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Jordan Peterson thread


Jan 8, 2021
The dude has been the largest intellectual anchor and grounding in the bulwark against the leftist lurch. He's essentially undefeated in debate.

I contend that his painstaking effort to disarm those that would misrepresent him (via taking ownership of himself and his choice of words), and his gift of being interesting and succinct to cover all bases or avenues of retreat or rebuff in opposing position along with the clarity of his own support, proliferation of his stuff is of paramount importance.

He really does get through to those who are persuadable.



Jan 12, 2021
Very bright guy- articulate and kind of densely packed writing.....on another note he narrates his own books on tape...... ultimately he appears to be setting a contrast that transcends or at least is outside our current political prism of left and right ...... maybe more worrisome overall


Jan 8, 2021
That’s not Jordan Peterson that is a black woman. Clean your room then shoot your self in the head
Better live within yourself if you're gonna use that avatar and handle.

What was the Jordan Peterson topic discussed and how was it framed in my intro?

I know, let's have a spelling contest. Here's the abbreviated version for you short-attention span having retards.



Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
He has a formidable intellect that he deftly wields in such a manner to cut to ribbons anyone who postulates political correctness, socialism, fascism and marxism. Not to mention people who say some extremely ignorant things. Too bad a Canadian citizen can't run for president. Please read his two books - "12 Rules for Life" and "Beyond Order - 12 More Rules for Life." I promise you will be greatly rewarded, and better fit to do battle with those that wish to destroy what we are fighting to protect.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Better live within yourself if you're gonna use that avatar and handle.

What was the Jordan Peterson topic discussed and how was it framed in my intro?

I know, let's have a spelling contest. Here's the abbreviated version for you short-attention span having retards.

I’d spend 20 minutes if it was actually Jordan. Not someone with a mental virus talking to the more boring of the two Weinstein brothers


Jan 8, 2021
I’d spend 20 minutes if it was actually Jordan. Not someone with a mental virus talking to the more boring of the two Weinstein brothers
Lol. Not a bad take.

Cliffs are that she used to be in/support BLM, but was exposed to Peterson on a panel. He "stood out" as someone that challenged her perspective. She listened to a lot of him over a weeks time and found that all that characteristics the left was assigning him were 100% wrong.

She likes both Peterson and Ta-Nehisi Coates, whoever that is. She went into some details about her perception being off and that at one time she would have been one of the people booing Peterson or Weinstein (at Evergreen. There's a documentary called No Safe Spaces that covers it and is an interesting watch).
"You're a chimpanzee full of bloody snakes! Or something approximating that."

Lmao that's part of his unique charisma, the ability to conjure creative, precise language and state it in a voice that you can't get out of your head due to pitch and cadence. I can 100% hear him saying that quote.


Dec 2, 2020
Lol. Not a bad take.

Cliffs are that she used to be in/support BLM, but was exposed to Peterson on a panel. He "stood out" as someone that challenged her perspective. She listened to a lot of him over a weeks time and found that all that characteristics the left was assigning him were 100% wrong.

She likes both Peterson and Ta-Nehisi Coates, whoever that is. She went into some details about her perception being off and that at one time she would have been one of the people booing Peterson or Weinstein (at Evergreen. There's a documentary called No Safe Spaces that covers it and is an interesting watch).

Lmao that's part of his unique charisma, the ability to conjure creative, precise language and state it in a voice that you can't get out of your head due to pitch and cadence. I can 100% hear him saying that quote.

The quote is great, because on its face it is catchy and kind of funny...but when you think about it, it it pretty thoughtful amd accurate.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Lol. Not a bad take.

Cliffs are that she used to be in/support BLM, but was exposed to Peterson on a panel. He "stood out" as someone that challenged her perspective. She listened to a lot of him over a weeks time and found that all that characteristics the left was assigning him were 100% wrong.

She likes both Peterson and Ta-Nehisi Coates, whoever that is. She went into some details about her perception being off and that at one time she would have been one of the people booing Peterson or Weinstein (at Evergreen. There's a documentary called No Safe Spaces that covers it and is an interesting watch)..
Pretty par for the course. Anyone who takes time to listen to him usually comes away fans and realizes the lefts tactics looked at logically are full retarded across the board


Jan 8, 2021
The quote is great, because on its face it is catchy and kind of funny...but when you think about it, it it pretty thoughtful amd accurate.
Man, 99.9999% of his words are spoken with laser-guided missile precision.

That's one of the many things I love about him.

