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It’s over, boys. We did it.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
You think this was bad, wait until the Modelovirus hits us the summer before the midterms in 2022 and mail in voting is even more widespread and dems sweep everything.
Gotta make mail in voting illegal in as many states as possible before that.

GOP state legs are working at it but unfortunately not every swing state will be there by then.
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I’m just here so I won’t get fined.
Jan 9, 2021
@Jweast2486 posted this on the homeboard. Great post.

Until we accept it as the new flu, that will come around every year, unfortunately kill people (same thing the regular flu's have done for years) and we recommend the flu shot (vaccine) for those at risk, while for the vast majority of people it will be of little risk. Actually might be better if it replaces the regular flu since that seems to strike down everyone from infants, to teenagers, to healthy 20 and 30 somethings. If we know that it is the elderly and pre-conditioned individuals that are at risk than it will probably be a lot easier to protect against.

The fear pumped by the media was ridiculous, even before the vaccine the hospitals had developed protocols to treat those that had it severe enough to end up in a hospital bed, and for the most part they worked well. Thinking about the kids that have lost a year and a third of schooling, especially those in developmental ages, or the kindergartener who doesn't know what peoples faces look like without a piece of cloth or paper on it, its frustrating that we are coming up on 1 year of two weeks to slow spread.

I won't get into the small businesses destroyed while the big companies like Walmart and Amazon increased their values by the billions.


Jan 9, 2021
@Jweast2486 posted this on the homeboard. Great post.

Until we accept it as the new flu, that will come around every year, unfortunately kill people (same thing the regular flu's have done for years) and we recommend the flu shot (vaccine) for those at risk, while for the vast majority of people it will be of little risk. Actually might be better if it replaces the regular flu since that seems to strike down everyone from infants, to teenagers, to healthy 20 and 30 somethings. If we know that it is the elderly and pre-conditioned individuals that are at risk than it will probably be a lot easier to protect against.

The fear pumped by the media was ridiculous, even before the vaccine the hospitals had developed protocols to treat those that had it severe enough to end up in a hospital bed, and for the most part they worked well. Thinking about the kids that have lost a year and a third of schooling, especially those in developmental ages, or the kindergartener who doesn't know what peoples faces look like without a piece of cloth or paper on it, its frustrating that we are coming up on 1 year of two weeks to slow spread.

I won't get into the small businesses destroyed while the big companies like Walmart and Amazon increased their values by the billions.


Jan 8, 2021
We must thank our lawd and saveyore Joseph Biden for his grace, mercy and healing...ALL PRAISE !! I don't know what we would have done without his leadership and omnipotence.


Jan 9, 2021
You think this was bad, wait until the Modelovirus hits us the summer before the midterms in 2022 and mail in voting is even more widespread and dems sweep everything.
Yep unfortunately this will be the world we live in until the astroid hits.
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