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Has anyone suffered adverse affects from the jab?


Jan 27, 2023
As a pureblood, just witnessing the evil of those taking advantage of the retard sheep...hopefully we will see all involved in this plot to kill millions, if not billions, burn at the stake, or hang publicly...
Yes they are. Vaccines have parasites in them. They are bioweapons meant to harm you, not help you


Jan 27, 2023
My daughter has a neurological issue in her face since the mandated vax. Very painful. One of my sons teammates from Arkansas died last year of a heart attack at 26.
Please let her know that she is not alone. They are countless stories all over social media of people opening up about their adverse affects to the vaccines. Please have her search jab injuries on Instagram, and it will pull up several pages with hundreds of stories. The vaccine was considered gene therapy even though they said that it was not.


Jan 9, 2021
I got the first Moderna shot, got ill in the Drs office within seconds, was nauseous for a week, then a serious rash on my arm

Good buddy and client. 53, ceo, went home in the evening after getting the shot in the morning . Told his wife he was going to lay down before dinner , he didn't feel well

Never woke up


Jan 27, 2023
I got the first Moderna shot, got ill in the Drs office within seconds, was nauseous for a week, then a serious rash on my arm

Good buddy and client. 53, ceo, went home in the evening after getting the shot in the morning . Told his wife he was going to lay down before dinner , he didn't feel well

Never woke up
Did you know at all that it was gene therapy, and that they were injecting you with parasites? COvid-19 is caused by a parasite


Jan 9, 2021

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Had one friend that got what the doctors called splenic infarction soon after he got jabbed. Ie: blood clots in his spleen. Asked me later if I got jabbed, and I said no. His response: I wish I didn't.

Had another friend that who blacked out about 10 minutes after getting the J&J. He hit the floor pretty hard. He never had a reaction like that to any shot he'd ever had before.

Me, I knew better than to take their shit shot.


Dec 9, 2020
My brother had a stroke about 45 days ago. Blockage on the brain and they discovered more clots on his lungs. He's on thinners now and lucky to be alive.

Wife got the shot and had bad reactions from the second. Had vertigo real bad for some time. She just had a physical last week and tells me today that he has inflammation on the heart. Has to do a follow up.

I'm not happy as you can imagine.


Jan 9, 2021
My brother had a stroke about 45 days ago. Blockage on the brain and they discovered more clots on his lungs. He's on thinners now and lucky to be alive.

Wife got the shot and had bad reactions from the second. Had vertigo real bad for some time. She just had a physical last week and tells me today that he has inflammation on the heart. Has to do a follow up.

I'm not happy as you can imagine.
Sorry man. Prayers for your wife and brother.

Deleted member 2886

Did you know at all that it was gene therapy, and that they were injecting you with parasites? COvid-19 is caused by a parasite
*CLIFFS: basic-generalized clarification regarding relevant biological processes.

*Note: Hoars included.

1) "Gene Therapy" is a typical-intentionally misleading euphemism for - genetic manipulation, etc.

2) Could you provide relevant materials pertaining to this assertion that clotshots contain parasites, cheers.
3) By "parasites", are you referring to the self assembling nano-constructs/bots?

4) If ya mean biological parasites, and unless you're able to provide reasonable evidence,....i would argue that biological parasitic infestations are not being introduced via the clotshots.
(a) because we're all infested with a variety of biological parasites at all times—most food/& "food"-like products contain various bio parasites—and infact some of the most harmful types are being covertly added to most mass produced food/"food"-like materials.

(b) these are generally incapable of causing significant harm and are inhibited by the natural cellular detoxification responses—except most people are already overly toxified-although the physical body may not overtly present toxification symptoms due to prolonged exposure & acclimation.
(c) in light of the above, another effect will be occuring simultaneously, which is known as cellular pleomorphism—meaning the cells comprising your body mutate into various forms dependant upon the internal terrain. (*healthy terrain= healthy cellular forms, toxified terrain = increasingly aggressive cellular forms which are specifically attempting to manage continued functionality of the organism while it is in a state of toxification.)

*Eg: "Cancerous" cellular growth,...this is not what the allopathic "experts" claim—the "cancerous" cellular growth is in reality a last ditch effort to maintain some degree of functionality while the composite organism is severely toxified.

**Eg: "Lung Cancer" - the anomalous cellular growth is not the cause, it is the natural response—this particular cellular growth is actually both a protective shielding for damaged cells(*like a plaster) and it also functions as a temporary-limited capacity replacement for the specific damaged cells.
5) the symptomatic presentations that are being claimed as the covaids—and which many erroneously believe as proof—is not a so-called biological "virus" as these commonly believed concepts are complete fictions and the "viral" materials presented by "experts" to validate their claims is in reality merely cellular waste matter which results of the natural detoxification process.

*It's akin to blaming the trash you chuck in the bin for causing the trash thats in your bin.
6) now, with all that in mind it ought to be easy to grasp that a toxified individual whose body is in overdrive just to keep functioning, is therefore significantly susceptible to minor detrimental influences, such as polluted/heavy metal laced air, water, food, etc, nutritional, hydration, psychological, etc deficiencies—as well as exposure to certain types of radiation.
(a) artificial EMF: it takes a generation for acclimation to sudden large increases in EMF pollution which is why we've been incrementally exposed over decades, if a Time Traveller from a century ago were to appear here in 2023,...this poor cunt would most likely rapidly become extremely sick and will almost certainly die very soon after.

(b) despite what "officials" & "experts" claim,...all the initial major covaids "outbreak" clusters were not due to biological transmission—but rather transmission of weaponized EMF.
7) remember the pre-2000s definition of a "vaccine"(?), recall that these supposedly use dead "viral" materials to "trick" the so-called "immune system" into producing "antibodies"(?).
This is overwhelmingly ironic, due to the fact that all biological "viral" material is dead cellular waste.

(a) therein hides the trick; a sufficiently toxified individual will rapidly go into a full blown detoxification response if some asshole injects them with dead cellular materials-or they are exposed to certain bacteria, parasites, major temperature fluctuations, sudden EMP increases, psych/emot stress.
The pre-2000s "vaccines" were no different to injecting rotten flesh mixed with highly toxic chemicals & other poisonous elements directly into people.

(b) If injecting the same garbage into an individual whose organism is in a state of homeostasis, they will not go into detox at all,...their body is easily capable of dealing with limited exposure to toxic substances.
However certain poisonous elements do still accumulate within particular organs and are very difficult to remove.
8) regardless of Obama's bullshit bill in 2012, since at least the early 90s(*likely much earlier)- we've been intentionally exposed to a vast range of precursor self assembling/RNA manipulating artificial bio/nano hybrid-technologies—which most commonly manifest as what seemingly appear as if spontaneous occurrences of biological parasitic infestation.

*Eg; the supposedly imaginary fibrous growths from the skin of millions of people who have reported, documented & presented undeniable physical evidences of what's unofficially termed 'Morgellans'.

Anyways, i can't be fucked writing anymore.



Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
If I I had a loved one die due to the jab, it would be very hard for anyone involved to feel safe outside of their bedroom…
Ok tough guy why aren't you Robert Reynolds? Are you a secret Rothschild deviant? You seem too rough and tumble for these folks.
Hey Rob. You're an original. All good
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