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I was on my death bed then the carnivore diet (eventually raw) saved my life

Feb 9, 2023
Are there anyone else on a carnivore raw/partially raw diet? There are many tribes of Africa and Native Americans who lived this way and still to this day there are tribes that do live on this diet. The fear porn of getting sick or ill is a fallacy and quite the contrary as it heals disease. The sickness comes if you're consuming factory farmed garbage animals pumped with hormones, antibiotics, steroids, vaccines, have a GMO corn/soy/grain based diet, live in terrible conditions and processed in a way that spreads pathogens. I butcher some of my animals myself and the ones I don't I have asked a ton of questions about how they process their meats. I can share the websites if anyone is interested.

I was plant based for 14 years with no illnesses, regular, and feeling great. However, about 1.5 years ago I made a horrific decision and decided to eat out for the first time during that time period. Well, I got food poisoning which turned out to be SIBO or small bacteria overgrowth (Hydrogen). This bacteria feeds on all carbohydrates that make it to the small intestine and they love fermentable Oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and plyols. This virtually eliminates all plant-based foods.

Now SIBO can and does eventually lead to histamine intolerance which is where your body doesn't produce sufficient enzymes in order to breakdown the histamine in your diet. SIBO feeds on specific nutrients that are required to produce these enzymes. This means everything must be fresh or frozen and it eliminates a ton of foods. Meats must be non-aged and flash frozen, especially fish. No leftovers are allowed either.

My short story is I had SIBO, C. Difficile, Ecoli, etc. This caused histamine intolerance leaky gut/ severe UC and autoimmune issues with my own mucus.

I started reacting to everything and I figured out a plan to finally minimize my symptoms and decrease the inflammation with the following methodology:

1.) All meat carnivore diet: Meat has no nutrients to feed SIBO because it digests within the upper digestive tract. However there is a exception to this which I will cover.

2.) 4 day rotational diet plan because with intestinal permeability the proteins go into your blood stream and stay within the blood stream for a 72 hour period. If one consumes this same food within that time period eventually the immune system (cytokines and this is really part of the lymphatic system) recognize these proteins as foreign invaders and attack these proteins and cause inflammation within the intestines and potentially up to the stomach. The main cytokines involved with causing more inflammation for people with leaky gut includes TNF-a, IL-1B, IL-6 and MCP-1.

3.) Fully cooked meats: with SIBO I discovered the meats must be fully cooked because rare/raw meats/fat produce glycogen which makes it to the small intestine for SIBO to feast on. It's the same with raw milk.

4.) Non aged flash frozen meats: this helps prevent histamine intolerance flare ups (like everything else it caused diarrhea and gut pain (as does SIBO symptoms and leaky gut symptoms and my autoimmune issues with my mucus.

5.) No eggs or dairy as proteins within these foods inflamed my intestinal permeability.

6.) moderate to low protein and high fat. Fat is where the energy came from on this diet as there were virtually no carbs with a few exceptions and protein is only good for repairing the muslce and not an energy source as our bodies are incredibly inefficient in converting protein into energy, it take 3 times as much energy to convert protein into energy than it does fats and carbs. I basically consumed 0.7 grams of protein per lb of lean body mass and roughly 12 oz of fat per day.

7.) Consumption of high amounts of organ meats as they are cheaper and are a superfood of nutrients especially the liver. The Native American would go for the organs first just like the carnivore animals. The main and most nutritious organs would go to the leaders. The muscle meats would be fed to the dogs.

8.) Organic, grass fed/finished, no antibiotics, no vaccines, no hormones, non aged, Vaccuum sealed.

I eventually used scolpamine patches to dry up the mouth and the mucus and decrease my symptoms by 90% and eventually my UC was cured within three months of perfecting this diet.

After about 3 months of this the UC, histamine, SIBO, and C.difficile were all cured. However I still had symptoms to my mucus and new symptoms were starting to pop up and got worse over time.

