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Eric Weinstein on Revolution and the state of Science / Historian Darryl Cooper on Tucker


Mar 12, 2024
I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, recommend watching these interviews. Eric Weinstein is probably one of the smartest 5 people on the planet. This is the physicist (He calls himself a mathematician) , his brother Bret (professor of evolutionary biology) is also probably in the top 10. They're both too humble to take that credit, but they are. They've both have almost been completely character assassinated for pointing out the status quo madness.

Darryl Cooper is almost on the same level as Dan Carlin, this is also a good watch for where we are as a country.

Not good, believe me not good. The state of Science being captured by money making scientific journals is maddening. They've wasted over half a century of scientific progress to milk profits and assassinate actual scientific progress.
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