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Is this a safe space to make fun of homoboard open letters?

Magnum GI

Jan 9, 2021
In a thread titled “Saban and his changing of the guard defense”

I really think people dont see that saban is in The Process of changing his defensive strategy. To me I believe his still working it out physically not mentally! It really showed alot of growth since 2018. Probably the most in the last 7 games. He had to reinvent his offense that's obvious. As everyone knows its alot harder to establish the defensive side of things. First u have to have the right personnel. Hes established that over the last several recruiting classes. Like any great piece of art it has to age my friends. What nick has done at lb since those 2 off seasons of 17 and 18. Is nothing short of phenomenol. This guy is gonna produce several butkus and nurguski award winners over next 5 or more yrs at this rate! Plus each yr gonna have first round lb each yr from here to the foreseeable future. I mean wow! Everytime someone thinks he lost his touch somewhere he proves he was jus baiting the doubters! Mark my words hes in the process of figuring out the def. That's why golding has been here so long. What better way to have a guy learn what u want. Than getting a young bright mind. He had to have the offense first tho, dont u think? Saban's defenses will start to get as good as b4 even tho he claims u cant with t9days offenses. Ik for a fact no way he can admit that to himself and except it as truth, unless its temporary! People thought there was no way to stop the wish bone, yet here we r!

Comment below if u think I'm on the the right trail! Jus food for thought and something I firmly believe that will surface in the future!

Signed: Joseph Stewart 1-13-2021



Jan 8, 2021
I remember when I was 8 and wrote Dean Smith a letter about who he should start. This is the 2020 version of that, but I'm not sure that the HB OP is 8 years old.


Jan 9, 2021
Nothing beats an eternal optimist post on Pantherlair about Pitt. These dumb fuckers think we’re going to win 10 -11 games at the beginning of every season and post long ass threads laying it all out, only to go 6-6 and play in the fucking BBVA compass bowl. Then they shout down the people who want the coaches shit canned because ... wait for it ... “trust the process” and “stability is better than blowing it up”.

Bunch of faggots. Anyone need new fans? I think I’m a free agent after this rant.


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021
Hate the home board for this reason, will lurk over there during the season of around NSD but thats about it.

Also why is it so hard for poeple to break up their fucking posts in 2-3 lines at a time so it is easier to read.
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