I eventually had major issues with digesting cooked meats and cooked fats from all the grease no matter how much I soaked up in paper towels. I thought this was my gallbladder but My GI said I was fine and I had no money for protocols to heal myself so eventually I ended up trashing it with a large amount of sludge and inflammation and went to the ER and had it removed due to the severe pain in the stomach and lower right back which was kidney stones so I got hit with a double whammy.

I went back to eating but the same issues continued with the grease and cooked meats.

I said screw it and I consume all my suet/fat raw. I started eating my meats more rare but still some cooking. My digestion improved drastically. Instead of 10 burps a meal and taking 16 hours to digest a meal with severe gut pain and diarrhea now I have maybe 1-2 burps and the diarrhea/gut pain has decreased dramatically and I am absorbing my food and nutrients and gaining weight now. It's been about a month on this I felt so good I decided to try some plant based foods just once every four days since my mucus reactions were limited and no longer worried about SIBO, histamine intolerance, etc. So far these fruits are going quite well. I made sure to research the fruits to ensure the ones I consume inhibit the Cytokines I mentioned earlier. I am doing quite well just eating one plant based meal every 4th day.

I also have added in some various things to help inhibit the same cytokines, promote healing of the cell wall and improve gut dysbiosis. This includes Hydrogen infused reverse osmosis water, aloe vera gel, Green tea and coconut water.

Quick summary of what I've learned so far:

1.) Raw meat diet makes the nutrients more bioavailable and food more digestible. These animals are grass fed/finished, non aged,

2.) Pasteurization kills everything within the milk and increases the chances of bacterial infections.

3.) Bacterial infections and parasites are coming from the animals produced in factory farms with horrific processing facilities, living conditions, feeding them GMO corn and soy, injecting them with hormones, antibiotics, vaxx, etc. I order the animals from trusted

4.) Higher potential of curing diseases and preventing diseases

5.) We are comprised of 40 trillion bacteria which majority live within our intestines. Our bodies are able to able to adapt to almost any diet within a short period of time and majority of this ability to adapt is our gut bacteria.

This doesn't mean it's the perfect or optimal diet for everyone. However, those suffering from specifical diseases or genetic defects can highly benefit from this change. The long term issues of an all meat diet even if organic, grass fed/wild caught, etc is the development of heart disease, osteoporosis, along with other issues as well. This was proven with studies on the all meat diets of the ancient Innuits and Inuits before they were civilized.

Overall I believe the organic raw meat diet does well in healing intestinal diseases because it digests within the upper digestive tract and it doesn't have the anti-nutrients/toxins that plant-based foods that do damage the cell wall. This includes things like lectins, toxins, phytic acid, oxalates, etc. Now, the human body isn't
designed anatomically, genetically, physiologically, etc to live long term on the carnivore diet as that goes against our biology for the long term. In the short term it does have great healing benefits. Technically the food isn't really healing anything, it's just not causing more harm and inflammation to the digestive system and it allows the body to regenerate and restore itself natural. The same thing would happen if you dry fasted for a week as this would enable the body to heal your intestinal and stomach wall lining (if you have sufficient body fat/muscle and are not endanger of dying for being too skinny).

Humans are genetically, physiologically, anatomically designed to consume mostly raw fruits. These are the fastest digesting foods for humans and provide a quick source of energy. Fruits do have healing properties unlike meat. The best way to thrive on this diet is to live in the tropics. I did this for a few years in Costa Rica and all my fruit was local and much of it was from my own backyard. I didn't even drink water anymore due to the water content in my fruits.

Now there are exceptions to the rule to people born with genetic weaknesses that they just have to live on all meat for their entire lives due to these genetic weaknesses (Jordan Peterson and his daughter are the famous examples of this).
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Feb 9, 2023
I don’t believe there are any long term studies on this diet and there most likely will never be in recent times. For the most part we have 100’s of thousands of anecdotal claims along with a long line of history of many tribes that lived and thrived on the raw carnivore diet. Western A. Price covered some of these tribes during his studies I believe 50-70 years ago.

A really interesting case is how DR. AAJONUS VONDERPLANITZ went from virtual death to thriving after going fully raw. There are so many issues he healed on this diet it’s quite shocking. Here’s a short video of an interview of his story. He’s also written a couple books on this diet well before the carnivore diet became a thing in 2015 and the raw food diet didn’t become a thing until 2020.

