How Will The Edomites Usher in The New Global Digital Currency?

What false flags or methodologies will the Edomites/Canaanites utilize to give the masses the one world beast digital currency system?

Here's some ideas or theories I have.

1.) False flag cyber attacks on the central banks, Nations, cities and states. This will wreck virtually everyone except the 1% that the FDIC covers. They will use this as an excuse to bring in the "unhackable" digital currency.

2.) Project Blue Beam aka the fake alien invasion. This will unite us together to form the NWO to attack the fake aliens aka Demons, fallen angels, etc.

3.) WWIII: complete destruction and chaos to make the citizens of the world come together and say no more we need world wide peace a one world government one world religion and one world currency to avoid the complete annihilation of the Adamites and hybrid beasts on earth.

4.) Combination of all the above Starting with the Cyber attacks then WWIII then project blue beam to finish off the masses.

Guesses as to when every single event will be completed and or when the NWO digital currency is finally implemented?

I'll say the cyber attacks will start sooner rather than later and most likely this year if not this summer. WWIII will ensue shortly after and complete once Alien Invasion distraction stops WWIII and that should be around 2025 or so. I will say all this will finalize as late as 2030 which is when you will own nothing and you will be happy and you will eat zeee bugs.
No, you retard. Hope you dont operate heavy machinery.

You just won the Dunning–Kruger Effect award of the month.

These monkey's are hilarious. I give them the answers and they question me then call me names without any proof or claims of their own. Every single time it's the same response.

Oh your like wrong bro because you a dumb err aahhhh duuhhhh retard.

It's like I'm the main character in the movie Idiocracy. I'm surrounded by morons who throw low IQ insults at me like monkey's. The IQ is dropping rapidly and I'm thinking it's related to the vaccinations.
Bank failures... lots of bank failures. You want your money safe don't you?

Silver and gold is money, everything else is debt.

This entire system is designed obsolescence as a fiat ponzi scheme currency must go to it's inevitable intrinsic value of zero. Now they will use false flags to make it appear as though some uncontrollable or unforeseen event or events caused this collapse and they will have the solution(s) (digital currency, social credit scores, digital ID, vaccination passports, etc.

Who doesn't want their money?
Silver and gold is money, everything else is debt.

This entire system is designed obsolescence as a fiat ponzi scheme currency must go to it's inevitable intrinsic value of zero. Now they will use false flags to make it appear as though some uncontrollable or unforeseen event or events caused this collapse and they will have the solution(s) (digital currency, social credit scores, digital ID, vaccination passports, etc.

Who doesn't want their money?
Oh I know but that's how they are going to sell it. As more banks crash and people worry about their money 'disappearing'... dc will sold as the answer.

This guy is pretty level headed. I watched some of his prepping videos and his takes on news and natural disasters and he's not a crazy person. Anyway... he makes a lot of sense here.
You just won the Dunning–Kruger Effect award of the month.

These monkey's are hilarious. I give them the answers and they question me then call me names without any proof or claims of their own. Every single time it's the same response.

Oh your like wrong bro because you a dumb err aahhhh duuhhhh retard.

It's like I'm the main character in the movie Idiocracy. I'm surrounded by morons who throw low IQ insults at me like monkey's. The IQ is dropping rapidly and I'm thinking it's related to the vaccinations.

Where did your life go so wrong to make you feel so powerless that you must follow every single rabbithole to find meaning to why your life is so shitty?

Court take your kids? Was it a woman? A man? What went wrong?
Where did your life go so wrong to make you feel so powerless that you must follow every single rabbithole to find meaning to why your life is so shitty?

Court take your kids? Was it a woman? A man? What went wrong?

My life is great, I have a connection with YHWH and I'm as free as one can become on this earth. I preach truth and those who have been brainwashed or are low IQ simply lack understanding. I show people how to free themselves by becoming self sufficient, change their political status, get off grid, change their diets, find YWHW and learn as much truth as possible.

I was extremely angry as a slave when I was within the system and I was a wage slave, debt slave, mind slave (went through the indoctrination camps including 6 years extra of college), currency slave, utilities slave, political slave, etc etc. Just because you don't see the chains doesn't mean you're not a slave. From day one I despised school, I despised jobs, I despised the military, I despised the churches, I despised the media, etc. I knew something was inherently wrong but with a busy life I never had time to figure things out. Eventually I bought free time to figure things out. The more I learned the more I became aware of why everything is the way it is and the more I understood the more crazy I seemed to the normies or zombies of this world. I would become very frustrated with them. However I realize it's easier to brainwash someone than it is to tell them they're brainwashed. So for the most part I move on knowing 99% of people or so are a lost cause. If that person is open to at least one thing then there may be a chance for them.

