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I took the plunge, I joined up to Meetup.com


May 7, 2024
Going to my first social not sexual LGBT thing today, no idea how to handle it or what to say. I'll probably get banned as soon as I open my mouth on anything to do with TQ+ shit, oh but if so I challenge it as racism against my race and culture or whatever.

There still aren't any LGB without the rest of the shit groups or anything as such.

How will it go? 40 yo untouched virgin shitskin in the middle of an LGBT shitshow?

Its just a thing in a community place, believe me if I see any drag shit I will be slashing things up with a bottle.


May 7, 2024
And then date grape them?
The only way I could ever get a man is via kidnap, locking it in a basement, and keeping it in a cage forever.

I suppose this is why they no longer build houses with basements in the UK.
Jun 22, 2022
Going to my first social not sexual LGBT thing today, no idea how to handle it or what to say. I'll probably get banned as soon as I open my mouth on anything to do with TQ+ shit, oh but if so I challenge it as racism against my race and culture or whatever.

There still aren't any LGB without the rest of the shit groups or anything as such.

How will it go? 40 yo untouched virgin shitskin in the middle of an LGBT shitshow?

Its just a thing in a community place, believe me if I see any drag shit I will be slashing things up with a bottle.
Of course you did.
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