We Want to Live - by Aajonus Vonderplanitz 9781889356105 | eBay

The Recipe for Living Without Disease book by Aajonus Vonderplanitz (thriftbooks.com)

Quick video of tribes on the all meat lifestyle through history: Raw Meat: The Recipe for Living Without Disease (bitchute.com)

You can search youtube for a ton of anecdotal claims of people who’ve been eating raw meats for 10+ years as well as many various message boards.

Again, I personally don’t recommend it for the long term (unless one has a genetic weakness) but to use it long enough to heal from a certain condition you can’t heal with any other diet or method.

Of course the university’s and mainstream science will never conduct a study on this ever. They will spend billions on witchcraft potions and pills and superstitions on things that will never cure anything but potentially at best mask symptoms and cause more disease to keep you sick and draining you of your money, health and life. They will put out fear porn on diets and herbs or other more natural remedies that can cure you. About 99.9% (maybe 100% now) of what the medical establishment, big pharma, mainstream media, government, etc tells you to do for your health do the opposite and or don’t do what they tell you to do unless you want to die or never heal or get sick.

Yes I am interested to see if I can find more research on this topic but the main thing I do know is the raw animals work for me as well as 100’s of thousands of other people if and when done correctly. At the moment I’m in a hybrid raw animal/raw fruit with other remedies to heal myself but I am eating to heal and not to identify myself with a particular group. I have seen people go on diets of all kinds (carnivore, vegan, keto, etc and they obsess over the identity of this diet/lifestyle that they refuse to acknowledge their health is deteriorating. So eat for health and find out what works for you and always be open to making adjustments if you feel you can optimize your health or your health is starting to slip.

I’m fairly certain nobody is fully raw here and probably no carnivores either but there may be a few curious people who have certain diseases they would like to cure.
Feb 9, 2023
I will just use a laughing emoji and not actually read what you type and make a response with a meme or GIF because I neither have the mental capacity or the comprehension to make a legitimate response ;). Therefore enjoy my memes. It's what we do in our low IQ society now.
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Dec 10, 2020
I had sciatic nerve pain and tried the meat diet because I was looking at surgery if didn't get better. After 6 weeks the pain was gone. I've slipped off the diet and my joints are in pain again. I just started back on it a few days ago. It is truly amazing how much better it makes me feel.
Feb 9, 2023
read all of it and I agree and disagree to some point.
Nice, I am absolutely shocked someone actually read this. What points do you agree and disagree with? Have you personally tried these diets for yourself? I wouldn't honestly recommend doing the raw meat diet if you're in full health but a mostly raw fruit diet could be ok depending on the state of your microbiome. One man's health food can be another man's poison.
Feb 9, 2023
I had sciatic nerve pain and tried the meat diet because I was looking at surgery if didn't get better. After 6 weeks the pain was gone. I've slipped off the diet and my joints are in pain again. I just started back on it a few days ago. It is truly amazing how much better it makes me feel.
Interesting, I have yet to see a person with this issue use the carnivore diet for this. Did you go raw or just regular cooked meats? Oh yes, I remember when I still had not killed off SIBO and my so called doctor said to start incorporating plant based foods and it cause 12 bouts of bloody diarrhea per night for 6 straight days after just 6 days of a few plant based foods each day.

When one is out of balance just minute a small change can destroy your health quckly. My grandfather who is 94 now was doing ok for a 94 year old. However he was given farmed fish about 4 times over the course of 2 weeks. Eventually he lost the ability to walk, his mind was pretty much a vegetable and just sat on his chair all day long.

Keep up the good work and hopefully this completely gets rid of this issue forever very soon.
Feb 9, 2023
I’m glad you are feeling better OP
Thanks man, the Galbladder pain combined with the kidney stones at the same time was bad but the overall 6 straight days of stabbing bloody diarrhea 12x per night was worse with 6 days of no sleep and torture.

