Tell me this:
Name 1 thing that has gotten better from early in your lifetime to today? Education? Economy? American Individuals quality of life?
See people like you watched the world crumble and were too stupid to realise what was going on right before their eyes. The schools and the liberal politics (infection of/into everything in society) sure didn't happen over night.
After reading yore post I now see why you keep referring people to yore own domain (where NO ONE else posts)....but....maybe (again in life) you missed all the signs.
I think that if you asked most people of any age range above 40 and / or those who have studied a little American history that there are certain milestones we can measure the decline of America.
illegally ratified 14th Amendment began our social decline, but it took some time before the courts began misapplying that amendment to the social ills that destroyed our country
The questionable 16th Amendment began the financial downfall of our Republic. The creation of the Federal Reserve (which does not have a reserve nor is it any more "Federal" than Federal Express) drove this country into bankruptcy.
Around the 1950s the courts began legislating against the Republic - and your next objection is that the courts don't legislate. Yes, they do. Legislating from the bench has become another reason the Republic failed. The courts began empowering Congress with
plenary powers and you can't find such authority in the Constitution; The United States Supreme Court began reversing their own decisions so that what was perfectly legal one day was illegal the next - and all without the help of the legislature.
The problem that we have in this country is, that since the 1960s, this country has been on a collision course with the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government and the takeover by a liberal / socialist / progressive/ communist combine that is destroying us with multiculturalism, dependence on government, and the belief that you need a god government in order to survive. Since I stand in the way of such an incremental push toward the demise of the country my forefathers fought, bled and died in order to secure, that may very well be a problem for you.
Every election cycle during my lifetime this country has gotten worse. Our cultural integrity went to Hell. Government has gotten bigger. Freedoms and Liberties are all but gone with the bulk of the American people believing that the Bill of Rights is an empowerment of Big Brother,
not a protection of our guaranteed
unalienable Rights. The third world has taken over. And what do people do?
Many people get on these boards, slinging shit and making accusations as opposed to asking questions. At the same time, you will vote for the worst pieces of shit that ever graced the face of this earth. By the time we get to DJT, we find this clown that is anti-gun, pro LGBTQP and hates the concept of Due Process, all the while pushing the same, exact proposals that his golf buddy, Bill Clinton proposed before him. And if I'm not obliged to bend over and kiss the ass of a politician that endorsed substandard Black candidates (and Democrats) in my home state, then I'm part of the problem. That is freaking rich. You ought to look at the facts:
Before you get mad and think this is a Trump bashing thread I voted for Trump twice. It will not happen again. This forum is a strategy forum and I want to examine Trump beyond the
I had intended to let the final two threads that I'm working on to be my last, but circumstances dictate that I do this. It's okay since I can wrap it up in - maybe ten posts so by post #15 you will
And, you know, you're right about one thing. There are a whopping FOUR regular posters on that board. People bitch about censorship, but when you give them a level playing field, they need to be babied and have their posts edited (sometimes deleted) and face bans for telling you how they really feel. But, the reality is real change has never come from among the masses. Jesus had but twelve apostles; only 56 men had the guts to stand up to King George and help begin this country you live in. On the other side of the aisle, Hitler took a country about the size of Texas and damn near took over the world. Change never comes from among the masses. So, you may have a lot of support for backing the Trojan Horse, but you can't change the direction of this country with a reprobate.
You look at who Trump has been surrounded by. Look at the women that are attracted to him - those cheating on their husbands and getting divorced along with the numbers of corrupt people going to prison over him. And, despite all his bloviating, he cannot get Jim Jordan across the finish line and show you a united Republican Party. He stands for everything that destroyed this country and you want to swear at me because I point it out? Oh, all of this was probably TLDR. Trump supporters are intimidated by ten paragraphs. That takes five minutes to read and it conflicts with the 45 minute harangues that Trump delivers. I don't know about the other states, but Trump lost Georgia AND when required to file the paperwork to demand a recount, he didn't do it. He knows he turned Georgia blue - ESPECIALLY with Herschel Walker.