If you had to choose 1 amendment to get rid of, which would it be?


The 27th. I would alter it. Congressional members should never receive pay raises that they vote to give themselves. regardless of when an election is. Let the American people vote if they should get a raise or not.
Point of order here. Congress has made it so they get their pay raises automatically annually unless they vote against it. They have voted to not raise their pay a couple of times but not often.
Under no circumstances should congress be getting automatic pay raises. There isn't a legit reason why that should ever happen.
I agree but that's what they have done. Sort of like voting to stop insider trading but they still do it as we see often.
AMENDMENT XXV. If a president dies, we should have the president be determined by the candidate with the second most presidential votes assume the office after 7 days. Would split up the political parties and allow the most qualified individual to both win the election, with the second most qualified individual ready to assume the position upon death after a brief transition period.
Get rid of the one that allows women out of their cages for anything but dick sucking, sex, or cooking. Or butthole licking.
Great line from the end of one of my favorite movies as a kid (Judge Roy Bean): "Teddy Roosevelt was the finest President we ever saw. Then they gave women the right to vote and everything went to hell."
I'd love to see this repealed, and also make the president selected the same way. That's the best campaign finance reform that could possibly be done.
So I'm just catching up to processing this in my head. What would be the full implications of repeal - more power to the states obviously - but what are the specifics?
So I'm just catching up to processing this in my head. What would be the full implications of repeal - more power to the states obviously - but what are the specifics?
It would go back to the individual states deciding how to select their senators. IMO the long-term effect is a federal government that is less driven by bribing the voters for pork.
It would go back to the individual states deciding how to select their senators. IMO the long-term effect is a federal government that is less driven by bribing the voters for pork.

I also think it makes Senators more accountable to their constituencies. The way it is now, it is almost like a Presidential election, in that it is so big that it is mostly driven by corporate media and big money. The smaller the constituency, the more accountable you are to the voters. Your state legislators are pretty accountable to you and your community. If they piss you off, it much easier to vote them out than a bigger office...if your Senator was elected by these relatively accountable politicians, I think that Senator would be much more accountable to you as well. At least compared to today, where they are all pretty much owned by the various big lobbies- defense, pharma, big tech, etc.

Ben Sasse wrote an op-ed on it, but I don't have a wsj subscription to read it. Here is an article about it though-

I'd love to see this repealed, and also make the president selected the same way. That's the best campaign finance reform that could possibly be done.
I've honestly NEVER though about this from this prospective BUT AM TOTALLY ON BOARD.
Lets see...

16th - Fuck Taxing (set by the criminals in Congress)
19th - Women voting
18th Was repealed in 1933 ..... BUT honestly who the fuck wants to live in any country that bans Alcohol.
21st - establish the repeal of STUPID 18th. NOT NECESSARY if TARDS NEVER OUTLAWED ALCOHOL.
23rd - FUCK DC...they are ALL CRIMINALS AND SHOULD be locked up....MORE THAN THE DAMN FENCE AND National Guard around DC
24 - Removes Poll Tax

And if you are watching..... we are literally seeing the left repeal the 13th through their actions.
I'll be the loner and amend the first amendment to make "Freedom of the Press" a lot more dangerous and accountable for all of these fuck-shit "journalists" making shit up with "un-named sources" or jumping to conclusions to fit their destroy the USA agenda.
So I'm just catching up to processing this in my head. What would be the full implications of repeal - more power to the states obviously - but what are the specifics?

Senators were meant to be the representation for the states in the federal government while the house represented the people. The 17th effectively took away their voice in the federal government.

In many cases if a lobbyist wanted to lobby a senator they also had to lobby the state so it was much more expensive. It’s one of the reasons they wanted the 17th ratified. Centralize the corruption. If a senator didn’t represent the state correctly they could be removed immediately by their state legislature depending on how their laws were written.
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