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Electricity Fuckery NZ


May 20, 2024
Was originally going to bring up this stupid shit on a NZ forum....šŸ¤£c'ept I'm perma bant from NZ forums, and apparently includes using fake email addys & VPNs too.

Anyways, I'm hoping to see what y'all reckon of the following fuckery.

I've been noticing being charged a shitload more for electricity than usual, even though I'm actually using less than I did this time last year, currently at approx ~150kwh/month vs around ~250kwh/month 12 months ago.

Honestly I haven't been able to work out exactly how so far, but I'm sure its to do with the gubmint's bullshit utility corp regulations changes, that basically increases utility charges under the false pretenses of somehow making shit "fair and equitable"ā€”even though its the total opposite as far as I can tell.

First off, check out this vacuous NZ article:

"Power companies are alerting some consumers to another increase to their bills as low-use fixed charges continue to be phased out."

"And it is not now clear a review of the policy to be done by the Ministry of Businesss, Innovation and Employment will go ahead."

"From April 1 electricity retailers will be able to increase their daily charges from $1.03 per day to $1.38."

"The phase-out began in 2022 and was set to go for five years. It is on track to increase again to $1.72 next April - if the current Government doesn't intervene."

"The previous Government decided to phase out the low-use fixed charges which are paid by around 60 percent of households - arguing it was unfair for higher-use households to pay more for distribution."

ā˜ļøšŸ˜„ How the actual fuck is it unfair for higher-use households to pay more "for distribution" when they're the ones using more.

*The article above is quoted from here:

Ffs, I'm just not getting the supposed "logic" they're using.

And here is another vacuous article:

"Those on a low-user plan had paid a lower fixed charge since 2004 because of a regulation aimed at encouraging households to use less power."

"A government-commissioned review recommended scrapping this low fixed charge because it wasnā€™t fair to standard users, many of whom were low-income households that used a lot of power because they were large families or were heating houses with poor insulation."

Note: the NZ gubmint spent a shitload of tax payer funds since the early '00s subsidizing insulation for all rentals which they'd made mandatory...so most houses here are now insulated.

Additionally the gubmint already hands out wads of free cash to any cunts claiming "electricity hardship".

While the gubmint themselves asserts that 60% of NZ households are on low-user fixed rates.

Thus the majority are being responsible with electricity usage, whereas the minority 40% are not being responsible and undoubtedly also includes more than merely households only, but commercial, industrial & other high-use clients too.
(*they've obviously neglected to clarify this though)

Therefore according to gubmint "logic", apparently the responsible 60% of households on fixed low-use rates who maintain using less than the maximum low-use threshold of 8000kwh annually, must also now be responsible for the 40% of irresponsible electricity users on standard rates, who use over the minimum standard use threshold of 8000kwh annually.
šŸ˜‚How tf does that even "logic"?

Article cont...
ā€œRemoval of this regulation aims to make the system fairer and more equitable, but the transition may cause pressure in some households. This scheme is designed to ease that pressure, particularly at a time when cost-of-living pressures are high,ā€ Abernethy said."

"Power companies are not expected to increase their profit from phasing out the low fixed charge. Abernethy said when the 5-year phase-out is complete, itā€™s estimated the variable charge ā€“ what you pay for the power you actually use ā€“ will be 36% lower than it would have been if the low fixed charge wasn't scrapped, helping offset the impact of the change."

The above was quoted from here:

ā˜ļøšŸ˜‚ These retards are virtue signaling that the estimated variable charge may end up being 36% lower for everyone.... while also claiming this would magically offset the impact of the change....šŸ¤£yet they've completely failed to acknowledge that by 2026, all low-use fixed charges are guaranteed to increase by well over 200%-(from the 2022 rate)-for approximately 60% of all NZ households.

