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How one of my son's teachers/coaches has handled his quarantine is HI-Larryous


Jan 9, 2021
Backstory: A guy I went to HS with back before the war is now the head coach of the HS baseball team. One of his classes is the last period of the day/weight training in which the baseball players are all in. Dude is hardcore, great coach, dedicated lifter, works out constantly and anyone in his classes is going work. We knew this & pulled a few strings to get our son into this guys class to keep him in shape for other sports he plays. The kids love him, but also make fun of him (behind his back) because he's so hardcore & constantly giving rah-rah speeches & cheerleading the workouts. He's honestly over the top.

In any case this guy's whole family including him tested positive a little over a week ago & was sent home to quarantine. I asked my son if they were glad to have a substitute for a little while so they weren't working out, running laps, & running bleachers so much with this coach running beside them pushing them like he does.

Well, it turns out the guy isn't staying home all the time. Because this is mostly his baseball team in this last class, he's decided to remote teach the class from his truck in the parking lot. They put him up on a screen in the weight room for the first half hour while the substitute live streams inside the weight room to him on a laptop he's got in the truck. and then when they come out to run laps/bleachers he's got his truck backed up to the fence separating the parking lot from the practice fields. He stands in the back of the truck with a bullhorn just dogging everyone out then leaves when the class is over.

He's been directing the baseball practices the same way. Standing in his truck with a bullhorn at the edge of the practice field.

Anyway, you gotta see something like this to truly appreciate it.


Jan 10, 2021


Dec 2, 2020

Hahaha, perfect.

I just ran lame ass cross country/track in HS, no athlete here, but I crack up looking back at our coach. He followed us around the neighborhoods in his car as we ran, and yelled at us constantly. You could hear that man from a half mile away, shouting at you to pick it up lol.


Jan 7, 2021
Hahaha, perfect.

I just ran lame ass cross country/track in HS, no athlete here, but I crack up looking back at our coach. He followed us around the neighborhoods in his car as we ran, and yelled at us constantly. You could hear that man from a half mile away, shouting at you to pick it up lol.

In hs wrestling our coach followed us in his truck smoking cigarettes.

Edit: I was frac'ing in west Texas and the company man was just a dick. We actually had a meeting about him being a dick and not set him off. He was my friend the instant he found out we had the same hs coach^^^. Sat around telling stories the rest of the hitch.
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