I watched my first Crootn Podcast

Not sure what you’re all upset about, but hopefully your loyalty pays off and you can be in the old guys will or the wedding of Сибирский чешуйчатый мешок. Still not sure which one ole boy is.
Well, 90 seconds of it. Can someone fill me in on the guest speakers? Was it someone’s 75 year old grandfather and a Russian mail order bride? I had to stop because I couldn’t understand ole mumbles with his dentures and I have no interest in art from a Сибирский чешуйчатый мешок. TIA
Little minds are always intimidated by things they do not understand. It is better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
93 seconds in they all get naked and do Russian flag body paint.
Well, 90 seconds of it. Can someone fill me in on the guest speakers? Was it someone’s 75 year old grandfather and a Russian mail order bride? I had to stop because I couldn’t understand ole mumbles with his dentures and I have no interest in art from a Сибирский чешуйчатый мешок. TIA
Fear is always expressed in derogatory terms because the one who is afraid is also ignorant of the bottom line. Hang in there with us and hopefully we can get our I.Q. over 85. And by the way, do you know what an I.Q. is? I'm just trying to get a handle on how far you have to go to conduct appropriate social interaction. And for extra comfort, you only need a I.Q of 80 to join the army.
“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding” - Leonardo da Vinci. I just don't understand why you desire to be a force of negativity instead of joining the community with a kind heart. Does it give you some kind of joy to be rude?
“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves” - Buddha
“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding” - Leonardo da Vinci. I just don't understand why you desire to be a force of negativity instead of joining the community with a kind heart. Does it give you some kind of joy to be rude?
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