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Im not a Racist. Youre a Racist


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
What if a South American identifies as an African? If he is a she are they welcome on the Southside?
I bet the Cans are cutting in to the Pastors and reverends payoff from the drug markets. Just thinking logically. I mean no ill will towards any of our community
@Sloppy Mexican


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Americans should be pissed at what is going on in regards to illegal immigration. i personally like seeing legal citizens speaking out against this. It is about time
I concur. But disingenuous Pastors that condemned a Republican now say wait this shit is here and it is not right. Where were they the past 3o fucking years.
The irony is strong. Brb I gotta shit post. Can't drink again til Tuesday.


Jan 9, 2021
Notice he doesn't say it's bad for all Americans but only the black community. My guess is he had no problems with 2020 or 2022.
This country needs every single community of legal citizens to speak out against what is going on. Sure this guy is not the guy I would say is in it for all Americans but at least he is making the community he supports more aware of what is actually going on. I am also guessing that the black community is not going to take to heart the same message if I were to deliver it. (I am very white) You know what I am saying? Is this a perfect situation? Nope. Does it help a bit? Possibly. I won't pretend that I am correct here, but I believe what I am saying has something to it. JMO


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
It's always about their community, and we must obey their community's wishes

Around me not like there are black dudes and chicks off the plantation that LBJ set up. Mexicans are conservative. When they go catholic 2 genders it all blows up. Unless they sexualize it that far
Fuck I said too much


Jan 8, 2021
Where I live is about 65% "minority". We had an election last weekend. As always, when I got out of my car I was "attacked" by the candidates and their supporters wanting me to vote for them. I talked to two city council people up for reelection. I told them my hot button issue was all the speeders, red light runners, stop sign runners, etc. driving all over our town. (I know it happens everywhere.) I asked if the police ever stopped anyone and ticketed them as I haven't seen anyone pulled over on any road, yet, the offenders I saw daily.

I was told the city has a bunch of new trainees in the police academy - hopefully many Tackleberry's. I asked for dedicated traffic police officers. I was told that the police used to give out tickets but the city got too many complaints from the ticketed who felt they were being signaled out! Apparently, the police backed off giving traffic citations after those complaints.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
This country needs every single community of legal citizens to speak out against what is going on. Sure this guy is not the guy I would say is in it for all Americans but at least he is making the community he supports more aware of what is actually going on. I am also guessing that the black community is not going to take to heart the same message if I were to deliver it. (I am very white) You know what I am saying? Is this a perfect situation? Nope. Does it help a bit? Possibly. I won't pretend that I am correct here, but I believe what I am saying has something to it. JMO
I don't whistle Dixie but I got it in me.
I'll shoot any cracka I see whether I can see them or not.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Where I live is about 65% "minority". We had an election last weekend. As always, when I got out of my car I was "attacked" by the candidates and their supporters wanting me to vote for them. I talked to two city council people up for reelection. I told them my hot button issue was all the speeders, red light runners, stop sign runners, etc. driving all over our town. (I know it happens everywhere.) I asked if the police ever stopped anyone and ticketed them as I haven't seen anyone pulled over on any road, yet, the offenders I saw daily.

I was told the city has a bunch of new trainees in the police academy - hopefully many Tackleberry's. I asked for dedicated traffic police officers. I was told that the police used to give out tickets but the city got too many complaints from the ticketed who felt they were being signaled out! Apparently, the police backed off giving traffic citations after those complaints.
Stay in top of that. The best stories are long and drawn out.
I meant that as being nice. I'm trying to be funny. I'm not always funny. Sometimes I drink. Then I'm funnier


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
they have nice sex organs and muscles. we should all be so lucky.


Jan 8, 2021
Americans should be pissed at what is going on in regards to illegal immigration. i personally like seeing legal citizens speaking out against this. It is about time

I agree. This is why sending the illegals to places that support the policy needed to happen. Welcome to what has been being forced on border states by the idiots they vote for almost unanimously.


Jan 10, 2021
Just curious, why did you tag me in this post?
A. Because he's likely drunk
B. He donated a bunch of $$$ to start this up and he can
C. He needs lawn work

Straight truth, Mexican folk's have more pride and are harder working than most fat lazy Americans. Plus, they love God.

@Rebarcock. @Croot_Overlord
Last edited:
Feb 9, 2023
I say we give them (all blacks including those with just a tiny percentage of black) reparations in the form of a plane ticket for a one way and some rations to Africa just as honest Abe attempted to do over 150 years ago. This is the most ethical, reasonable, logical, and financially wise decision we can make. Since they deem the US to be so terrible, racist, sexist, cops are black killers just looking for random black kids trying to purchase some skittles, then they should love to go back to the home land. This time around there will be no aid, no money, no physical help, no resources, no building, no farming, no nothing. They get to live in peace in an ethnostate as they desire.

