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Disrespect your flag

Sep 20, 2024
Every smear story and every twisted tale.
I can see it by the language.

Try to tell me, you who have eyes, that you can't see bullshit just from a headline.
They are more and more blatant and laughingly so.
So many shameful tactics.
And then they stand up there smiling as though it's normal.
Yet with one look, a flash of the eyes, and they know if you know and confirm it.

Doesn't matter the affiliation.
"Important" people have become sick and demented.
They are like celebrities or puppets dare I say.
They can't do the right thing because it isn't in them.
Rather they are apart of the cult who dresses nice, pats each other on the back and smile fucks each other daily.
Citizens become numbers or some kind of equation that needs solving.

Why do I care ?

If I were to care it would likely be due to the degradation of my environment.
Getting to watch just how gullible and buffoonish people have become is a adventure.
There is no point to discussing "issues" with most people, since they are preprogramed with responses and trigger words/phrases.
And even I am so these days after interacting with so many dipshits.
The brain becomes a sword ready for battle rather than something to interact pleasurably with.
It moves towards war.

That's what is up. War. Not love. Like the new age people envision. That they can just be hippies and everything will be alright.
They just don't get it. There will always be a big bad wolf. It will always be your responsibility to watch for it and kill it.
Not only have we stopped watching. We turn our eyes. Looking away, because we know those stupid fucking chickens have been drinking the cool aid and aren't even worth saving anymore.

But I still instinctively want to save some chickens. Other than that life is good. Cheers.

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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Every smear story and every twisted tale.
I can see it by the language.

Try to tell me, you who have eyes, that you can't see bullshit just from a headline.
They are more and more blatant and laughingly so.
So many shameful tactics.
And then they stand up there smiling as though it's normal.
Yet with one look, a flash of the eyes, and they know if you know and confirm it.

Doesn't matter the affiliation.
"Important" people have become sick and demented.
They are like celebrities or puppets dare I say.
They can't do the right thing because it isn't in them.
Rather they are apart of the cult who dresses nice, pats each other on the back and smile fucks each other daily.
Citizens become numbers or some kind of equation that needs solving.

Why do I care ?

If I were to care it would likely be due to the degradation of my environment.
Getting to watch just how gullible and buffoonish people have become is a adventure.
There is no point to discussing "issues" with most people, since they are preprogramed with responses and trigger words/phrases.
And even I am so these days after interacting with so many dipshits.
The brain becomes a sword ready for battle rather than something to interact pleasurably with.
It moves towards war.

That's what is up. War. Not love. Like the new age people envision. That they can just be hippies and everything will be alright.
They just don't get it. There will always be a big bad wolf. It will always be your responsibility to watch for it and kill it.
Not only have we stopped watching. We turn our eyes. Looking away, because we know those stupid fucking chickens have been drinking the cool aid and aren't even worth saving anymore.

But I still instinctively want to save some chickens. Other than that life is good. Cheers.

This message doesn't require a response but welcomes any.
Try this thread out. I linked it to a couple days ago. This thread is really why this site existed. The people in there don't come out to the board terribly often. The dumb fucks are restricted from spamming that thread.

I'd also offer to look up old threads from a couple years ago to get a feel for this place. There is a shitload if good humor dispersed through those threads


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