Beyond that, I can't figure how the NZ gubmint came to the conclusion that the 40% standard usage minority is automatically comprised of the presumably majority of all low-income households while the 60% low-usage majority of all households somehow aren't.
I mean the claimed assumption is just fuckin' moronic because (a) they've literally pulled it out of their fat arses without any proof at all, and (b) its far more likely most low-income householdsā€“out of basic necessityā€“would be actively minimizing electricity consumption and therefore also low-use households.

From my pov this nonsense is typical stealth communist societal subversion crap.
Part of the early phase were societal cohesion is erroded away by imposing dumb ass "fair, equity" bollocks wherein everyone who's responsible for their shit is suddenly forced to carry the burdens of all the irresponsible fucks along with shameless corporations burdens too.

Am I wrong?


Dec 1, 2020
Was originally going to bring up this stupid shit on a NZ forum....šŸ¤£c'ept I'm perma bant from NZ forums, and apparently includes using fake email addys & VPNs too.

Anyways, I'm hoping to see what y'all reckon of the following fuckery.

I've been noticing being charged a shitload more for electricity than usual, even though I'm actually using less than I did this time last year, currently at approx ~150kwh/month vs around ~250kwh/month 12 months ago.

Honestly I haven't been able to work out exactly how so far, but I'm sure its to do with the gubmint's bullshit utility corp regulations changes, that basically increases utility charges under the false pretenses of somehow making shit "fair and equitable"ā€”even though its the total opposite as far as I can tell.

First off, check out this vacuous NZ article:

"Power companies are alerting some consumers to another increase to their bills as low-use fixed charges continue to be phased out."

"And it is not now clear a review of the policy to be done by the Ministry of Businesss, Innovation and Employment will go ahead."

"From April 1 electricity retailers will be able to increase their daily charges from $1.03 per day to $1.38."

"The phase-out began in 2022 and was set to go for five years. It is on track to increase again to $1.72 next April - if the current Government doesn't intervene."

"The previous Government decided to phase out the low-use fixed charges which are paid by around 60 percent of households - arguing it was unfair for higher-use households to pay more for distribution."

ā˜ļøšŸ˜„ How the actual fuck is it unfair for higher-use households to pay more "for distribution" when they're the ones using more.

*The article above is quoted from here:

Ffs, I'm just not getting the supposed "logic" they're using.

And here is another vacuous article:

"Those on a low-user plan had paid a lower fixed charge since 2004 because of a regulation aimed at encouraging households to use less power."

"A government-commissioned review recommended scrapping this low fixed charge because it wasnā€™t fair to standard users, many of whom were low-income households that used a lot of power because they were large families or were heating houses with poor insulation."

Note: the NZ gubmint spent a shitload of tax payer funds since the early '00s subsidizing insulation for all rentals which they'd made mandatory...so most houses here are now insulated.

Additionally the gubmint already hands out wads of free cash to any cunts claiming "electricity hardship".

While the gubmint themselves asserts that 60% of NZ households are on low-user fixed rates.

Thus the majority are being responsible with electricity usage, whereas the minority 40% are not being responsible and undoubtedly also includes more than merely households only, but commercial, industrial & other high-use clients too.
(*they've obviously neglected to clarify this though)

Therefore according to gubmint "logic", apparently the responsible 60% of households on fixed low-use rates who maintain using less than the maximum low-use threshold of 8000kwh annually, must also now be responsible for the 40% of irresponsible electricity users on standard rates, who use over the minimum standard use threshold of 8000kwh annually.
šŸ˜‚How tf does that even "logic"?

Article cont...
ā€œRemoval of this regulation aims to make the system fairer and more equitable, but the transition may cause pressure in some households. This scheme is designed to ease that pressure, particularly at a time when cost-of-living pressures are high,ā€ Abernethy said."

"Power companies are not expected to increase their profit from phasing out the low fixed charge. Abernethy said when the 5-year phase-out is complete, itā€™s estimated the variable charge ā€“ what you pay for the power you actually use ā€“ will be 36% lower than it would have been if the low fixed charge wasn't scrapped, helping offset the impact of the change."