This means no electricity, no plumbing, no grocery stores, no homes, no farming, no advanced technology, no transportation, no communications etc etc etc.

They will go back to mud and straw huts, spear chucking and gathering for food, using basic fires for energy and cooking, fetching water out of shit infested rivers, witchdoctors and voodoo for their medicine, and they don't even get the wheel. They're not allowed to cultural appropriate our inventions and our society so back to the dust whence they came living like savages in the Marshes just where Yahweh wanted them.

These savages will come crawling back to the white man on their knees begging for us to take them back. They do not realize they're the most privileged minority class in the history of the earth but they whine and bitch like they're owed more and more every day. These ingrates and their absolute arrogance and ignorance is a true display of their low IQ as a race is abhorrent. People make excuses for their low IQ's saying it's environment it's wealth, etc. They have a 70 IQ in Sub-Saharan Africa which is 2 standard deviations lower than the average white and considered to be clinically mentally retarded and an 85 IQ for black African Americans. However, majority are mixed and if you take away the one's with white genes it dips to an 80 IQ. Yes environment does have an effect but in their natural state with their own people their environment is their own fault. Even when given the same environment as whites and even if taken into a white wealth home they will still have a lower IQ than all other races.

Not only that their crime rates, rape, murder, etc is higher than ever race as well. Hell, even their women have higher conviction rates than most races males do that's insane.

The combination of an extremely low IQ, high testosterone, and a degenerate culture=high rates of crimes, murders, rapes, etc. In the end the Jews and their ships brought these savages here to our lands, gave them more freedoms and privileges than the so called white man over time and to this day they're complaining more than any other race.

Now, within our Jewish run society speaking the truth about the so called blacks low IQ, high crime rates, and disgusting degenerate culture would be considered racist. You would lose your job, and potentially your life. What's even worse, they're attempting to steal the white man's identity and other people's history in numerous ways in stating they were the true Israelites, Egyptians, Moors, the aboriginals of America, created the Masons, civilized Europe, etc. Their delusions of grandeur know no bounds.

Now is this saying that all of them are criminals or have an IQ of a retard? No, these are simply averages based off decades of statistics.
Mar 8, 2023
I say we give them (all blacks including those with just a tiny percentage of black) reparations in the form of a plane ticket for a one way and some rations to Africa just as honest Abe attempted to do over 150 years ago. This is the most ethical, reasonable, logical, and financially wise decision we can make. Since they deem the US to be so terrible, racist, sexist, cops are black killers just looking for random black kids trying to purchase some skittles, then they should love to go back to the home land. This time around there will be no aid, no money, no physical help, no resources, no building, no farming, no nothing. They get to live in peace in an ethnostate as they desire.

This means no electricity, no plumbing, no grocery stores, no homes, no farming, no advanced technology, no transportation, no communications etc etc etc.

They will go back to mud and straw huts, spear chucking and gathering for food, using basic fires for energy and cooking, fetching water out of shit infested rivers, witchdoctors and voodoo for their medicine, and they don't even get the wheel. They're not allowed to cultural appropriate our inventions and our society so back to the dust whence they came living like savages in the Marshes just where Yahweh wanted them.

These savages will come crawling back to the white man on their knees begging for us to take them back. They do not realize they're the most privileged minority class in the history of the earth but they whine and bitch like they're owed more and more every day. These ingrates and their absolute arrogance and ignorance is a true display of their low IQ as a race is abhorrent. People make excuses for their low IQ's saying it's environment it's wealth, etc. They have a 70 IQ in Sub-Saharan Africa which is 2 standard deviations lower than the average white and considered to be clinically mentally retarded and an 85 IQ for black African Americans. However, majority are mixed and if you take away the one's with white genes it dips to an 80 IQ. Yes environment does have an effect but in their natural state with their own people their environment is their own fault. Even when given the same environment as whites and even if taken into a white wealth home they will still have a lower IQ than all other races.

Not only that their crime rates, rape, murder, etc is higher than ever race as well. Hell, even their women have higher conviction rates than most races males do that's insane.

The combination of an extremely low IQ, high testosterone, and a degenerate culture=high rates of crimes, murders, rapes, etc. In the end the Jews and their ships brought these savages here to our lands, gave them more freedoms and privileges than the so called white man over time and to this day they're complaining more than any other race.

