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***Discussion of Race thread***


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Since this board’s competitive advantage is a space to speak freely then why not have a genuine and non inflammatory discussion of Race

First off, as my thesis, I think the supply of racism outpaces the demand by a huge margin. There are issues much more prevalent like economics and technological changes that explain the differences in crime and schooling that are far more relevant to the discussion, but these conversations the same emotional firepower that race carries

Also taken as a whole, there are legitimate IQ gaps when other races are stacked up against eachother(which I don’t really find as compelling since there are so many inter group differences) and this is so verboten to bring up that there isn’t a conversation

Lastly, culture is so much more important than race. When you have a culture that fosters a combative attiude toward police and school you are in deep trouble


Jan 9, 2021
I just hate having it shoved down my throat 24/7. I’m a middle class white guy who’s hunky ancestors came here at the turn of the century and worked in coal mines and died from black lung when they were 50. I was the first person to go to college from my family thanks to parents who busted their ass and saved for me to go (I’ll be forever grateful).

All that being said, I don’t care about other people’s issues. I’m sorry if things aren’t going your way, but my family’s heritage has nothing to do with your misfortunes. Take responsibility, sack up and shut the fuck up.
Jan 9, 2021
Since this board’s competitive advantage is a space to speak freely then why not have a genuine and non inflammatory discussion of Race

First off, as my thesis, I think the supply of racism outpaces the demand by a huge margin. There are issues much more prevalent like economics and technological changes that explain the differences in crime and schooling that are far more relevant to the discussion, but these conversations the same emotional firepower that race carries

Also taken as a whole, there are legitimate IQ gaps when other races are stacked up against eachother(which I don’t really find as compelling since there are so many inter group differences) and this is so verboten to bring up that there isn’t a conversation

Lastly, culture is so much more important than race. When you have a culture that fosters a combative attiude toward police and school you are in deep trouble

Culture is far more impactful, but the race baiters won’t let you detach one from the other.


Jan 8, 2021
Also taken as a whole, there are legitimate IQ gaps when other races are stacked up against eachother(which I don’t really find as compelling since there are so many inter group differences) and this is so verboten to bring up that there isn’t a conversation

This is extremely interesting. I did a deep dive on this a few years ago. Sadly, racists love to latch on to this kind of thing as part of a superiority argument. It completely prevents discussion but can explain a lot of social issues and cultures.
Feb 9, 2023
Since this board’s competitive advantage is a space to speak freely then why not have a genuine and non inflammatory discussion of Race

First off, as my thesis, I think the supply of racism outpaces the demand by a huge margin. There are issues much more prevalent like economics and technological changes that explain the differences in crime and schooling that are far more relevant to the discussion, but these conversations the same emotional firepower that race carries

Also taken as a whole, there are legitimate IQ gaps when other races are stacked up against eachother(which I don’t really find as compelling since there are so many inter group differences) and this is so verboten to bring up that there isn’t a conversation

Lastly, culture is so much more important than race. When you have a culture that fosters a combative attiude toward police and school you are in deep trouble
Stop walking on eggshells. You should've broke the ice with a funny but true meme like this one ;).
Feb 9, 2023
Culture is far more impactful, but the race baiters won’t let you detach one from the other.

They've finished many studies on this topic to determine how important culture or environment is on one's IQ. No matter how many times they conduct the study the outcome is the same and the gap between the races is not closed although there is a slight improvement.

We can see the black Americans have around an 85 IQ on average while the African blacks have 70 IQ on average. Now, the increase in access to education and resources makes a difference. However, I would argue that the American blacks IQ is increased mainly because a vast majority of them have mixed with Caucasians or have some level of Caucasian DNA in them. It's quite interesting that the Caucasian average IQ is 100 and the black African IQ is 70 so the average of these combined would be 85. Race mixing is probably plays a larger role in the increase in IQ for Black Americans when compared to their increases in resources and access to an education.

Meanwhile the Asian Americans IQ is virtually the same (varies greatly by ethnicity).

I find it quite odd how society openly accepts that blacks are the most athletic race and the term BBC is used openly as well. However, when it comes to IQ all of a sudden this is a taboo topic because blacks are on the bottom totem pole.

Further studies have been done on brain sizes. Asian brains were slightly heavier than Caucasian brains and the brains of black Africans were smaller every other race by a significant portion. If our physical differences are obvious with, height, weight, bone density, hair, skin, etc are all visibly different then it is fair to say our brain composition and thus the way we think, solve problems and process information is different as well.

People can improve their IQ over time through different experiences, learning new skills, solving problems, reading, playing chess, diet, etc. Our IQ's can be increased, however our baseline IQ is determined by our genetics from our parents which is based on their race and environments they grew up in. The reality is Eastern Asians have the highest IQ's followed by white European countries with a 90% or greater population comprised of Caucasians, followed by White Americans, then Arabs, followed by Hispanics, then black Americans and finally black Africans.

Is IQ the most important factor for nations to be successful, powerful? I would say it's very important but equally as important is creativity. I believe Eastern Asians do have on average the highest IQ's when compared to pureblood white Caucasians. However, Caucasians creativity combined with their IQ is what sets them apart. This is why they have invented the most important inventions in human society including academic advancements as well than any other race combined.