The above was quoted from here:

ā˜ļøšŸ˜‚ These retards are virtue signaling that the estimated variable charge may end up being 36% lower for everyone.... while also claiming this would magically offset the impact of the change....šŸ¤£yet they've completely failed to acknowledge that by 2026, all low-use fixed charges are guaranteed to increase by well over 200%-(from the 2022 rate)-for approximately 60% of all NZ households.

Beyond that, I can't figure how the NZ gubmint came to the conclusion that the 40% standard usage minority is automatically comprised of the presumably majority of all low-income households while the 60% low-usage majority of all households somehow aren't.
I mean the claimed assumption is just fuckin' moronic because (a) they've literally pulled it out of their fat arses without any proof at all, and (b) its far more likely most low-income householdsā€“out of basic necessityā€“would be actively minimizing electricity consumption and therefore also low-use households.

From my pov this nonsense is typical stealth communist societal subversion crap.
Part of the early phase were societal cohesion is erroded away by imposing dumb ass "fair, equity" bollocks wherein everyone who's responsible for their shit is suddenly forced to carry the burdens of all the irresponsible fucks along with shameless corporations burdens too.

Am I wrong?
I canā€™t make sense of that either. Seems to be reverse of the fair and equitable concept


May 20, 2024
I canā€™t make sense of that either. Seems to be reverse of the fair and equitable concept
Damn...šŸ˜‚kinda hoped I was wrong.

Its extra sucky coz this type of commie crap was imposed by the previous "left-wing" gubmint, and the new "right-wing" coalition gubmint co-led by NZs Māori version of Trump, ain't doin' nothin' to correct any of it.
Although publicly they proudly claim doin' otherwise...šŸ¤£butt fuck it all, they're still continuing the exact same "left-wing" trends.


Dec 1, 2020
Damn...šŸ˜‚kinda hoped I was wrong.

Its extra sucky coz this type of commie crap was imposed by the previous "left-wing" gubmint, and the new "right-wing" coalition gubmint co-led by NZs Māori version of Trump, ain't doin' nothin' to correct any of it.
Although publicly they proudly claim doin' otherwise...šŸ¤£butt fuck it all, they're still continuing the exact same "left-wing" trends.
It seems like your analysis is right. Just another way to squeeze the working class for every dollar they have


May 20, 2024
It seems like your analysis is right. Just another way to squeeze the working class for every dollar they have
For sure aye.
There's more to this, but I ain't sure yet...plusšŸ˜ everything NZers post or do online is shared between Google, the NZ gubmint....& whichever major NZ utility companies we're stuck with.
Yeah man ikr, didn't believe it at first either. Unfortunately we're legitimately just that completely & utterly fucked down here in New Chinaland...šŸ˜‚


May 20, 2024
Which ā€œislandā€ is mostly Hobbits?
šŸ¤­A few hundred years ago the hobbits were everywhere here.

Like, this was all their lands...




...Pacific islanders started washing up.

Apparently they were mad hungus.

No KFC back then though, so they got creative.

šŸ˜„The obvious solution was to eat everything.

The gigantic chickens. Extinct.

The gigantic eagles. Extinct.

The hobbits... almost extinct.

šŸ¤£Shee'it they even tucked into each other.

Some hobbits had escaped to an island to the east, called the Chatham Islands...

...oh, but then the Pacific islanders descendants, the Māoris...

...yeah...they shipjacked a British ship.... peeled off east and spent the subsequent century devouring the last of the hobbits.

....šŸ¤”I think, as of a few years ago, there was only one remaining full blooded hobbit. They called themselves Moriori and they definitely weren't Māoris. There's been interbreeding of course.

šŸ˜„Māoris were essentially Orks.


Was in the original thread from day one trophy šŸ†
Jan 8, 2021
šŸ¤­A few hundred years ago the hobbits were everywhere here.

Like, this was all their lands...




...Pacific islanders started washing up.