Once you get dysbiosis it's pretty much up to you to do your own research and cure yourself. I went through around 20 total doctors and either they made me worse or no help at all and they threw me to the curb. This includes, GI's, naturopath's, functional medicine docs, PCP's, chiropractors, etc. I even threw in a few dieticians for the hell of it. My condition is basically over the head of everyone.

The main thing I stress to everyone now is do the best to increase your health as much as possible. Clean fresh organic whole foods with raw fruits being the foundation and after that it's up to you.
Feb 9, 2023
Vegetarians get sick with no meat.
Meat eaters don't get sick because of what vegetarians get sick not eating meat.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Dec 10, 2020
Interesting, I have yet to see a person with this issue use the carnivore diet for this. Did you go raw or just regular cooked meats? Oh yes, I remember when I still had not killed off SIBO and my so called doctor said to start incorporating plant based foods and it cause 12 bouts of bloody diarrhea per night for 6 straight days after just 6 days of a few plant based foods each day.

When one is out of balance just minute a small change can destroy your health quckly. My grandfather who is 94 now was doing ok for a 94 year old. However he was given farmed fish about 4 times over the course of 2 weeks. Eventually he lost the ability to walk, his mind was pretty much a vegetable and just sat on his chair all day long.

Keep up the good work and hopefully this completely gets rid of this issue forever very soon.
Cooked but I do pretty rare except for bacon.
Feb 9, 2023
Cooked but I do pretty rare except for bacon.
Awesome, as long as it works for you. I can't handle the bacon but I eat pig belly. I get it from Paradise locker from Missouri. It's pasture raised organic with no added garbage in their bodies or in the meat.

For the most part I just eat the suet or back fat of animals raw (pork/boar I slightly undercook the fat but cook the meat to 145 degrees). It's quick and easy plus I don't lose all the fat by cooking it anymore so I save money.

I use billy doe meats, Northbison, Blackwing meats and a few others on occasion. These are the highest quality sources I could find online that are reasonably priced. White oak pastures are insanely over priced.


Jan 8, 2021
In January I ate nothing but beef, salt, water and black coffee. I've eaten very clean since just adding avocados and the Siete brand chips which are made from cassava instead of grain. My main goal is to get rid of my psoriasis and I'm 75% cleared up. The first month was the hardest but I look forward to every meal I eat.


Dec 10, 2020
Awesome, as long as it works for you. I can't handle the bacon but I eat pig belly. I get it from Paradise locker from Missouri. It's pasture raised organic with no added garbage in their bodies or in the meat.

For the most part I just eat the suet or back fat of animals raw (pork/boar I slightly undercook the fat but cook the meat to 145 degrees). It's quick and easy plus I don't lose all the fat by cooking it anymore so I save money.

I use billy doe meats, Northbison, Blackwing meats and a few others on occasion. These are the highest quality sources I could find online that are reasonably priced. White oak pastures are insanely over priced.
We got Al Purnell here. Mother fucker is the Bethoven of pork.


Jan 9, 2021
I'm just going to sit here and watch you talk to yourself OP

Feb 9, 2023
Plants have toxins to prevent people and animals from eating them. Not very smart OP.
This is precisely what I already said. Vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds. However fruits have none of these except a tiny amount of oxalates. These can be eaten raw, digest easier than any other food and are genetically designed for us to consume. Meat is for people who have wrecked their intestines for various reasons and or have a bacterial infection that feeds on fruits. Once that's cleared up one can start incorporating the foods we are designed to consume in mostly fruits. This is the smartest thing one can do.
Feb 9, 2023
In January I ate nothing but beef, salt, water and black coffee. I've eaten very clean since just adding avocados and the Siete brand chips which are made from cassava instead of grain. My main goal is to get rid of my psoriasis and I'm 75% cleared up. The first month was the hardest but I look forward to every meal I eat.
So far coconut milk and blue berries are two fruits I do very well with. I have to ensure the fruits I consume do not increase the Cytokines IL-1B, TNF-a or IL-6 or that can potentially make my condition worse. Hell even sleeping makes my condition worse because melatonin increases all those cytokines. I can't even sleep in peace. This is why I am finding substances to inhibit these cytokines, protect the gut lining, rebuild/repair the lining, and I would like to find methods to slow down the mucus production or prevent it from going into the GI and cause more damage.

