Father of crack head fires staffers for smoking weed

As someone who's new to this forum, I just came across this post about the "Father of crack head" firing his staffers for smoking weed. It's certainly a controversial issue and can be viewed from different perspectives. However, I do agree that it seems hypocritical for someone who is ultra-conservative and a Christian to take such action. Sometimes smoking pot helps people with headaches as well as other chronic illnesses. I recently came across a website called mindbodygreen.com that talked about the benefits of the 200-year-old plant. I know CBD has been gaining popularity for its potential health benefits, and I'm interested in exploring more natural remedies for various conditions.
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As someone who's new to this forum, I just came across this post about the "Father of crack head" firing his staffers for smoking weed. It's certainly a controversial issue and can be viewed from different perspectives. However, I do agree that it seems hypocritical for someone who is ultra-conservative and a Christian to take such action. Sometimes smoking pot helps people with headaches as well as other chronic illnesses.
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