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Indirect Satire


May 24, 2024

Quote: "For the past two and a half years, Kateryna Bairachna has wanted to meet someone special. But war always gets in the way"

Well, honey, there were almost certainly once men throughout the land who wouldn't have been averse to giving you a whirl. Alas, being compelled to go toe to toe with The Russian Army(In a fight Ukraine is almost certainly going to lose), then getting their skulls blasted open with tank shells while doing so, has made it impossible for these fellas to oblige you

Girl is wise to exploit the fact that she's exempt from the draft, by leaving Ukraine, and relocating one of the million+ nations that aren't in the midst of being invaded by a bloodthirsty abomination like Putin


May 7, 2024
Satire and indirect / implied meanings are fully foreign concepts to aspies.

I've tried to learn them, but the robot brain can't.
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