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Mar 20, 2021
I lived in Japan in the 1990s. My wife went back 10 years ago and said that things had decayed. I just visited Japan again with my wife. I think the "decay" is mostly superficial and in fact Japan is remarkably resilient against modern culture. Japan copies styles but remains Japanese underneath. So Japan copying modern western styles doesn't mean much. Japanese behavior is still distinctly Japanese. Japan remains a high-trust ethnocentric culture that resists modern values.

I can speculate on how they managed this. First, they are a high-tech culture with a distinct language. This means that the internet content that they consume is mostly their own. And this protects them from the worst source of cultural infection, namely modern culture on the internet. In addition, they have a collectivist culture which prevents individuals from going in new directions, so this helps to preserve their culture. And they have limited immigration.

I know of 3 groups that effectively resist modern culture: Japan, traditional Anabaptists, and Orthodox Jews. I think Japan and the Anabaptists have a lot in common in their strategies. The Anabaptists avoid internet infection by limiting internet use. The Anabaptists are also collectivist, and have limited immigration (into their groups). Orthodox Jews also limit internet use and have limited immigration, but they are not collectivist. Instead of collectivism, Jews view outsiders (goyim) as disgusting subhumans. This seems to work as effectively as collectivism in avoiding outside cultural influence.

Muslims fail to resist modern culture. They do not limit internet infection. They are not collectivist, and they do not feel disgust for modern culture. And they do not limit immigration into their groups. Muslims will continue to fail until they address these issues.

I don't know of any other groups that have any hope of resisting modern culture.

For individuals who can't tolerate modern culture, I suggest either moving to Japan or moving to an Anabaptist area.


May 20, 2024
I lived in Japan in the 1990s. My wife went back 10 years ago and said that things had decayed. I just visited Japan again with my wife. I think the "decay" is mostly superficial and in fact Japan is remarkably resilient against modern culture. Japan copies styles but remains Japanese underneath. So Japan copying modern western styles doesn't mean much. Japanese behavior is still distinctly Japanese. Japan remains a high-trust ethnocentric culture that resists modern values.

I can speculate on how they managed this. First, they are a high-tech culture with a distinct language. This means that the internet content that they consume is mostly their own. And this protects them from the worst source of cultural infection, namely modern culture on the internet. In addition, they have a collectivist culture which prevents individuals from going in new directions, so this helps to preserve their culture. And they have limited immigration.

I know of 3 groups that effectively resist modern culture: Japan, traditional Anabaptists, and Orthodox Jews. I think Japan and the Anabaptists have a lot in common in their strategies. The Anabaptists avoid internet infection by limiting internet use. The Anabaptists are also collectivist, and have limited immigration (into their groups). Orthodox Jews also limit internet use and have limited immigration, but they are not collectivist. Instead of collectivism, Jews view outsiders (goyim) as disgusting subhumans. This seems to work as effectively as collectivism in avoiding outside cultural influence.

Muslims fail to resist modern culture. They do not limit internet infection. They are not collectivist, and they do not feel disgust for modern culture. And they do not limit immigration into their groups. Muslims will continue to fail until they address these issues.

I don't know of any other groups that have any hope of resisting modern culture.

For individuals who can't tolerate modern culture, I suggest either moving to Japan or moving to an Anabaptist area.
Hey bro, I don't mean to cause alarm butt ever since passing the Arkian initiation test and thereby attaining Arkian status... I haven't seen any other Arkians around aye man. I mean, are we supposed to be meeting up somewhere for weekly ritual huis or other secretive Arkian shit or what? Butt still like, where tf everyone at? Are they hiding? Do we need to go get 'em. I know there is yourself here, of course, and...🤔ahh, yeah nah I think thats about it aye. You & me.


Mar 20, 2021
Hey bro, I don't mean to cause alarm butt ever since passing the Arkian initiation test and thereby attaining Arkian status... I haven't seen any other Arkians around aye man. I mean, are we supposed to be meeting up somewhere for weekly ritual huis or other secretive Arkian shit or what? Butt still like, where tf everyone at? Are they hiding? Do we need to go get 'em. I know there is yourself here, of course, and...🤔ahh, yeah nah I think thats about it aye. You & me.
I remember someone here passing the test but I can't find the posts about it. Do you have a link to where you passed the test?

There are a few of us Arkians, not many. You can find more info on my forum: http://www.mikraite.org/
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