Didn't he enter a treaty or just promise not to do that kind of bio-weapon research? I don't think it was the funding but just the promise not to do it "here". So they just moved the money to wuhan. It's been months since I read that article though.
We quit researching the bio weapon stuff a while back. 80’s I think. That didn’t cover the gain of function stuff. It was a protocol disaster that led to the banning in US labs. Folks were exposed to anthrax and vials of smallpox were just lying around.
They banned the funding and wouldn’t allow research in US labs. Enter Wuhan, and then Fauci through the NIH was able to get the funding turned back on.
here’s an article:
The US moratorium on gain-of-function experiments has been rescinded, but scientists are split over the benefits—and risks—of such studies. Talha Burki reports.
Somehow Fauci has used covid to justify even more spending. His budget is supposed to go from $200 million to $1.2 billion.