Do you think you should stick to an all meat diet and test one meat once a week instead of progressing back to plant based so quickly?
Jun 22, 2022
Are there anyone else on a carnivore raw/partially raw diet? There are many tribes of Africa and Native Americans who lived this way and still to this day there are tribes that do live on this diet. The fear porn of getting sick or ill is a fallacy and quite the contrary as it heals disease. The sickness comes if you're consuming factory farmed garbage animals pumped with hormones, antibiotics, steroids, vaccines, have a GMO corn/soy/grain based diet, live in terrible conditions and processed in a way that spreads pathogens. I butcher some of my animals myself and the ones I don't I have asked a ton of questions about how they process their meats. I can share the websites if anyone is interested.

I was vegan for 14 years with no illnesses, regular, and feeling great. However, about 1.5 years ago I made a horrific decision and decided to eat out for the first time during that time period. Well, I got food poisoning which turned out to be SIBO or small bacteria overgrowth (Hydrogen). This bacteria feeds on all carbohydrates that make it to the small intestine and they love fermentable Oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and plyols. This virtually eliminates all plant-based foods.

Now SIBO can and does eventually lead to histamine intolerance which is where your body doesn't produce sufficient enzymes in order to breakdown the histamine in your diet. SIBO feeds on specific nutrients that are required to produce these enzymes. This means everything must be fresh or frozen and it eliminates a ton of foods. Meats must be non-aged and flash frozen, especially fish. No leftovers are allowed either.

My short story is I had SIBO, C. Difficile, Ecoli, etc. This caused histamine intolerance leaky gut/ severe UC and autoimmune issues with my own mucus.

I started reacting to everything and I figured out a plan to finally minimize my symptoms and decrease the inflammation with the following methodology:

1.) All meat carnivore diet: Meat has no nutrients to feed SIBO because it digests within the upper digestive tract. However there is a exception to this which I will cover.

2.) 4 day rotational diet plan because with intestinal permeability the proteins go into your blood stream and stay within the blood stream for a 72 hour period. If one consumes this same food within that time period eventually the immune system (cytokines and this is really part of the lymphatic system) recognize these proteins as foreign invaders and attack these proteins and cause inflammation within the intestines and potentially up to the stomach. The main cytokines involved with causing more inflammation for people with leaky gut includes TNF-a, IL-1B, IL-6 and MCP-1.

3.) Fully cooked meats: with SIBO I discovered the meats must be fully cooked because rare/raw meats/fat produce glycogen which makes it to the small intestine for SIBO to feast on. It's the same with raw milk.

4.) Non aged flash frozen meats: this helps prevent histamine intolerance flare ups (like everything else it caused diarrhea and gut pain (as does SIBO symptoms and leaky gut symptoms and my autoimmune issues with my mucus.

5.) No eggs or dairy as proteins within these foods inflamed my intestinal permeability.

6.) moderate to low protein and high fat. Fat is where the energy came from on this diet as there were virtually no carbs with a few exceptions and protein is only good for repairing the muslce and not an energy source as our bodies are incredibly inefficient in converting protein into energy, it take 3 times as much energy to convert protein into energy than it does fats and carbs. I basically consumed 0.7 grams of protein per lb of lean body mass and roughly 12 oz of fat per day.

7.) Consumption of high amounts of organ meats as they are cheaper and are a superfood of nutrients especially the liver. The Native American would go for the organs first just like the carnivore animals. The main and most nutritious organs would go to the leaders. The muscle meats would be fed to the dogs.

8.) Organic, grass fed/finished, no antibiotics, no vaccines, no hormones, non aged, Vaccuum sealed.

I eventually used scolpamine patches to dry up the mouth and the mucus and decrease my symptoms by 90% and eventually my UC was cured within three months of perfecting this diet.

After about 3 months of this the UC, histamine, SIBO, and C.difficile were all cured. However I still had symptoms to my mucus and new symptoms were starting to pop up and got worse over time.

