LNC 6-5-21: round 2 pussies...


Question for the LNC, gonna buy a deep freezer. Family of 4 but want to have room for some homemade stuff as well. How much cubic feet? Things I am reading saying 1.5/person, but I am thinking more like 15 CF.

Yes I am high.
I’m smoking bowls, shoot in’ tequila, and pound in’ Panty peelers. Where you pussies at? The sun ain’t set tin’ and viking will be howlin’ at the midnight sun tonight. You lower 48ers need to come party inthe last frontier. SKOL!
I got too drunk last Friday and fell down the stairs at 1 am and woke up my wife. Big ass bruise on my leg. She was pissed all day Saturday. Sunday night I told her I would keep it chill, but then I fell again (stepping over the baby gate) and knocked over a lot of shit. My wife luckily blamed the dogs.

I am not keeping the whiskey downstairs so I dont get that inebriated. But I am drinking an Irish Whiskey called Writers Tears. It is pretty solid.
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