So no nothing went wrong, I've never been in their courts nor will I ever be in their courts. No man, woman or child has harmmed me. If anything I've been extremely blessed to be born with the privledge of being born within the house of David. To have the potential to receive all the possible gifts promised to this house while very few will ever even have the potential to receive the gifts. I am blessed to be off grid and self sufficient well 99%. The goal is to help people free themselves mind, body and spirit and that's my gift to humanity.
My life is great, I have a connection with YHWH and I'm as free as one can become on this earth. I preach truth and those who have been brainwashed or are low IQ simply lack understanding. I show people how to free themselves by becoming self sufficient, change their political status, get off grid, change their diets, find YWHW and learn as much truth as possible.

I was extremely angry as a slave when I was within the system and I was a wage slave, debt slave, mind slave (went through the indoctrination camps including 6 years extra of college), currency slave, utilities slave, political slave, etc etc. Just because you don't see the chains doesn't mean you're not a slave. From day one I despised school, I despised jobs, I despised the military, I despised the churches, I despised the media, etc. I knew something was inherently wrong but with a busy life I never had time to figure things out. Eventually I bought free time to figure things out. The more I learned the more I became aware of why everything is the way it is and the more I understood the more crazy I seemed to the normies or zombies of this world. I would become very frustrated with them. However I realize it's easier to brainwash someone than it is to tell them they're brainwashed. So for the most part I move on knowing 99% of people or so are a lost cause. If that person is open to at least one thing then there may be a chance for them.

So no nothing went wrong, I've never been in their courts nor will I ever be in their courts. No man, woman or child has harmmed me. If anything I've been extremely blessed to be born with the privledge of being born within the house of David. To have the potential to receive all the possible gifts promised to this house while very few will ever even have the potential to receive the gifts. I am blessed to be off grid and self sufficient well 99%. The goal is to help people free themselves mind, body and spirit and that's my gift to humanity.

I would pay good money to watch a live action of you attempting an IQ test.

The global digital passport has been created already and being enforced on many countries already.

Everything I said would happen is already happening to some extent. Anyone who denies this will simply use ad hominem attacks because they cannot refute these claims because they're the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Every single person who has opposed my views on any thread I've created they will simply attack me and never refute any of my claims and it makes me chuckle.

These clowns overestimate their intelligence or skill and if they cannot comprehend what someone else explains to them, then they will call you dumb or attempt to belittle you. They might be worse than the Sub-Saharan black Africans with an average IQ of 70.

If a person can't refute my claims and they just use personal attacks I will just ignore these stooges as should everyone else. They will simply disappear if nobody engages with them. These useful idiots are great pawns to help usher in the NWO.

The global digital passport has been created already and being enforced on many countries already.

Everything I said would happen is already happening to some extent. Anyone who denies this will simply use ad hominem attacks because they cannot refute these claims because they're the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Every single person who has opposed my views on any thread I've created they will simply attack me and never refute any of my claims and it makes me chuckle.

These clowns overestimate their intelligence or skill and if they cannot comprehend what someone else explains to them, then they will call you dumb or attempt to belittle you. They might be worse than the Sub-Saharan black Africans with an average IQ of 70.

If a person can't refute my claims and they just use personal attacks I will just ignore these stooges as should everyone else. They will simply disappear if nobody engages with them. These useful idiots are great pawns to help usher in the NWO.

Nothing you've said would happen is happening.
Silver and gold is money, everything else is debt.

This entire system is designed obsolescence as a fiat ponzi scheme currency must go to it's inevitable intrinsic value of zero. Now they will use false flags to make it appear as though some uncontrollable or unforeseen event or events caused this collapse and they will have the solution(s) (digital currency, social credit scores, digital ID, vaccination passports, etc.

Who doesn't want their money?
Anything is assigned value gold and silver included.

They must use the Niggers and the low IQ POC's to create a mixed/Bastard/Mulatto race and all Israelite white nations will crumble allowing Edomites/Canaanites to conquer all. That is their belief system from their own lips in the video as well as the Talmud.

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