Now, within our Jewish run society speaking the truth about the so called blacks low IQ, high crime rates, and disgusting degenerate culture would be considered racist. You would lose your job, and potentially your life. What's even worse, they're attempting to steal the white man's identity and other people's history in numerous ways in stating they were the true Israelites, Egyptians, Moors, the aboriginals of America, created the Masons, civilized Europe, etc. Their delusions of grandeur know no bounds.

Now is this saying that all of them are criminals or have an IQ of a retard? No, these are simply averages based off decades of statistics.
You and @TopHook would make great friends. He’s openly racist.
Feb 9, 2023
You and @TopHook would make great friends. He’s openly racist.
View attachment 181558

This isn't a rebuttal this is an ignorant idea that facts and statistics are racist due to one's own ignorance and ideology.

Good for him. Racism is the belief that another race should dominate over another. Overall a made up term but we can play those games. Yes the definition has been changed many times especially recently to make it appear only white people can be racist. Do you want to guess who is changing the definition of this term over time? I select friends based on their morals, ethics, beliefs, actions, etc and not their race. Now when it comes to how Nations/civilizations should be created and maintained for the long term that's a different story for reasons you seem to not know but you will very soon.

I don't believe any race should dominate or enslave or afflict any other race. However, each race should have a right to their own ethnostate. The white Nations are all being forced to go through a soft genocide by the so called Jews aka Edomites forcing these white nations to accept so called POC's into their lands as an invasion. If you know history you will know most Nations, civilizations and empires especially the white one's crumble eventually due to multiculturalism. A house divided will not stand. Without one race, one culture, one knowledge of the true creator, then the people are easily divided by parasitism (Edomites due to their differences).

In the end taking people out of their lands, forcing them to attempt to blend into the society of another different group of people is immoral as is forcing the majority group of people to accept other people's from other land's into their nation and to have their total population go from 49% of the earth to 7% as a soft genocide. Forcing the Nations majority to become a minority in their own lands, and to now become oppressed and afflicted by everyone else is immoral, unethical, unjust and vastly worse than the so called racism term.

If you believe any group of people should be forced to accept people from different land's/race and not allow any race to have their own ethnostate as they desire then you're a terrible, evil and unethical person. This idea of multiculturalism is bad for every race but most obviously it's being forced on all white Nations and not forced on other Nations and or not nearly close to the degree of white Nations. Stats, facts and logic are not racist and a person who insinuates they are racist then they're either evil, ignorant or simply brainwashed and have little understanding of history and reality.

Now a response to this from most ignorant, evil, or brainwashed people will go on to continue with either adnominal attacks to attack one's character and not discuss the facts, stats and or logic and or attempt to find anything to justify their ideology. They will have nothing to substantiate their claims outside of Edomite published articles not based on science, statistics, or anything in the real world and this would be their best attempt. These basic articles will be easily refuted and eventually the person will give up and call the other person names again because they lack the intellectual capacity to accept reality for what it is instead of the reality that's presented to them by mainly the Edomites and their servants.

How do I know this? Because I've debated this topic hundreds of times with people who are low information or brainwashed people. I know that no matter how much logic, reason, stats, facts, etc I use they will never accept it. Therefore, it's no longer worthy of my time to discuss this matter. I can provide you with all the books and statistics but debating is a waste of my time. I can lead a horse to water but I can't make him drink.

Mar 8, 2023
This isn't a rebuttal this is an ignorant idea that facts and statistics are racist due to one's own ignorance and ideology.

Good for him. Racism is the belief that another race should dominate over another. Overall a made up term but we can play those games. Yes the definition has been changed many times especially recently to make it appear only white people can be racist. Do you want to guess who is changing the definition of this term over time? I select friends based on their morals, ethics, beliefs, actions, etc and not their race. Now when it comes to how Nations/civilizations should be created and maintained for the long term that's a different story for reasons you seem to not know but you will very soon.

I don't believe any race should dominate or enslave or afflict any other race. However, each race should have a right to their own ethnostate. The white Nations are all being forced to go through a soft genocide by the so called Jews aka Edomites forcing these white nations to accept so called POC's into their lands as an invasion. If you know history you will know most Nations, civilizations and empires especially the white one's crumble eventually due to multiculturalism. A house divided will not stand. Without one race, one culture, one knowledge of the true creator, then the people are easily divided by parasitism (Edomites due to their differences).