I eventually had major issues with digesting cooked meats and cooked fats from all the grease no matter how much I soaked up in paper towels. I thought this was my gallbladder but My GI said I was fine and I had no money for protocols to heal myself so eventually I ended up trashing it with a large amount of sludge and inflammation and went to the ER and had it removed due to the severe pain in the stomach and lower right back which was kidney stones so I got hit with a double whammy.

I went back to eating but the same issues continued with the grease and cooked meats.

I said screw it and I consume all my suet/fat raw. I started eating my meats more rare but still some cooking. My digestion improved drastically. Instead of 10 burps a meal and taking 16 hours to digest a meal with severe gut pain and diarrhea now I have maybe 1-2 burps and the diarrhea/gut pain has decreased dramatically and I am absorbing my food and nutrients and gaining weight now. It's been about a month on this I felt so good I decided to try some plant based foods just once every four days since my mucus reactions were limited and no longer worried about SIBO, histamine intolerance, etc. So far these fruits are going quite well. I made sure to research the fruits to ensure the ones I consume inhibit the Cytokines I mentioned earlier. I am doing quite well just eating one plant based meal every 4th day.

I also have added in some various things to help inhibit the same cytokines, promote healing of the cell wall and improve gut dysbiosis. This includes Hydrogen infused reverse osmosis water, aloe vera gel, Green tea and coconut water.

Quick summary of what I've learned so far:

1.) Raw meat diet makes the nutrients more bioavailable and food more digestible. These animals are grass fed/finished, non aged,

2.) Pasteurization kills everything within the milk and increases the chances of bacterial infections.

3.) Bacterial infections and parasites are coming from the animals produced in factory farms with horrific processing facilities, living conditions, feeding them GMO corn and soy, injecting them with hormones, antibiotics, vaxx, etc. I order the animals from trusted

4.) Higher potential of curing diseases and preventing diseases

5.) We are comprised of 40 trillion bacteria which majority live within our intestines. Our bodies are able to able to adapt to almost any diet within a short period of time and majority of this ability to adapt is our gut bacteria.

This doesn't mean it's the perfect or optimal diet for everyone. However, those suffering from specifical diseases or genetic defects can highly benefit from this change. The long term issues of an all meat diet even if organic, grass fed/wild caught, etc is the development of heart disease, osteoporosis, along with other issues as well. This was proven with studies on the all meat diets of the ancient Innuits and Inuits before they were civilized.

Overall I believe the organic raw meat diet does well in healing intestinal diseases because it digests within the upper digestive tract and it doesn't have the anti-nutrients/toxins that plant-based foods that do damage the cell wall. This includes things like lectins, toxins, phytic acid, oxalates, etc. Now, the human body isn't
designed anatomically, genetically, physiologically, etc to live long term on the carnivore diet as that goes against our biology for the long term. In the short term it does have great healing benefits. Technically the food isn't really healing anything, it's just not causing more harm and inflammation to the digestive system and it allows the body to regenerate and restore itself natural. The same thing would happen if you dry fasted for a week as this would enable the body to heal your intestinal and stomach wall lining (if you have sufficient body fat/muscle and are not endanger of dying for being too skinny).

Humans are genetically, physiologically, anatomically designed to consume mostly raw fruits. These are the fastest digesting foods for humans and provide a quick source of energy. Fruits do have healing properties unlike meat. The best way to thrive on this diet is to live in the tropics. I did this for a few years in Costa Rica and all my fruit was local and much of it was from my own backyard. I didn't even drink water anymore due to the water content in my fruits.

Now there are exceptions to the rule to people born with genetic weaknesses that they just have to live on all meat for their entire lives due to these genetic weaknesses (Jordan Peterson and his daughter are the famous examples of this).
Vegan's tend to be huge pussy's. Thanks for confirming this OP
Feb 9, 2023
Update: 5/19/2023:

Diet Plan: I am looking to finalize my diet plan of fruits that inhibit the three main Cytokines and have potential epithelial healing abilities and no negative side effects. So far Coconut milk and Blueberries have been great. I’m retesting Avacado alone to see how it does with me and I would like to test out grapes and hemp seeds. After this is completed then I will finalize my meal plan. So far the Raw fat and some raw meat is doing wonders for me. I am gaining weight, I’ve become more vascular, more energy and I just feel like I’m actually absorbing my food and nutrients. I will be consuming 2-3 meals a day with 1-2 plant based meals per my four day rotation. I wonder if organic raw dairy and eggs may work with me because before pasteurized dairy and cooked eggs caused me issues.

