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Leaving Afghan Allies - Who to Blame?


God Fearing Patriot
Jan 9, 2021
The fate of Afghanis who helped us seems very grim at this point. Abandoning allies like this will make it very difficult for anyone to help the US in the future. The damage from this will last a very long time and have far reaching consequences. This is worse than what happened in Vietnam.

Who to blame? Well, Biden has been President for the last 8 months, so certainly he has a good part of the blame. Certainly all of the soon-to-be American hostages in Afghanistan are 100% his fault and responsibility. He could have evacuated them, and our Afghani allies, earlier in the year.

But what about Trump? After signing the agreement with the Taliban for our withdrawal from Afghanistan, why didn't the Trump administration start to get our Afghani allies out of Afghanistan? Our Afghani allies should have been removed along side the troops they worked with so that our own people could vouch for the allies. Most of the troop withdrawal occurred under Trump. I think Trump has much of the blame for this debacle.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
The fate of Afghanis who helped us seems very grim at this point. Abandoning allies like this will make it very difficult for anyone to help the US in the future. The damage from this will last a very long time and have far reaching consequences. This is worse than what happened in Vietnam.

Who to blame? Well, Biden has been President for the last 8 months, so certainly he has a good part of the blame. Certainly all of the soon-to-be American hostages in Afghanistan are 100% his fault and responsibility. He could have evacuated them, and our Afghani allies, earlier in the year.

But what about Trump? After signing the agreement with the Taliban for our withdrawal from Afghanistan, why didn't the Trump administration start to get our Afghani allies out of Afghanistan? Our Afghani allies should have been removed along side the troops they worked with so that our own people could vouch for the allies. Most of the troop withdrawal occurred under Trump. I think Trump has much of the blame for this debacle.
Well BDD didn't shut down the base prior to evacuation. Likewise, BDD, had the withdrawal date pegged for 5/31. Joe and his advisers were smart enough to move it back to 8/31. If they are smart enough to not hold to original date they are smart enough to not shut down a strategic base knowing it would be needed for evac. So I lay it squarely on Xiden administration. There is no way this wasn't known as a possibility. Failure to plan is a plan to fail


Jan 9, 2021
The fate of Afghanis who helped us seems very grim at this point. Abandoning allies like this will make it very difficult for anyone to help the US in the future. The damage from this will last a very long time and have far reaching consequences. This is worse than what happened in Vietnam.

Who to blame? Well, Biden has been President for the last 8 months, so certainly he has a good part of the blame. Certainly all of the soon-to-be American hostages in Afghanistan are 100% his fault and responsibility. He could have evacuated them, and our Afghani allies, earlier in the year.

But what about Trump? After signing the agreement with the Taliban for our withdrawal from Afghanistan, why didn't the Trump administration start to get our Afghani allies out of Afghanistan? Our Afghani allies should have been removed along side the troops they worked with so that our own people could vouch for the allies. Most of the troop withdrawal occurred under Trump. I think Trump has much of the blame for this debacle.

How about the Afghanis for not fighting for their country?


God Fearing Patriot
Jan 9, 2021
Well BDD didn't shut down the base prior to evacuation. Likewise, BDD, had the withdrawal date pegged for 5/31. Joe and his advisers were smart enough to move it back to 8/31. If they are smart enough to not hold to original date they are smart enough to not shut down a strategic base knowing it would be needed for evac. So I lay it squarely on Xiden administration. There is no way this wasn't known as a possibility. Failure to plan is a plan to fail
This is all valid criticism of Biden. My question is why didn't the evacuation of our Afghan allies begin as we started withdrawing our troops under Trump? These people shouldn't have been put off until the last minute, especially if you're trying to stick to the May withdrawal date.

How about the Afghanis for not fighting for their country?
Well, that's not in our control. Leading a horse to water, and such. That blame lies with the Afghanis themselves. I don't blame any of the US Presidents for their lack of will. We gave them everything they needed to succeed.


Jan 9, 2021
How about the Afghanis for not fighting for their country?

The Afghani's are the ones that should take most of the blame and should have been better allies. IOW, learn to fight for your freedom while taking trillions in aide from us and our allies. 20 years should have been ample time to build and train an army to defend freedom. Maybe they are okay with woman not having rights and not being able to have freedom of thought or expression.
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Dec 1, 2020

The Afghani's are the ones that should take most of the blame and should have been better allies. IOW, learn to fight for your freedom while taking trillions in aide from us and our allies. 20 years should have been ample time to build and train an army to defend freedom. Maybe they are okay with woman not having rights and nobody not being able to have freedom of thought or expression.
Freedom ain't free


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
The fate of Afghanis who helped us seems very grim at this point. Abandoning allies like this will make it very difficult for anyone to help the US in the future. The damage from this will last a very long time and have far reaching consequences. This is worse than what happened in Vietnam.

Who to blame? Well, Biden has been President for the last 8 months, so certainly he has a good part of the blame. Certainly all of the soon-to-be American hostages in Afghanistan are 100% his fault and responsibility. He could have evacuated them, and our Afghani allies, earlier in the year.