Apparently they were mad hungus.

No KFC back then though, so they got creative.

šŸ˜„The obvious solution was to eat everything.

The gigantic chickens. Extinct.

The gigantic eagles. Extinct.

The hobbits... almost extinct.

šŸ¤£Shee'it they even tucked into each other.

Some hobbits had escaped to an island to the east, called the Chatham Islands...

...oh, but then the Pacific islanders descendants, the Māoris...

...yeah...they shipjacked a British ship.... peeled off east and spent the subsequent century devouring the last of the hobbits.

....šŸ¤”I think, as of a few years ago, there was only one remaining full blooded hobbit. They called themselves Moriori and they definitely weren't Māoris. There's been interbreeding of course.

šŸ˜„Māoris were essentially Orks.
Now youā€™re just being silly


Apr 20, 2024
Was originally going to bring up this stupid shit on a NZ forum....šŸ¤£c'ept I'm perma bant from NZ forums, and apparently includes using fake email addys & VPNs too.

Anyways, I'm hoping to see what y'all reckon of the following fuckery.

I've been noticing being charged a shitload more for electricity than usual, even though I'm actually using less than I did this time last year, currently at approx ~150kwh/month vs around ~250kwh/month 12 months ago.

Honestly I haven't been able to work out exactly how so far, but I'm sure its to do with the gubmint's bullshit utility corp regulations changes, that basically increases utility charges under the false pretenses of somehow making shit "fair and equitable"ā€”even though its the total opposite as far as I can tell.

First off, check out this vacuous NZ article:

"Power companies are alerting some consumers to another increase to their bills as low-use fixed charges continue to be phased out."

"And it is not now clear a review of the policy to be done by the Ministry of Businesss, Innovation and Employment will go ahead."

"From April 1 electricity retailers will be able to increase their daily charges from $1.03 per day to $1.38."

"The phase-out began in 2022 and was set to go for five years. It is on track to increase again to $1.72 next April - if the current Government doesn't intervene."

"The previous Government decided to phase out the low-use fixed charges which are paid by around 60 percent of households - arguing it was unfair for higher-use households to pay more for distribution."

ā˜ļøšŸ˜„ How the actual fuck is it unfair for higher-use households to pay more "for distribution" when they're the ones using more.

*The article above is quoted from here:

Ffs, I'm just not getting the supposed "logic" they're using.

And here is another vacuous article:

"Those on a low-user plan had paid a lower fixed charge since 2004 because of a regulation aimed at encouraging households to use less power."

"A government-commissioned review recommended scrapping this low fixed charge because it wasnā€™t fair to standard users, many of whom were low-income households that used a lot of power because they were large families or were heating houses with poor insulation."

Note: the NZ gubmint spent a shitload of tax payer funds since the early '00s subsidizing insulation for all rentals which they'd made mandatory...so most houses here are now insulated.

Additionally the gubmint already hands out wads of free cash to any cunts claiming "electricity hardship".

While the gubmint themselves asserts that 60% of NZ households are on low-user fixed rates.

Thus the majority are being responsible with electricity usage, whereas the minority 40% are not being responsible and undoubtedly also includes more than merely households only, but commercial, industrial & other high-use clients too.
(*they've obviously neglected to clarify this though)

Therefore according to gubmint "logic", apparently the responsible 60% of households on fixed low-use rates who maintain using less than the maximum low-use threshold of 8000kwh annually, must also now be responsible for the 40% of irresponsible electricity users on standard rates, who use over the minimum standard use threshold of 8000kwh annually.
šŸ˜‚How tf does that even "logic"?

Article cont...
ā€œRemoval of this regulation aims to make the system fairer and more equitable, but the transition may cause pressure in some households. This scheme is designed to ease that pressure, particularly at a time when cost-of-living pressures are high,ā€ Abernethy said."