I did try out pig raw. Before cooked pig would make me feel ill. Well I did about 6 oz of fat and 5 oz of the meat and wow I felt amazing and not gross and ill after consuming the cooked meal. I am supposed to be dead according to all the quackdoctors and fear porn websites after 24 hours now. I would've never tried an all meat diet or a raw meat diet if it wasn't for my condition. I suppose it's a mixture of carnivore 70/30 raw/cooked and raw fruits 2x per week. Do not do this raw diet if you're buying trash from the grocery store. With all the hormones, vaccines, GMO grains they feed and inject in the animals you will inevitably get sick.

Healing supplements/substances:

So far the substances that work are organic green tea, Hydrogen water, and coconut water. I will be testing Raw camel milk and Aloe vera Gel this week.

The issue with those substance is they all must be rotated for my condition since they must be consumed. However, I found out about one substance that is more powerful in healing than all the other substances I’ve researched and it doesn’t need to be rotated and that’s BPC 157.

What is BPC-157: Body Protection Compound 157. This is a natural peptide within the gastric juice which is comprised of 15 different amino acids. This peptide provides regeneration of tissues of all kinds (gut lining, soft tissue, nerves, joints, etc). There haven’t been large clinical trials on this as it’s not a pharmaceutical or a supplement. However there was a study within Croatia on humans which was testing on humans but I cannot find the study.

There are a ton of research in rats showing it’s great for nerve and tissue regeneration and gut healing. BPC is one of the best alternative things to use if one has exhausted all other methods to heal the gut and this person doesn’t have SIBO, SIFO, SIFO, C. Diff, H Pilori, etc. For some reason they just don’t respond to anything else.

BPC can be take orally, sublingual, injection or a nasal spray. There is no difference in efficacy between oral or the intractable. There are zero side effects known at this time. The nasal spray improves the brain functioning. It has been shown to decrease demyelination, decrease the damage of Parkinson’s disease, and improve serotonin and dopamine levels. BPC-157 could be one of the major keys to unlocking longer life and healthy aging as it combats neurocognitive diseases.

So if you have an injury, gut issues, mental disorders or getting up there in age or showing signs of wear and tear like a car with 300,000 miles then this may provide some great benefits for you as well.
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Mar 8, 2023
Update: 5/19/2023:

Diet Plan: I am looking to finalize my diet plan of fruits that inhibit the three main Cytokines and have potential epithelial healing abilities and no negative side effects. So far Coconut milk and Blueberries have been great. I’m retesting Avacado alone to see how it does with me and I would like to test out grapes and hemp seeds. After this is completed then I will finalize my meal plan. So far the Raw fat and some raw meat is doing wonders for me. I am gaining weight, I’ve become more vascular, more energy and I just feel like I’m actually absorbing my food and nutrients. I will be consuming 2-3 meals a day with 1-2 plant based meals per my four day rotation. I wonder if organic raw dairy and eggs may work with me because before pasteurized dairy and cooked eggs caused me issues.

Healing supplements/substances:

So far the substances that work are organic green tea, Hydrogen water, and coconut water. I will be testing Raw camel milk and Aloe vera Gel this week.

The issue with those substance is they all must be rotated for my condition since they must be consumed. However, I found out about one substance that is more powerful in healing than all the other substances I’ve researched and it doesn’t need to be rotated and that’s BPC 157.

What is BPC-157: Body Protection Compound 157. This is a natural peptide within the gastric juice which is comprised of 15 different amino acids. This peptide provides regeneration of tissues of all kinds (gut lining, soft tissue, nerves, joints, etc). There haven’t been large clinical trials on this as it’s not a pharmaceutical or a supplement. However there was a study within Croatia on humans which was testing on humans but I cannot find the study.