But what about Trump? After signing the agreement with the Taliban for our withdrawal from Afghanistan, why didn't the Trump administration start to get our Afghani allies out of Afghanistan? Our Afghani allies should have been removed along side the troops they worked with so that our own people could vouch for the allies. Most of the troop withdrawal occurred under Trump. I think Trump has much of the blame for this debacle.
I’m will to trade you for 1 of them.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Is Trump above any criticism from you? That sounds pathetic to me, but you do you.
Answer is simple:

The Trump admin didn’t need to evacuate the Afghan allies because they weren’t planning on or going to allow the Afghan government to crumble.

Remember that Trump’s plan was completely different then what we saw transpire with Puddin. Trump stressed repeatedly that he wouldn’t withdraw the troops if the Taliban did certain things and would even redeploy if need be.

Edit: Trump’s State Department had a plan in place for these folks anyways in case they needed evac and Blinken scrapped it.
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B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
Is Trump above any criticism from you? That sounds pathetic to me, but you do you.
Pathetic……you do realize you are part of the problema Biden excuse maker. He creates the problems and then people make excuses….see the border, Covid and anything else he touches.

He Biden was a senator when they choose to go into BOTH Afghan and Iraq. He created the messed up ecosystem. This is what 40-50 of a politician looks like….he has made so many messes BUT just moves on bc he knows the media and their window lickers will provide cover.

planning would have avoided this mess BUT these tards don’t care b/c there is always someone to blame…..Trump……

Trump has many faults BUT you like many continue to pick the wrong things.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Pathetic……you do realize you are part of the problema Biden excuse maker. He creates the problems and then people make excuses….see the border, Covid and anything else he touches.

He Biden was a senator when they choose to go into BOTH Afghan and Iraq. He created the messed up ecosystem. This is what 40-50 of a politician looks like….he has made so many messes BUT just moves on bc he knows the media and their window lickers will provide cover.

planning would have avoided this mess BUT these tards don’t care b/c there is always someone to blame…..Trump……

Trump has many faults BUT you like many continue to pick the wrong things.
He does have a tough time keeping a wife doesn’t he?


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
Answer is simple:

The Trump admin didn’t need to evacuate the Afghan allies because they weren’t planning on or going to allow the Afghan government to crumble.

Remember that Trump’s plan was completely different then what we saw transpire with Puddin. Trump stressed repeatedly that he wouldn’t withdraw the troops if the Taliban did certain things and would even redeploy if need be.

Edit: Trump’s State Department had a plan in place for these folks anyways in case they needed evac and Blinken scrapped it.
This has been known YET the Biden Defenders are acting as though Trump would have been screwed....and this isnt even discussing the fear of Trump the Taliban has had since the Soleimani deal.

See Biden follows a simple scripted playbook....which is easy to predict. Trump always had them on their toes b/c they could never predict (position he was coming from or what his real plan/goal was.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
This has been known YET the Biden Defenders are acting as though Trump would have been screwed....and this isnt even discussing the fear of Trump the Taliban has had since the Soleimani deal.

See Biden follows a simple scripted playbook....which is easy to predict. Trump always had them on their toes b/c they could never predict (position he was coming from or what his real plan/goal was.
The only thing they could count on with Trump was being bombed back to the Stone Age.


Dec 10, 2020
The fate of Afghanis who helped us seems very grim at this point. Abandoning allies like this will make it very difficult for anyone to help the US in the future. The damage from this will last a very long time and have far reaching consequences. This is worse than what happened in Vietnam.

Who to blame? Well, Biden has been President for the last 8 months, so certainly he has a good part of the blame. Certainly all of the soon-to-be American hostages in Afghanistan are 100% his fault and responsibility. He could have evacuated them, and our Afghani allies, earlier in the year.

But what about Trump? After signing the agreement with the Taliban for our withdrawal from Afghanistan, why didn't the Trump administration start to get our Afghani allies out of Afghanistan? Our Afghani allies should have been removed along side the troops they worked with so that our own people could vouch for the allies. Most of the troop withdrawal occurred under Trump. I think Trump has much of the blame for this debacle.
Because Trump had planned on leaving 800ish Americans behind for air support and special operations. Also mechanics to keep the Afghan planes and helo's flying. We didn't need 1000's there just enough to back up the afghans for a year or so. Trump also would have run ac130's at that taliban convoy heading toward Kabul when he negotiated no aggression.


Dec 10, 2020
The fate of Afghanis who helped us seems very grim at this point. Abandoning allies like this will make it very difficult for anyone to help the US in the future. The damage from this will last a very long time and have far reaching consequences. This is worse than what happened in Vietnam.

Who to blame? Well, Biden has been President for the last 8 months, so certainly he has a good part of the blame. Certainly all of the soon-to-be American hostages in Afghanistan are 100% his fault and responsibility. He could have evacuated them, and our Afghani allies, earlier in the year.

But what about Trump? After signing the agreement with the Taliban for our withdrawal from Afghanistan, why didn't the Trump administration start to get our Afghani allies out of Afghanistan? Our Afghani allies should have been removed along side the troops they worked with so that our own people could vouch for the allies. Most of the troop withdrawal occurred under Trump. I think Trump has much of the blame for this debacle.

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