"Power companies are not expected to increase their profit from phasing out the low fixed charge. Abernethy said when the 5-year phase-out is complete, itā€™s estimated the variable charge ā€“ what you pay for the power you actually use ā€“ will be 36% lower than it would have been if the low fixed charge wasn't scrapped, helping offset the impact of the change."

The above was quoted from here:

ā˜ļøšŸ˜‚ These retards are virtue signaling that the estimated variable charge may end up being 36% lower for everyone.... while also claiming this would magically offset the impact of the change....šŸ¤£yet they've completely failed to acknowledge that by 2026, all low-use fixed charges are guaranteed to increase by well over 200%-(from the 2022 rate)-for approximately 60% of all NZ households.

Beyond that, I can't figure how the NZ gubmint came to the conclusion that the 40% standard usage minority is automatically comprised of the presumably majority of all low-income households while the 60% low-usage majority of all households somehow aren't.
I mean the claimed assumption is just fuckin' moronic because (a) they've literally pulled it out of their fat arses without any proof at all, and (b) its far more likely most low-income householdsā€“out of basic necessityā€“would be actively minimizing electricity consumption and therefore also low-use households.

From my pov this nonsense is typical stealth communist societal subversion crap.
Part of the early phase were societal cohesion is erroded away by imposing dumb ass "fair, equity" bollocks wherein everyone who's responsible for their shit is suddenly forced to carry the burdens of all the irresponsible fucks along with shameless corporations burdens too.

Am I wrong?

I agree it is fuckery. The real question is what are you going to do about it?
If all we do is bitch on a forum then nothing will change.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
@TheFiend isn't NZ where the found the 3ft "lucy"? It may have been Indonesia.

Yall are fucked bc of the carbon tax bullshit. And when the sun cools down they say the taxes are working so we must keep them.

A kid in England but he is from Nigeria just figured out how to reverse plastic back in to diesel fuel and other petrol. Either they pay him off or kill his ass bc thay want to save the plastic for 3000A D


May 20, 2024
Now youā€™re just being silly
Nah bo, that's your schtick.


"...their islands were invaded in 1835 by two Māori tribes, Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Mutunga. Moriori were slaughtered (many were cannibalised) or enslaved."

"They had offered peace, food and shelter to the recent immigrants who had arrived on an English sailing ship, the Lord Rodney, from Port Nicholson in Wellington, on a mercenary expedition. But the Moriori had their offer of peace thrown back in their faces and, from 1835 to 1866, they were held as slaves on their own island, treated brutally, and forced to do menial labour for their Māori slavers."




May 20, 2024
I agree it is fuckery. The real question is what are you going to do about it?
If all we do is bitch on a forum then nothing will change.
Ok, so the primary intention with the OP is simply seeking others interpretations & perspectives of the situation presented, mainly just to ascertain whether or not I'd assessed the information accurately.
Now, thanks to yours and shiv's feedback, subsequently it would seem I may have been correct, and this, believe it or not, is actually helpful... however due to the very real absolute lack of online privacy protections for people here, instead the situation being imposed proactive invasion of privacyā€”as mentioned in post #6ā€”therefore I'm sure you would understand why it would not be prudent to reveal anything about what I may or may not be "doing about it".
As many are aware, the USĀ® Corp treats the peoples of the united states Republic as subjects & arguably as legitimate targets...yet fortunately the us Constitution still provides a significant degree of protections from the USĀ® Corporate overlords.
We don't have this luxury in NZ, despite whatever the NZĀ® Corporation propagandists claims may be otherwise.

Also, I'm not sure who you're implying regarding the bitching on a forum statement, although it seems to be meant in general...(?)...and in which case I could generally agree.
Its partly similar reasoning that has, since December '22, motivated my initial excursion into learning how to, and eventually, as of now, establishing numerous, admittedly small, collaborative forums. The first 4 ultimately failed, although still proved beneficial for illuminating my administrative shortcomings, thusly enabling progression.


May 20, 2024
@TheFiend isn't NZ where the found the 3ft "lucy"? It may have been Indonesia.

