I liken TFSF to

All shit posting aside, Americans are some real scum bags and that's why the rest of the world calls us Americans, scum bags behind our backs, and in some cases like Putin, say it to our faces, because Americans are scum bags.
And this is based off of who we elect to represent us internationally.
So on one hand it could look like Americans have this great world leader and yet in reality it's Donald trump or Joe Biden.
Because either way you look at it, in America your either a scum bag out in the open or behind closed doors.
And don't get me wrong, even I've had to do some real scum bag shit just to survive and make it to 49 years old, like fucking with all the same scum bags who've fucked me, my entire life.
And I have a list, from elite dinos to common street dog meat like slaves.
Shall I post it for you fuck wits? 😂
All shit posting aside, Americans are some real scum bags and that's why the rest of the world calls us Americans, scum bags behind our backs, and in some cases like Putin, say it to our faces, because Americans are scum bags.
And this is based off of who we elect to represent us internationally.
So on one hand it could look like Americans have this great world leader and yet in reality it's Donald trump or Joe Biden.
Because either way you look at it, in America your either a scum bag out in the open or behind closed doors.
And don't get me wrong, even I've had to do some real scum bag shit just to survive and make it to 49 years old, like fucking with all the same scum bags who've fucked me, my entire life.
And I have a list, from elite dinos to common street dog meat like slaves.
Shall I post it for you fuck wits? 😂
Yes please do as we all care so much.
I'm thankful that I never believed in the bullshit that high school taught. It's all lies and kikes like you perpetuate those lies by believing in them.
Fuck trump and Biden and any other president that was. They're all corrupt and ever since the beginning of America.
1776 was a lie.
And america is still a prison colony, except now a days the prisoners gladly run it.
And the worst prisoners are the ones who defend this POS.
Not one of you have had their hands tied since the age of 7 by the feds, like I have, so you can all suck a big fat nuke for all I care.
Oh believe me I've tried to 'runaway', but as a felon- I'm not allowed out this bitch, unless I die, so fuck all you're suicide bets.
I'm here to catch a bullet, blackening the sky or getting the fuck out of here once the masters push you slaves to the breaking point.
But that's if you dumb ass son's of bitches ever get your shits together and wake TF up.
And if my teeny tiny shit posting about this POS nation has got you so fucking riled up, then be a man and find me, then you can find out how I'm really liven, nigga.
And by that I mean I'm more American than any of you mfkrz could ever dream.
But that's right you're all just slept AF.
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Riddle me this....FAGGIT.....

I keep seeing you post about "riling us up".....yet YORE the only one continually shit posting these long diatribes where you pat yoreself on the back.

Are the dead people you talk to, the only telling you this?....b/c looking at our posting histories will show you that.....NO ONE HERE IS RILED UP BUT YOU.

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