breath, but all good. I started mostly feeling better yesterday as reference
I think you're doing the right thing. Doing whatever training you can while being aware of how your body is responding to it.

Haven't had COVID but whenever I've been sick I just keep doing my thing. I am aware that I could be weaker due to my body fighting an infection so I don't care about the numbers for those few days.

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