Yall are fucked bc of the carbon tax bullshit. And when the sun cools down they say the taxes are working so we must keep them.

A kid in England but he is from Nigeria just figured out how to reverse plastic back in to diesel fuel and other petrol. Either they pay him off or kill his ass bc thay want to save the plastic for 3000A D
Yeah nah "Lucy" was found in Ethiopia, but I think there was another small hominid species found in Indonesia too. Can't remember what they called it though.

[This ones "Lucy".]


Was in the original thread from day one trophy šŸ†
Jan 8, 2021
Nah bo, that's your schtick.

View attachment 217808

"...their islands were invaded in 1835 by two Māori tribes, Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Mutunga. Moriori were slaughtered (many were cannibalised) or enslaved."

"They had offered peace, food and shelter to the recent immigrants who had arrived on an English sailing ship, the Lord Rodney, from Port Nicholson in Wellington, on a mercenary expedition. But the Moriori had their offer of peace thrown back in their faces and, from 1835 to 1866, they were held as slaves on their own island, treated brutally, and forced to do menial labour for their Māori slavers."

View attachment 217807

My apologies. Iā€™m just used to being from a country that everybody knows the history of.


Apr 20, 2024
Ok, so the primary intention with the OP is simply seeking others interpretations & perspectives of the situation presented, mainly just to ascertain whether or not I'd assessed the information accurately.
Now, thanks to yours and shiv's feedback, subsequently it would seem I may have been correct, and this, believe it or not, is actually helpful... however due to the very real absolute lack of online privacy protections for people here, instead the situation being imposed proactive invasion of privacyā€”as mentioned in post #6ā€”therefore I'm sure you would understand why it would not be prudent to reveal anything about what I may or may not be "doing about it".
As many are aware, the USĀ® Corp treats the peoples of the united states Republic as subjects & arguably as legitimate targets...yet fortunately the us Constitution still provides a significant degree of protections from the USĀ® Corporate overlords.
We don't have this luxury in NZ, despite whatever the NZĀ® Corporation propagandists claims may be otherwise.

Also, I'm not sure who you're implying regarding the bitching on a forum statement, although it seems to be meant in general...(?)...and in which case I could generally agree.
Its partly similar reasoning that has, since December '22, motivated my initial excursion into learning how to, and eventually, as of now, establishing numerous, admittedly small, collaborative forums. The first 4 ultimately failed, although still proved beneficial for illuminating my administrative shortcomings, thusly enabling progression.
And I thank you for this fine forum. And it was meant in general. I also agree that the internet is a dangerous place for TRUTH tellers.
Jul 9, 2022
Was originally going to bring up this stupid shit on a NZ forum....šŸ¤£c'ept I'm perma bant from NZ forums, and apparently includes using fake email addys & VPNs too.

Anyways, I'm hoping to see what y'all reckon of the following fuckery.

I've been noticing being charged a shitload more for electricity than usual, even though I'm actually using less than I did this time last year, currently at approx ~150kwh/month vs around ~250kwh/month 12 months ago.

Honestly I haven't been able to work out exactly how so far, but I'm sure its to do with the gubmint's bullshit utility corp regulations changes, that basically increases utility charges under the false pretenses of somehow making shit "fair and equitable"ā€”even though its the total opposite as far as I can tell.

First off, check out this vacuous NZ article:

"Power companies are alerting some consumers to another increase to their bills as low-use fixed charges continue to be phased out."

"And it is not now clear a review of the policy to be done by the Ministry of Businesss, Innovation and Employment will go ahead."

"From April 1 electricity retailers will be able to increase their daily charges from $1.03 per day to $1.38."

"The phase-out began in 2022 and was set to go for five years. It is on track to increase again to $1.72 next April - if the current Government doesn't intervene."

"The previous Government decided to phase out the low-use fixed charges which are paid by around 60 percent of households - arguing it was unfair for higher-use households to pay more for distribution."

