I can’t remember if I was on interstate 10 or 20. Maybe it was neither thoroughfare. Instead, I could have been traveling on a “highway” South to North. Again, I’m not sure as I’ve tried to shut out the memory like when I was seven and walked in on my parents having relations.
All I know is that I was driving through Alabama and the signs on the interstate had cardboard over them. I don’t know if they were changing them or trying not to hurt the feelings of those who can’t read, but it was a spectacle I will never forget, much like when I was staying at a lady friend’s house over Christmas and heard her parents having relations. To this day, I cannot decide if I was more frightened or ashamed on that trip through Alabama.
In a way , I don’t feel bad that they have superior football. I think it’s the good Lord’s way to say he’s sorry ane is attempting to make up for everything else that is subpar.
It’s funny, they think A&M is bad and weird. Just wait till they have had a few years around UT. I’m so glad I went to Tech. We are not pretentious, nor stupidly gay in our traditions. We don’t think we’re better than anyone because we went to UT, or our stupid gay semi-retarded traditions put us in a league of our own. We’re only angels and people who have visited the Gloryhole at the Dixie chicken understand
Instead, we’re just happy to be with whoever and get along with all, and never try and stab people with our pretend swords, our get our baby shit, orange feelings, hurt when someone does our hand signal upside down. Hell, Oklahoma State has copied every tradition we have had except for having a handsome football coach, and we don’t care, there are much more important things in life to worry about Sanchez, making it out of Alabama.