I know this is just a video game, but
Because here:, Emily could've worked with the Japanese Metro Police Agency (Nippon Keisatsu-Cho) and have Watanabe incarcerated instead of resorting to murder. Emily was right about proving that Yuuto killed his own nephew to ensure no one leaves the Watanabe-Gumi Yakuza but murder shouldn't be something Emily should use to weaken the Yakuza.
And here: Kit should've worded it like this: "I was trying to think of any way to keep my son from going to the slammer. Now, every day I'm unable to see him in person, it's agony to me." This was why he resorted to Nathan for assistance to doctor the evidence.

The Devil's Playground
The Devil's Playground is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the thirty-sixth case of the game as well as the city of Grimsborough. It takes place at the University, a district based in Grimsborough. Chief King sent the player and Jones to the Amish community to collect the body of a...

The Grim Butcher
The Grim Butcher is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the third case of the game as well as the city of Grimsborough. It takes place in the Industrial Area, a district based in Grimsborough. Per butcher Raoul Colletti's report, the team found the dead body of a teenager named...

The Last Supper
The Last Supper is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the seventeenth case of the game as well as the city of Grimsborough. It takes place in the Financial Center, a district based in Grimsborough. Chief King sent the player, Jones and Nathan to young woman Daisy Thompson's house...

Shark Attack!
Shark Attack! is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the fifty-seventh case of the game. It is the first case of Pacific Bay and also the first one to take place in the Ocean Shore district. Upon being informed by Chief Marquez of the Pacific Bay Police Department of a shark attack at...

Under the Skin
Under the Skin is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the seventy-third case of the game. It is the seventeenth case of Pacific Bay and the final one to take place in the Inner City district. Andrea told Frank and the player to patrol the Chinese Festival and watch for any Russian...
Gone Pear-Shaped
Gone Pear-Shaped is a case featured in Criminal Case as the thirteenth case of The Conspiracy (Season 5) and the two-hundred forty-fourth case overall. It is the first case to take place in The Greens district of Grimsborough. Amir called Gloria and the player from an iPear store in The Greens...
Hear My Cry
Hear My Cry is a case featured in Criminal Case as the sixth case of The Conspiracy (Season 5) and the two-hundred thirty-seventh case overall. It is the final case to take place in the Fairview district of Grimsborough. Earlier, Gloria faked a fight with her son to lure the Rocket Cow Killer...
I Lost My Heart in Xerda
I Lost My Heart in Xerda is a case featured in Criminal Case as the twenty-third case of The Conspiracy (Season 5) and the two-hundred fifty-fourth case overall. It takes place in the Old Town district of Grimsborough. Upon archaeologist Bruno Camper's reports of a body there, Jones and the...
Things Fall Apart
Things Fall Apart is a case featured in Criminal Case as the thirty-second case of The Conspiracy (Season 5) and the two-hundred sixty-third case overall. It takes place in the Misty Grove district of Grimsborough. Jones and the player rushed to the dome after losing communication with Rupert...
Like a Pig to the Slaughter
Like a Pig to the Slaughter is a case featured in Criminal Case as the forty-sixth case of The Conspiracy (Season 5) and the two-hundred seventy-seventh case overall. It takes place in the Spring Fields district of Grimsborough. Jones and the player went to the eastern communal pig farm upon...
Because here:, Emily could've worked with the Japanese Metro Police Agency (Nippon Keisatsu-Cho) and have Watanabe incarcerated instead of resorting to murder. Emily was right about proving that Yuuto killed his own nephew to ensure no one leaves the Watanabe-Gumi Yakuza but murder shouldn't be something Emily should use to weaken the Yakuza.
And here: Kit should've worded it like this: "I was trying to think of any way to keep my son from going to the slammer. Now, every day I'm unable to see him in person, it's agony to me." This was why he resorted to Nathan for assistance to doctor the evidence.