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I'm SICK of Biden


Sep 22, 2023
As we inch closer to the debate between Biden and Trump, I'm hoping that the old phart known as Angry Joe gets put on his ass. That way he can wallow in his own excrement.

How any country can vote to give Biden two shots at destroying America is mind boggling. When it's not his economic policies, it's his obsession with abortion and gun control. Biden has never met a White man he didn't hate. He hobnobs with self proclaimed progressives, Democratic Socialists and even Communists. What a freaking traitor the POS is!

Biden screws around for over three years, doing nothing about immigration and then jumping in just before the elections to try and implement Trump's agenda, hoping to out Trump Trump. Is that old phart delusional or plain stupid? The only thing that amazes me is that isn't a race between Trump and RFK. I do have to acknowledge one thing about Biden: He is the only United States Senator that could run as a Democrat after having worked to pass legislation in which a former member of the "racist" Dixiecrat Party was a co-signer to.

It defies logic that a nation with so many people that have attended / graduated from some of the world's finest colleges and universities seriously consider a senile hack like Joe Biden to have access to the nuclear button that could decide the fate of the world. And even a basic knowledge of accounting should tell you that Biden's economic policies suck the big suck. For over a month now the prices at the grocery stores here have gone up every week. The people that could get a job and help their country are having their student loans forgiven. I wish someone would loan me money and then just forgive the repayment of same for no apparent reason. There is no reason that a person with a college background should not be working a job.

I'm tired of Joe Biden and his attempts to weaponize his office and that of regulatory agencies in order to circumvent our Rights. I'm hoping that, after tonight, I don't have to worry that there is any danger that Biden gets reelected. If you haven't registered to vote, DO IT. You cannot afford four more years of Biden. And if he croaks or taps out, you damn sure can't survive that ugly hag, Harris. Okay, rant off. Flame away.


Dec 9, 2020
As we inch closer to the debate between Biden and Trump, I'm hoping that the old phart known as Angry Joe gets put on his ass. That way he can wallow in his own excrement.

How any country can vote to give Biden two shots at destroying America is mind boggling. When it's not his economic policies, it's his obsession with abortion and gun control. Biden has never met a White man he didn't hate. He hobnobs with self proclaimed progressives, Democratic Socialists and even Communists. What a freaking traitor the POS is!

Biden screws around for over three years, doing nothing about immigration and then jumping in just before the elections to try and implement Trump's agenda, hoping to out Trump Trump. Is that old phart delusional or plain stupid? The only thing that amazes me is that isn't a race between Trump and RFK. I do have to acknowledge one thing about Biden: He is the only United States Senator that could run as a Democrat after having worked to pass legislation in which a former member of the "racist" Dixiecrat Party was a co-signer to.

It defies logic that a nation with so many people that have attended / graduated from some of the world's finest colleges and universities seriously consider a senile hack like Joe Biden to have access to the nuclear button that could decide the fate of the world. And even a basic knowledge of accounting should tell you that Biden's economic policies suck the big suck. For over a month now the prices at the grocery stores here have gone up every week. The people that could get a job and help their country are having their student loans forgiven. I wish someone would loan me money and then just forgive the repayment of same for no apparent reason. There is no reason that a person with a college background should not be working a job.

I'm tired of Joe Biden and his attempts to weaponize his office and that of regulatory agencies in order to circumvent our Rights. I'm hoping that, after tonight, I don't have to worry that there is any danger that Biden gets reelected. If you haven't registered to vote, DO IT. You cannot afford four more years of Biden. And if he croaks or taps out, you damn sure can't survive that ugly hag, Harris. Okay, rant off. Flame away.
You ought to be sick that the guy is a pedophile


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
As we inch closer to the debate between Biden and Trump, I'm hoping that the old phart known as Angry Joe gets put on his ass. That way he can wallow in his own excrement.

How any country can vote to give Biden two shots at destroying America is mind boggling. When it's not his economic policies, it's his obsession with abortion and gun control. Biden has never met a White man he didn't hate. He hobnobs with self proclaimed progressives, Democratic Socialists and even Communists. What a freaking traitor the POS is!

Biden screws around for over three years, doing nothing about immigration and then jumping in just before the elections to try and implement Trump's agenda, hoping to out Trump Trump. Is that old phart delusional or plain stupid? The only thing that amazes me is that isn't a race between Trump and RFK. I do have to acknowledge one thing about Biden: He is the only United States Senator that could run as a Democrat after having worked to pass legislation in which a former member of the "racist" Dixiecrat Party was a co-signer to.

It defies logic that a nation with so many people that have attended / graduated from some of the world's finest colleges and universities seriously consider a senile hack like Joe Biden to have access to the nuclear button that could decide the fate of the world. And even a basic knowledge of accounting should tell you that Biden's economic policies suck the big suck. For over a month now the prices at the grocery stores here have gone up every week. The people that could get a job and help their country are having their student loans forgiven. I wish someone would loan me money and then just forgive the repayment of same for no apparent reason. There is no reason that a person with a college background should not be working a job.