ā˜ļøšŸ˜„ How the actual fuck is it unfair for higher-use households to pay more "for distribution" when they're the ones using more.

*The article above is quoted from here:

Ffs, I'm just not getting the supposed "logic" they're using.

And here is another vacuous article:

"Those on a low-user plan had paid a lower fixed charge since 2004 because of a regulation aimed at encouraging households to use less power."

"A government-commissioned review recommended scrapping this low fixed charge because it wasnā€™t fair to standard users, many of whom were low-income households that used a lot of power because they were large families or were heating houses with poor insulation."

Note: the NZ gubmint spent a shitload of tax payer funds since the early '00s subsidizing insulation for all rentals which they'd made mandatory...so most houses here are now insulated.

Additionally the gubmint already hands out wads of free cash to any cunts claiming "electricity hardship".

While the gubmint themselves asserts that 60% of NZ households are on low-user fixed rates.

Thus the majority are being responsible with electricity usage, whereas the minority 40% are not being responsible and undoubtedly also includes more than merely households only, but commercial, industrial & other high-use clients too.
(*they've obviously neglected to clarify this though)

Therefore according to gubmint "logic", apparently the responsible 60% of households on fixed low-use rates who maintain using less than the maximum low-use threshold of 8000kwh annually, must also now be responsible for the 40% of irresponsible electricity users on standard rates, who use over the minimum standard use threshold of 8000kwh annually.
šŸ˜‚How tf does that even "logic"?

Article cont...
ā€œRemoval of this regulation aims to make the system fairer and more equitable, but the transition may cause pressure in some households. This scheme is designed to ease that pressure, particularly at a time when cost-of-living pressures are high,ā€ Abernethy said."

"Power companies are not expected to increase their profit from phasing out the low fixed charge. Abernethy said when the 5-year phase-out is complete, itā€™s estimated the variable charge ā€“ what you pay for the power you actually use ā€“ will be 36% lower than it would have been if the low fixed charge wasn't scrapped, helping offset the impact of the change."

The above was quoted from here:

ā˜ļøšŸ˜‚ These retards are virtue signaling that the estimated variable charge may end up being 36% lower for everyone.... while also claiming this would magically offset the impact of the change....šŸ¤£yet they've completely failed to acknowledge that by 2026, all low-use fixed charges are guaranteed to increase by well over 200%-(from the 2022 rate)-for approximately 60% of all NZ households.

Beyond that, I can't figure how the NZ gubmint came to the conclusion that the 40% standard usage minority is automatically comprised of the presumably majority of all low-income households while the 60% low-usage majority of all households somehow aren't.
I mean the claimed assumption is just fuckin' moronic because (a) they've literally pulled it out of their fat arses without any proof at all, and (b) its far more likely most low-income householdsā€“out of basic necessityā€“would be actively minimizing electricity consumption and therefore also low-use households.

From my pov this nonsense is typical stealth communist societal subversion crap.
Part of the early phase were societal cohesion is erroded away by imposing dumb ass "fair, equity" bollocks wherein everyone who's responsible for their shit is suddenly forced to carry the burdens of all the irresponsible fucks along with shameless corporations burdens too.

Am I wrong?
I am surprised you dont have your own power generation equipment, or solar or something.


May 20, 2024
And I thank you for this fine forum. And it was meant in general. I also agree that the internet is a dangerous place for TRUTH tellers.
Oh, apologies for any confusion.
For clarification, this forum, ie: The Free Speech Forum, isn't one of mine.


May 20, 2024
I am surprised you dont have your own power generation equipment, or solar or something.
šŸ¤”...yeah, I think we'd actually discussed this a couple of years ago aye.

Long story short, my mains electricity usage is so low due to primarily relying on independent solar & wind.
Some of the problems I've found with these sorts of so-called "green energy" systems is that they're still retardedly expensive to buy...as well as maintain/replace...and they just ain't as consistently reliable as the main grid either, especially during winter months.