There are a ton of research in rats showing it’s great for nerve and tissue regeneration and gut healing. BPC is one of the best alternative things to use if one has exhausted all other methods to heal the gut and this person doesn’t have SIBO, SIFO, SIFO, C. Diff, H Pilori, etc. For some reason they just don’t respond to anything else.

BPC can be take orally, sublingual, injection or a nasal spray. There is no difference in efficacy between oral or the intractable. There are zero side effects known at this time. The nasal spray improves the brain functioning. It has been shown to decrease demyelination, decrease the damage of Parkinson’s disease, and improve serotonin and dopamine levels. BPC-157 could be one of the major keys to unlocking longer life and healthy aging as it combats neurocognitive diseases.

So if you have an injury, gut issues, mental disorders or getting up there in age or showing signs of wear and tear like a car with 300,000 miles then this may provide some great benefits for you as well.
Coconut milk? Where is your coconut milk coming from?
Feb 9, 2023
Coconut milk? Where is your coconut milk coming from?

My garden and my two hands. Jk, that's my goal in the future once I build up my green house I'll see if I can grow dwarf coconut and banana trees. Doing it myself is similar to raising my own ducks and butchering them myself.

The best source I could find is this https://store.edwardandsons.com/col...orest-organic-unsweetened-simple-coconut-milk

It has organic coconut from Thailand and purified water with no other added ingredients and BPA free lining. It works for me and at $3.49 per can and 700 calories that's a small meal or 2 cans for 1,400 calories (with other berries or something) would be a large meal for me. Very affordable, healthy and delicious. Coconut and banana smoothies are great. It helped me gain 30 lbs pretty quickly when I was healthy and lifting weights I would have 2 of these cans for the fat content with 2-3 bananas for the carbs and taste/texture, 10 TBS of Hemp seeds for the easily digestible protein and to have a slight nutty flavor. I gained 30 lbs pretty quickly and this was about 2,000 calories or so and it would be digested within 2.5 hours. I was doing full body workouts at that time every single day which is contrary to what the meatheads on Jewtube teach.

I'm honestly shocked I can consume so much fat within a few minutes and do fine with no galbladder. There was so much fear porn online saying you can't consume much fat after this surgery well, it's been the opposite so far.

Yeah man try some of the coconut milk and blend up a smoothie. I found a powerful hand held blending device on Amazon that does wonders. Just don't consume it by itself and warm as it won't taste good at all. Try all kinds of different combinations and see what works for you. Let me know how it goes.
Mar 8, 2023
My garden and my two hands. Jk, that's my goal in the future once I build up my green house I'll see if I can grow dwarf coconut and banana trees. Doing it myself is similar to raising my own ducks and butchering them myself.

The best source I could find is this https://store.edwardandsons.com/col...orest-organic-unsweetened-simple-coconut-milk

It has organic coconut from Thailand and purified water with no other added ingredients and BPA free lining. It works for me and at $3.49 per can and 700 calories that's a small meal or 2 cans for 1,400 calories (with other berries or something) would be a large meal for me. Very affordable, healthy and delicious. Coconut and banana smoothies are great. It helped me gain 30 lbs pretty quickly when I was healthy and lifting weights I would have 2 of these cans for the fat content with 2-3 bananas for the carbs and taste/texture, 10 TBS of Hemp seeds for the easily digestible protein and to have a slight nutty flavor. I gained 30 lbs pretty quickly and this was about 2,000 calories or so and it would be digested within 2.5 hours. I was doing full body workouts at that time every single day which is contrary to what the meatheads on Jewtube teach.

I'm honestly shocked I can consume so much fat within a few minutes and do fine with no galbladder. There was so much fear porn online saying you can't consume much fat after this surgery well, it's been the opposite so far.

Yeah man try some of the coconut milk and blend up a smoothie. I found a powerful hand held blending device on Amazon that does wonders. Just don't consume it by itself and warm as it won't taste good at all. Try all kinds of different combinations and see what works for you. Let me know how it goes.
Organic coconut from Thailand??

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