Hey @JordanPetersHorn

Do you make it a habit to generally keep up with his new work/appearances as they come out? If so, how much is "he back" from his health episode? I ask, bc I watched the full 2 hours with him and Gad Saad from back in mid-February (that may have been recorded a little earlier). In that podcast he said he was 20% back.

And I'm not up to speed on the Red Skull stuff. Worth reading up on, or just another episode and now on to the next.


Jan 8, 2021
Referenced interview with Gad Saad. Peterson at "20% back" and a conversation about how critical race theory (and a number of lesser) leftist sociological "theories" are unsupported by outside disciplines (the sciences, economics, etc).



I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Man, 99.9999% of his words are spoken with laser-guided missile precision.

That's one of the many things I love about him.

Hey @JordanPetersHorn

Do you make it a habit to generally keep up with his new work/appearances as they come out? If so, how much is "he back" from his health episode? I ask, bc I watched the full 2 hours with him and Gad Saad from back in mid-February (that may have been recorded a little earlier). In that podcast he said he was 20% back.

And I'm not up to speed on the Red Skull stuff. Worth reading up on, or just another episode and now on to the next.
I don’t listen to his stuff all that much anymore. I did his full maps of meaning course and his personality courses on YouTube and once you read maps of meaning you pretty much have captured the totality of it all. Everything derived from there so it gets real repetitive to keep listening

He’s been sickly and depressed his whole life so as long as he’s breathing hes pretty much good to go also.

He got that piece of shit grifter Dave Rubin off his back. How that cocksucker got an interview with Thomas Sowell infuriates me


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Referenced interview with Gad Saad. Peterson at "20% back" and a conversation about how critical race theory (and a number of lesser) leftist sociological "theories" are unsupported by outside disciplines (the sciences, economics, etc).

2 hours?? Jesus guy give us a time stamp at least... coming from the guy who likes him the most


Dec 2, 2020
I don’t listen to his stuff all that much anymore. I did his full maps of meaning course and his personality courses on YouTube and once you read maps of meaning you pretty much have captured the totality of it all. Everything derived from there so it gets real repetitive to keep listening

He’s been sickly and depressed his whole life so as long as he’s breathing hes pretty much good to go also.

He got that piece of shit grifter Dave Rubin off his back. How that cocksucker got an interview with Thomas Sowell infuriates me

Can you go on about Dave Rubin? I don't know much about the dude, but like the few videos of his I've watched.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Can you go on about Dave Rubin? I don't know much about the dude, but like the few videos of his I've watched.
Basically he’s a dumb grifter and took advantage of Jordan Peterson’s fame blatantly. Not allowed on Joe Rogan anymore at one point he was making a point so ridiculous Joe accused him of being stoned. Joe then goes on to talk shit about him in multiple podcasts. Basically saying he just Figured out Jordan would be successful so he latched himself on to him like a tumor to give himself opening work for the show(substandard comedian).

If you notice, not many of the intellectual dark web guys bring him around anymore
Last edited:


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Better live within yourself if you're gonna use that avatar and handle.

What was the Jordan Peterson topic discussed and how was it framed in my intro?

I know, let's have a spelling contest. Here's the abbreviated version for you short-attention span having retards.

I like that you’re waxing poetic and asking rhetorical questions, really getting in to the Jordan Peterson Spirit lol

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
I don’t listen to his stuff all that much anymore. I did his full maps of meaning course and his personality courses on YouTube and once you read maps of meaning you pretty much have captured the totality of it all. Everything derived from there so it gets real repetitive to keep listening

He’s been sickly and depressed his whole life so as long as he’s breathing hes pretty much good to go also.

He got that piece of shit grifter Dave Rubin off his back. How that cocksucker got an interview with Thomas Sowell infuriates me
Which means he’s compromised.

Easy Mark just like Hunter Bidenz


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Which means he’s compromised.

Easy Mark just like Hunter Bidenz
Wouldn’t shock me. Keeping Dave Rubin around was a huge red flag as far as falling victim to manipulation.

He peaked with Maps of Meaning and has been kinda coasting since until this resurgence. 12 rules for life is more the formula now he just repackaged all his old stuff


Jan 8, 2021
Better live within yourself if you're gonna use that avatar and handle.

What was the Jordan Peterson topic discussed and how was it framed in my intro?

I know, let's have a spelling contest. Here's the abbreviated version for you short-attention span having retards.

As a personal friend I appreciate this. 😉
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