Mar 12, 2024


May 20, 2024
I suspect he actually re-discovered/re-invented old world technologies that "governments" & certain powerful cults already knew/know about.
They probably didn't have the complete knowledge of these technologies and so they allowed Nick a degree of freedom to experiment in order to essentially "fill in the knowledge gaps" for them, all while intending to steal it from him.


Mar 12, 2024
I'm with Graham Hancock on something significant definitely happened to an advanced civilization during the Younger Dryas period. How far advanced, we can only imagine.

What's even more crazy is the amount of push back and censorship he's receiving for promoting logical ideas with empirical evidence. There is definitely something there.


May 20, 2024
I'm with Graham Hancock on something significant definitely happened to an advanced civilization during the Younger Dryas period. How far advanced, we can only imagine.

What's even more crazy is the amount of push back and censorship he's receiving for promoting logical ideas with empirical evidence. There is definitely something there.
Ya know how the sun rises and sets, then rises again.

How summer becomes autumn becomes winter becomes spring becomes summer on and on...

The way planets orbit the sun...

And ocean tides rise, subside and rise...

Or the way life emerges, flourishes, withers, dies and decays, from which new life emerges...

Notice how everything adheres to a cyclical pattern.

Wonder why aye.

Its interesting how we generally assume we definitively know whatever we think we know, as though we are so arrogant as to convince ourselves we are significant in this infinite existence.

Ya know the funny thing about scientific theories, no matter how convincing nor strong our belief in them...šŸ˜„they inevitably give way to newer theories.

Even the preeminent scientific theories of today which we may think are absolutes now and base other theories around...will all eventually slough away too...

You've obviously noticed the fervour by which the contemporary mainstream science cultists & masses of idolaters hysterically reject & ridicule alternative theories and those whom present them, simply because they don't fit with the current accepted theories of the cults.

The common masses might snigger at such notions nowadays, convinced we're just so fuckin' clever....šŸ¤­ probably just as the common masses might've also done back in Galileo's or Da Vinci's day.

šŸ˜‚ We're just such bloody absurd creatures.

We know we can only perceive with our eyes and our inventions a tiny sliver of existence, yet we still believe we're shit hot, defining & describing the fraction of perceptible stuff around us based only off our laughable natural organs & artificial tools of perceptivity.

Aware of our inherent limitations and yet still pretending its inconsequential.

I love how the most "educated" among us are so sure of the belief of themselves as authorities on whatever fairytales they were told by others who also believed themselves authorities, all arrogantly repeating the same stories word for word.

Oblivious to the ease by which a fiction can become "fact" when asserted by a perceived "authority" when unchallenged.

There are so many fuckin' obvious things which are right in front of everyones faces right now, and most still can't, or won't acknowledge these simply because by doing so means challenging other things around which their identity and conceptions of reality are anchored. Things that if changed, would be equivalent to killing of the established concept of self, thus afflicted individuals will defend their beliefs as if fighting for their very lifes.

The smartest are not those whom rigidly conform to ideas, believes, theories, or whatever else, whether their own or other's concepts, as if definitive absolutes.

Its the "educated" who do that stupid shite.

Smart men acknowledge and accept that all we know is that we know nothing.

Some people bitch and moan about memetics, whinging that they're childish or stupid or blah blah blah. Seemingly ignorant that an 'image can speak a thousand words'.

šŸ˜ŽA lot of people don't realize the tremendous influences memetics can yield, or that occultic symbology is a form of memetic or that the empty spaces within and around occult symbolism can yield far more information than the symbols.

Graham Hancock may be relatively correct regarding his theories of an antidiluvian civilization.

He's definitely not the first to theorize such ideas, nor is it unique.

What if it were all existence, all creation, all things, like the sun, the planets, the seasons, life, death & rebirth, forever flowing cyclically.

One might wonder how many cycles may have come and gone before our current cycle.


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