Master vaccine passport thread

This is about as best I can find on such short notice in regards to ADE

What line of work? How easily can she be replaced in this job market? How easily could she find another job?
I would not send any emails explaining herself, just tell them all communication needs to go through a lawyer.
The 25% of people need to hire anattorney together. See if you have some type
Of insurance that will cover a lawyer

Director of Nursing. Very difficult to find someone as familiar with the organization. She has gotten every job she had applied for since 2004.

The issue is that she is questioning her career, organization, the whole damn medical field to be honest. Really a shit hit the fan moment.
Finest of all rebuttals, calling someone that disagrees with you a troll. I am simply trying to understand why the hesitancy and hatred for masks other than your feels. Either you have links to your verifiable facts that I can verify, or you dont and they arent verifiable. Sinking down to name calling kills your credibility.

Because masks are pointless and ineffective...


This Danish study?


This Danish study?



Sites like that are why we now call conspiracy theories spoiler alerts.

This Danish study?

Factcheck? Seriously?

Instead of letting yourself get manipulated by the likes of Factcheck, perhaps you should read the studies yourself.
This video seems relevant.

My one disagreement is his criticism of eugenics. Is God a eugenicist because He implements natural selection? I think planned eugenics is wrong because people aren't qualified to judge. But this vaccine reintroduces badly needed natural selection to humanity, and I support that.
Claims to be an independent thinker. Links a leftist propaganda site funded by Soros. Either a board member playing make believe like Steve Cook or truly a psychopath lefty in full display.

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