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Drinking Worcestershire sauce plain


Apr 14, 2021
Ever done it? If not, do it now.

Seriously. Try it. If you don't have some, write it backwards on your forehead so you'll be sure to remember to buy some when you look in the mirror tomorrow morning. And you can't just take a little sip, either - it just tastes gross a little at a time. Pour a good mouthful, swish it around a bit and swallow. Don't do it too many times in a row, 'cause if you're anything like me, more than a couple will give you a stomach ache. But seriously, try it. It's good.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
Ever done it? If not, do it now.

Seriously. Try it. If you don't have some, write it backwards on your forehead so you'll be sure to remember to buy some when you look in the mirror tomorrow morning. And you can't just take a little sip, either - it just tastes gross a little at a time. Pour a good mouthful, swish it around a bit and swallow. Don't do it too many times in a row, 'cause if you're anything like me, more than a couple will give you a stomach ache. But seriously, try it. It's good.
Just for the taste? Seems like it may be a little high in sodium to just go and swig it. Or, was there some other reason to try it?

Wait What

Dec 1, 2020
Ever done it? If not, do it now.

Seriously. Try it. If you don't have some, write it backwards on your forehead so you'll be sure to remember to buy some when you look in the mirror tomorrow morning. And you can't just take a little sip, either - it just tastes gross a little at a time. Pour a good mouthful, swish it around a bit and swallow. Don't do it too many times in a row, 'cause if you're anything like me, more than a couple will give you a stomach ache. But seriously, try it. It's good.


Sep 19, 2021
I mean, I don't drink it like I do lemon juice or dill pickle juice, or A1 for that matter, but I can handle some Worcester sauce by itself from time to time
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