I believe creativity, IQ, delayed gratification and determination/drive are the most important factors for individual success.
Feb 9, 2023
My only take on this, is that racism in every race is natural considering humans are tribalistic and have been using these methods to stay safe for thousands of years and that is just in human genetics. I’m not condoning it, I just think it’s part of human nature.

This is absolutely correct. The reasons for races to even exist is they would have to be "racist" to some degree. This made up term changes all the time but for the most part it appears people call whites racist for saying they want to segregate, have their own land, and have a right to protect and preserve their heritage, culture and their very DNA. The Jew changing our immigration laws has been a soft slow genocide of the white race in all white countries. If whites fight against this then they're called racist, or xenophobic. These names were used nearly 100 years ago while the Jews took over Russia and had over 60 million white Christians murdered in that genocide over time.

The goal for the Jew is to have all non Jews mix together so we no longer have our race, culture, or religion. We will simply all be brown or tan with brown or black hair and brown eyes with no real identity which makes it even easier for the Jew to enslave humanity. Another factor is IQ, as the more the white race is breeding with the lower IQ races then the IQ were continue to lower on an international level at a rapid rate. The movie ideocracy has come true but at 10x the speed the movie predicted.

All races deserve the right to protect and preserve their race, religion, heritage, etc. They should all have the right to their own land as well. If they do not want any other race to reside in their land then that is natural and ethical on all levels. Now if we have some lands to have a multicultural death trap that's fine as well but it should never be forced on an nation, race, color or creed which is perhaps the most evil thing that can be done to a race as it will eventually ensure they no longer exist in the near future. The white population was nearly 45% of the total Earth's population not but a century ago and now we're at around 10%. We can thank the Zionist Jews for this atrocity.
Feb 9, 2023
Since this board’s competitive advantage is a space to speak freely then why not have a genuine and non inflammatory discussion of Race

First off, as my thesis, I think the supply of racism outpaces the demand by a huge margin. There are issues much more prevalent like economics and technological changes that explain the differences in crime and schooling that are far more relevant to the discussion, but these conversations the same emotional firepower that race carries

Also taken as a whole, there are legitimate IQ gaps when other races are stacked up against each other(which I don’t really find as compelling since there are so many inter group differences) and this is so verboten to bring up that there isn’t a conversation

Lastly, culture is so much more important than race. When you have a culture that fosters a combative attitude toward police and school you are in deep trouble

It's intellectually dishonest to not attribute race as the main factor for crime rates. Black men who are around 7% of the population in America yet they commit 55%-60% of the crimes. So if they were the majority in the country then they would be committing closer to 95%+ of the crimes. The main reason for their propensity to commit crime is their low IQ's and high testosterone levels when compared to the other races.

The fact is that blacks commit more crimes on average per person than any other race in basically all countries. Their culture, low income, and high crime rates are a product of their genetics and not because of society holding them back or keeping them down. If anything they have more opportunities to be successful in the west than any other race given affirmative action, scholarships, and all the groups to support and aid blacks only in the west. However, in spite of all these privileges and advantages they're still failing at an alarming. They're destroying cities more so than they build or maintain society. This is in their nature through history they're a race that destroys, they do not build.

The black sub-Saharan Africans didn't have their own written language and never even invented the wheel before the whites civilized them. Was the white man holding them back for thousands of years while they were in Africa?

We must acknowledge the problems and the differences in the races to solve the problems. The answer to solve a vast majority of these problems is complete segregation to the highest degree of all races.
Feb 9, 2023
I just hate having it shoved down my throat 24/7. I’m a middle class white guy who’s hunky ancestors came here at the turn of the century and worked in coal mines and died from black lung when they were 50. I was the first person to go to college from my family thanks to parents who busted their ass and saved for me to go (I’ll be forever grateful).

All that being said, I don’t care about other people’s issues. I’m sorry if things aren’t going your way, but my family’s heritage has nothing to do with your misfortunes. Take responsibility, sack up and shut the fuck up.

I agree with this 100% unless you're a Zionist Jew.


Mar 20, 2021
Of course this thread is retarded. Neither race nor culture are most important. Genetics is most important. If culture was most important, then I could teach my dogs to play chess. But I can't for genetic reasons.

Race isn't genetics. Race is just shared ancestry of a group. The group may share genetics, but this genetics varies over time. For example whites used to have decent genetics, but they managed to construct the most dysgenic culture in history, and so they became genetic trash.

Another mistake in this thread is to define groups/tribes/ethnicities by race. That's just wrong. Ethnicities are just groups of people with a shared identity who tend to marry within the group. This eventually forms a race as a byproduct of in-group marriage, but doesn't define the group. Members of the race may leave the group and members of other race may join the group. Only the most degenerate people (like members of this forum) fail to understand the real identity of ethnicities.

