4 or 5 douchebags beat up a waiter at a golf course. They then got kicked out of a Ruths Chris... they then went to a fancy steakhouse and started the same nonsense... one got kicked out and the other were about to rough up the staff again. A former nhl player stepped in and ended up fighting all of them on his own as it seems everyone else in the bar was a pussy...
But the interesting part is the 5ish dudes seem to be con men from Texas who have done this before. When this story went public with video evidence the douchebags lawyered up and are threatening people including the son of their lawyer contacting a Private Investigator who found out who these dudes are and told him to eat a bag of dicks.
Seems like these dudes thought they could just hire big time lawyers and scare people into not suing and courts not prosecuting them. Turns out the former nhl player know Pat Mcafee and now this story is national. These are the exact type of dudes that need lengthy jail time and have tons of money taken from them. Just complete asshole scammers. One dude has been pretending to be a vet to scam people.