In the end taking people out of their lands, forcing them to attempt to blend into the society of another different group of people is immoral as is forcing the majority group of people to accept other people's from other land's into their nation and to have their total population go from 49% of the earth to 7% as a soft genocide. Forcing the Nations majority to become a minority in their own lands, and to now become oppressed and afflicted by everyone else is immoral, unethical, unjust and vastly worse than the so called racism term.

If you believe any group of people should be forced to accept people from different land's/race and not allow any race to have their own ethnostate as they desire then you're a terrible, evil and unethical person. This idea of multiculturalism is bad for every race but most obviously it's being forced on all white Nations and not forced on other Nations and or not nearly close to the degree of white Nations. Stats, facts and logic are not racist and a person who insinuates they are racist then they're either evil, ignorant or simply brainwashed and have little understanding of history and reality.

Now a response to this from most ignorant, evil, or brainwashed people will go on to continue with either adnominal attacks to attack one's character and not discuss the facts, stats and or logic and or attempt to find anything to justify their ideology. They will have nothing to substantiate their claims outside of Edomite published articles not based on science, statistics, or anything in the real world and this would be their best attempt. These basic articles will be easily refuted and eventually the person will give up and call the other person names again because they lack the intellectual capacity to accept reality for what it is instead of the reality that's presented to them by mainly the Edomites and their servants.

How do I know this? Because I've debated this topic hundreds of times with people who are low information or brainwashed people. I know that no matter how much logic, reason, stats, facts, etc I use they will never accept it. Therefore, it's no longer worthy of my time to discuss this matter. I can provide you with all the books and statistics but debating is a waste of my time. I can lead a horse to water but I can't make him drink.



Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I say we give them (all blacks including those with just a tiny percentage of black) reparations in the form of a plane ticket for a one way and some rations to Africa just as honest Abe attempted to do over 150 years ago. This is the most ethical, reasonable, logical, and financially wise decision we can make. Since they deem the US to be so terrible, racist, sexist, cops are black killers just looking for random black kids trying to purchase some skittles, then they should love to go back to the home land. This time around there will be no aid, no money, no physical help, no resources, no building, no farming, no nothing. They get to live in peace in an ethnostate as they desire.

This means no electricity, no plumbing, no grocery stores, no homes, no farming, no advanced technology, no transportation, no communications etc etc etc.

They will go back to mud and straw huts, spear chucking and gathering for food, using basic fires for energy and cooking, fetching water out of shit infested rivers, witchdoctors and voodoo for their medicine, and they don't even get the wheel. They're not allowed to cultural appropriate our inventions and our society so back to the dust whence they came living like savages in the Marshes just where Yahweh wanted them.

These savages will come crawling back to the white man on their knees begging for us to take them back. They do not realize they're the most privileged minority class in the history of the earth but they whine and bitch like they're owed more and more every day. These ingrates and their absolute arrogance and ignorance is a true display of their low IQ as a race is abhorrent. People make excuses for their low IQ's saying it's environment it's wealth, etc. They have a 70 IQ in Sub-Saharan Africa which is 2 standard deviations lower than the average white and considered to be clinically mentally retarded and an 85 IQ for black African Americans. However, majority are mixed and if you take away the one's with white genes it dips to an 80 IQ. Yes environment does have an effect but in their natural state with their own people their environment is their own fault. Even when given the same environment as whites and even if taken into a white wealth home they will still have a lower IQ than all other races.

Not only that their crime rates, rape, murder, etc is higher than ever race as well. Hell, even their women have higher conviction rates than most races males do that's insane.

The combination of an extremely low IQ, high testosterone, and a degenerate culture=high rates of crimes, murders, rapes, etc. In the end the Jews and their ships brought these savages here to our lands, gave them more freedoms and privileges than the so called white man over time and to this day they're complaining more than any other race.

Now, within our Jewish run society speaking the truth about the so called blacks low IQ, high crime rates, and disgusting degenerate culture would be considered racist. You would lose your job, and potentially your life. What's even worse, they're attempting to steal the white man's identity and other people's history in numerous ways in stating they were the true Israelites, Egyptians, Moors, the aboriginals of America, created the Masons, civilized Europe, etc. Their delusions of grandeur know no bounds.

Now is this saying that all of them are criminals or have an IQ of a retard? No, these are simply averages based off decades of statistics.
Who is gonna read all that Professor?


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I don't know and don't care at this point.

Does he look 12? He has eight kids. 2 sets of quadruplets last thursday
Feb 9, 2023

Does he look 12? He has eight kids. 2 sets of quadruplets last thursday
I had a dude in 7th grade with a full beard on day 1. Everyone kept asking him if he was an undercover cop.
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