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Map: Which state your state least favors

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Where do you live?
In neither of those States. Just wondering, as most of the hated States are either next to, or closer to the one hating them than OH and SC are.

I can see the Dakotas hating each other, and Mississippi and Alabama, and Texas and Oklahoma. But S. Carolina and Ohio? What'd Ohio do to S. Carolina? You live there, right? Do you hate Ohio?


Jan 9, 2021
In neither of those States. Just wondering, as most of the hated States are either next to, or closer to the one hating them than OH and SC are.

I can see the Dakotas hating each other, and Mississippi and Alabama, and Texas and Oklahoma. But S. Carolina and Ohio? What'd Ohio do to S. Carolina? You live there, right? Do you hate Ohio?
Yes! Let me move to your house and tell you it sucks. Same as nc. I hate nc more.
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