@JerBearr - Please forward this letter to the HOA pricks harassing you...
From the Law Offices of Cheetam & Associates,
Be warned that It is unlawful to endeavor to remove or damage any sign, flag or article of clothing that specifically mentions "Free Speech" or contains an image of the American flag.
Be forwarned that the above banner is well within the national guidelines and therefore is under Federal Protection based upon Article One, Section Five of the National Patriotic Act passed in 1977.
Any attempt to impede Mr. Gomes in displaying his banner and exercising his right to FREE SPEECH will be met with immediate and robust prosecution actions. Those responsible for any malfeasance against said banner will be charged with a Class One felony infringement on Mr. Nomes Free Speech rights and subject to a fine of up to $1500 per day and up to 30 days in jail.
Frank Caprio
IP Specialist