I'm tired of Joe Biden and his attempts to weaponize his office and that of regulatory agencies in order to circumvent our Rights. I'm hoping that, after tonight, I don't have to worry that there is any danger that Biden gets reelected. If you haven't registered to vote, DO IT. You cannot afford four more years of Biden. And if he croaks or taps out, you damn sure can't survive that ugly hag, Harris. Okay, rant off. Flame away.
Of course you are now. We very been telling your squatty ass fucking self for months. How about quit pulling against the chain or we will send you to Alabama.
Anything but yes is a demerit. If you get more than one demerit then it becomes merits. As in more than one sMarty pants

I cant post any files i wan' t here..
There is so much going on here.



Sep 22, 2023
Of course you are now. We very been telling your squatty ass fucking self for months. How about quit pulling against the chain or we will send you to Alabama.
Anything but yes is a demerit. If you get more than one demerit then it becomes merits. As in more than one sMarty pants

I cant post any files i wan' t here..
There is so much going on here.

View attachment 218617
You've got the equation wrong. Not a swinging dick has ever had to tell me about Joe Biden. He's been a politician all my life. And he's been a Democrat. I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read: Democrats Have Never Met a Communist They Didn't Like.

Where I've parted company is with people blindly supporting the former (sic) Democrat and self proclaimed progressive, Donald Trump. Just because I don't have Trump Worship Syndrome does not make me a damn Democrat. I don't identify as being Democrat, Republican nor even Libertarian at this poin:

Note that I posted that more than a year ago. And FWIW, I've forgotten more about this shit than you're capable of learning because you parrot political lies and when it don't pan out for you, it's back to that standard canard of calling people names. That is pure projection on your part and illustrates the fact that deep inside you realize you don't know as much about what is going on as you think you do.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
You've got the equation wrong. Not a swinging dick has ever had to tell me about Joe Biden. He's been a politician all my life. And he's been a Democrat. I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read: Democrats Have Never Met a Communist They Didn't Like.

Where I've parted company is with people blindly supporting the former (sic) Democrat and self proclaimed progressive, Donald Trump. Just because I don't have Trump Worship Syndrome does not make me a damn Democrat. I don't identify as being Democrat, Republican nor even Libertarian at this poin:

Note that I posted that more than a year ago. And FWIW, I've forgotten more about this shit than you're capable of learning because you guy into political lies and when it don't pan out for you, it's back to that standard canard of calling people names. That is pure projection on your part and illustrates the fact that deep inside you know realize you don't know as much about what is going on as you think you do.
You have the gene for pickle sell. (Not to be confused w sickle cell) you cum gargler


Sep 22, 2023
You have the gene for pickle sell. (Not to be confused w sickle cell) you cum gargler
There is that childish bullshit. The country is royally fucked and you want to start some gay shit that is mere projection on your part. Have you ever gone a day without thinking about sucking some nasty dude's dick? Does your whole life revolve around that?

Wives, girlfriends, mothers and daughters avoid these boards because dumb shits like you make them a haven for perverts. That is the only kind of person you welcome. Then you bitch about Biden when he gets the votes of people you can't stand: females. What in the Hell went wrong with you? What road did you go down that homosexuality is the only topic that you enjoy?


May 24, 2024
As we inch closer to the debate between Biden and Trump, I'm hoping that the old phart known as Angry Joe gets put on his ass. That way he can wallow in his own excrement.

How any country can vote to give Biden two shots at destroying America is mind boggling. When it's not his economic policies, it's his obsession with abortion and gun control. Biden has never met a White man he didn't hate. He hobnobs with self proclaimed progressives, Democratic Socialists and even Communists. What a freaking traitor the POS is!

Biden screws around for over three years, doing nothing about immigration and then jumping in just before the elections to try and implement Trump's agenda, hoping to out Trump Trump. Is that old phart delusional or plain stupid? The only thing that amazes me is that isn't a race between Trump and RFK. I do have to acknowledge one thing about Biden: He is the only United States Senator that could run as a Democrat after having worked to pass legislation in which a former member of the "racist" Dixiecrat Party was a co-signer to.

It defies logic that a nation with so many people that have attended / graduated from some of the world's finest colleges and universities seriously consider a senile hack like Joe Biden to have access to the nuclear button that could decide the fate of the world. And even a basic knowledge of accounting should tell you that Biden's economic policies suck the big suck. For over a month now the prices at the grocery stores here have gone up every week. The people that could get a job and help their country are having their student loans forgiven. I wish someone would loan me money and then just forgive the repayment of same for no apparent reason. There is no reason that a person with a college background should not be working a job.

I'm tired of Joe Biden and his attempts to weaponize his office and that of regulatory agencies in order to circumvent our Rights. I'm hoping that, after tonight, I don't have to worry that there is any danger that Biden gets reelected. If you haven't registered to vote, DO IT. You cannot afford four more years of Biden. And if he croaks or taps out, you damn sure can't survive that ugly hag, Harris. Okay, rant off. Flame away.

He'll be dead before the election actually occurs. Rejoice

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