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Exposing the Cult of Moloch


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
An actual good thread on /pol/. First one I’ve really enjoyed in quite a while

Molock is a dark power and not to be trifled with. People through the ages have always turned to dark gods to gain special powers. Bad move. They might get some power but they give up their souls. The universe is filled with energy and a great deal of it is dark.

Like Plato said -" Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous". Above the entrance to the Temple of Delphi it reads: Know Thyself. Covid gave me an unexpected reward. More time to practice meditation. Read more of eastern religion. Expand my knowledge of the power that lies within the human mind. And last but not least, understand that true wisdom and power is found in the subconscious mind.

To use an analogy that many poeple are talking about on the forum is the 3D printer. For me, the most powerful "3D" printer in the universe is one's own imagination. Believe it and it is real. People have no idea of the true power they can harness if they only knew how to tune into the correct frequency of all the ones that are constantly vibrating all around you and all throughout the universe.

I have been successfully, but gradually, tapping into the unlimited powers of the subconscious mind by deep crown chakra meditation for one hour each morning and one hour before bed. I have practiced this for almost 2 years. And with each passing day, I am able to move more deeply into my subconscious. I can tell you this - I have transformed the way my mind is programmed. I have altered the way my mind processes the daily, mundane aspects of being conscious in my pre-frontal cortex. I let it come in and flow out, instead of allowing myself to ruminate on any of it, except for a very, very small percentage. As we all know, about 99% of what happens in a day is worthless bullshit in a mind that is like a non-stop radio. I have tuned out of that frequency.

In deep meditation the pre-frontal cortex goes "off line" and one can tap into the depths of the subconscious, where one finds a door to the limitless energy and power of the universe. If I would have read what I have just written 3 years ago i would have said "what a load of shit." Maybe you are thinking that now? But I write this because it is simply true. Nothing outside of myself will ever make me stronger, smarter, faster, or wiser. Everything comes from within and everything is found within. What a sublime understanding of life.
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Master Baiter
Feb 16, 2021
Molock is a dark power and not to be trifled with. People through the ages have always turned to dark gods to gain special powers. Bad move. They might get some power but they give up their souls. The universe is filled with energy and a great deal of it is dark.

Like Plato said -" Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous". Above the entrance to the Temple of Delphi it reads: Know Thyself. Covid gave me an unexpected reward. More time to practice meditation. Read more of eastern religion. Expand my knowledge of the power that lies within the human mind. And last but not least, understand that true wisdom and power is found in the subconscious mind.

To use an analogy that many poeple are talking about on the forum is the 3D printer. For me, the most powerful "3D" printer in the universe is one's own imagination. Believe it and it is real. People have no idea of the true power they can harness if they only knew how to tune into the correct frequency of all the ones that are constantly vibrating all around you and all throughout the universe.

I have been successfully, but gradually, tapping into the unlimited powers of the subconscious mind by deep crown chakra meditation for one hour each morning and one hour before bed. I have practiced this for almost 2 years. And with each passing day, I am able to move more deeply into my subconscious. I can tell you this - I have transformed the way my mind is programmed. I have altered the way my mind processes the daily, mundane aspects of being conscious in my pre-frontal cortex. I let it come in and flow out, instead of allowing myself to ruminate on any of it, except for a very, very small percentage. As we all know, about 99% of what happens in a day is worthless bullshit in a mind that is like a non-stop radio. I have tuned out of that frequency.

In deep meditation the pre-frontal cortex goes "off line" and one can taps into the depths of the subconscious, where one finds a door to the limitless energy and power of the universe. If I would have read what I have just written 3 years ago i would have said "what a load of shit." Probably like you are saying now. But now I write this because it is simply true. Nothing outside of myself will ever make me stronger, smarter, faster, or wiser. Everything comes from within and everything is found within. What a sublime understanding of life.
You’re going about meditation all wrong. If you want some pointers, let me know. I can help you reach your full potential. It’s not easy, so don’t be embarrassed.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
You’re going about meditation all wrong. If you want some pointers, let me know. I can help you reach your full potential. It’s not easy, so don’t be embarrassed.
I appreciate you comment. I have evolved my meditative practice by literally reading dozens of books from Thich Nat Hahn to Eckhart Tolle. One mountain - many paths.


Jan 7, 2021
Molock is a dark power and not to be trifled with. People through the ages have always turned to dark gods to gain special powers. Bad move. They might get some power but they give up their souls. The universe is filled with energy and a great deal of it is dark.

Read a decent one on Hannibal Barca, not to be confused with H Lector, a few years back. All generals had a spiritual advisor with varying degrees of power that would be in their small counsel.

I forget his name and he didnt carry much weight, but his first piece of advice on every subject was that they needed to make a sacrifice to Moloch by eating some kids.....WTF? Unfortunately his wishes were granted a few times.

Fast forward 10 yrs and the wiki leaks emails from Cheryl Mills are discussing making "offerings to Moloch in the backyard".

Joking or not, what kind of evil are these people?


Dec 10, 2020

it's amazing how incompetent govt people are. That dude has been in gov for 30 years at a very high level and AJ just exposed him in 2 minutes. No wonder Russia and China ate our lunch over the decades... we sending light weights like this to negotiate and they just pull out pictures of our dude in a diaper getting spanked by dudes and we lose the trade war.


Jan 9, 2021
it's amazing how incompetent govt people are. That dude has been in gov for 30 years at a very high level and AJ just exposed him in 2 minutes. No wonder Russia and China ate our lunch over the decades... we sending light weights like this to negotiate and they just pull out pictures of our dude in a diaper getting spanked by dudes and we lose the trade war.
I love how he proudly says “I’m Alex Jones and I’m the one who snuck in there in 2000. I’m the one that blew it wide open.”

Yes these people are pathetic criminals slaves to their own vices.


We ain't found shit!
Jan 8, 2021
Here is the blurb on Molech from the glossary at the end of the Freemason Bible. Their take is that children weren’t burnt, which seems to go against what is actually mentioned in the Bible. 🤷‍♂️C9D23933-577A-40E0-84ED-8C9B4AFEB6B6.jpeg
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