Good ethnicities have eugenic cultures that keeps high quality genetics. Based on this, westerners (mostly white) are the worst ethnicity, and Arkians are the best.
Feb 9, 2023
Of course this thread is retarded. Neither race nor culture are most important. Genetics is most important. If culture was most important, then I could teach my dogs to play chess. But I can't for genetic reasons.

Race isn't genetics. Race is just shared ancestry of a group. The group may share genetics, but this genetics varies over time. For example whites used to have decent genetics, but they managed to construct the most dysgenic culture in history, and so they became genetic trash.

Another mistake in this thread is to define groups/tribes/ethnicities by race. That's just wrong. Ethnicities are just groups of people with a shared identity who tend to marry within the group. This eventually forms a race as a byproduct of in-group marriage, but doesn't define the group. Members of the race may leave the group and members of other race may join the group. Only the most degenerate people (like members of this forum) fail to understand the real identity of ethnicities.

Good ethnicities have eugenic cultures that keeps high quality genetics. Based on this, westerners (mostly white) are the worst ethnicity, and Arkians are the best.

We must define race, culture, environment and genetics to adequately answer these questions.

1.) Race:

A.) : any one of the groups that humans are often divided into based on physical traits regarded as common among people of shared ancestry.

B.) a group of people sharing a common cultural, geographical, linguistic, or religious origin or background

C.) a group within a species that is distinguishable (as morphologically, genetically, or behaviorally) from others of the same species

So a group of people that share the same or similar physical features such as height, weight, body composition, muscle, bone density, beliefs, practices DNA, intellect, backgrounds, language, culture, etc.

2.) Genetics:

A.) the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.

B.) the genetic properties or features of an organism, characteristic, etc.:

C.) A group within a species that's distinguishable (as morphologically, genetically, or behaviorally from others of the same species)

So the study of human's behaviors, DNA, physical characteristics, and other features.

3.) Culture:

A.) the attitudes, behavior, opinions, etc. of a particular group of people within society:

B.) The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time:

A group of people's beliefs, behaviors, ideology, practices, actions, etc over a specific period of time.

4.) Environment:

A.) the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live:

So essentially your geographic locations.

From these definitions alone it's obvious that our racial background combined with the environmental factors, and culture are the main factors for our genetics. Another factor is one's own personal drive to overcome adversity, obstacles, and to learn and grow during one's own life.

We use DNA to determine one's genetic background or their racial background. Genomic DNA testing determines your phenotype and the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y-DNA haplogroups, along with many other features.

As for comparing humans to dogs or other animals that's a completely different discussion because we were discussing the differences within the same species and not the differences between other species. With that being said, they do have the capacity to learn and increase their intellect as well but have a lower baseline and overall lower potential than humans to increase their own intelligence.

For example Koko the Gorilla who was taken in by a white female when she was very young and this lady taught her many things including how to communicate with sign language. Koko learned over a thousand signs and even developed a sense of humor.

She was given different test to determine her level of intelligence over time. The tests given to Koko the gorilla were Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Ravens Progressive Matrices and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. Chapter 14 of this document gives a description of those IQ tests. Research also showed that Koko was able to demonstrate some of the techniques required for abstract thought. Koko the gorilla has a tested IQ between 70 and 95 on a human scale..

I agree white or Caucasian genetics have decreased over time more so than any other race and it started at the turn of the 20th century and increased rapidly after WWII. The main reason for white genetics decrease over this time period has been due to forced multiculturalism within their own countries which led to breeding with other races to make their genetics impure. Combine this with the destruction of their food, water, air, and culture along with things like vaccinations, and medications. This is due to the Zionist Jew with their intentional measures to collapse our society and to decrease our genetics with policies, money supply, medicine, water supply, food supply, air and even the frequencies surrounding us have ll been intentionally altered to destroy our genetics more so than any other race.

The average German IQ before WWII was 107 and the average in some German cites was around 114. Germany was the most advanced nation on earth during this time period.

Lastly, you go on to say western whites have the worst genetics and Arkians have the best. Who in the hell are the Arkians? What metrics are you using to determining the quality of one's genetics?


Dec 7, 2021
They've finished many studies on this topic to determine how important culture or environment is on one's IQ. No matter how many times they conduct the study the outcome is the same and the gap between the races is not closed although there is a slight improvement.

We can see the black Americans have around an 85 IQ on average while the African blacks have 70 IQ on average. Now, the increase in access to education and resources makes a difference. However, I would argue that the American blacks IQ is increased mainly because a vast majority of them have mixed with Caucasians or have some level of Caucasian DNA in them. It's quite interesting that the Caucasian average IQ is 100 and the black African IQ is 70 so the average of these combined would be 85. Race mixing is probably plays a larger role in the increase in IQ for Black Americans when compared to their increases in resources and access to an education.

Meanwhile the Asian Americans IQ is virtually the same (varies greatly by ethnicity).

I find it quite odd how society openly accepts that blacks are the most athletic race and the term BBC is used openly as well. However, when it comes to IQ all of a sudden this is a taboo topic because blacks are on the bottom totem pole.

Further studies have been done on brain sizes. Asian brains were slightly heavier than Caucasian brains and the brains of black Africans were smaller every other race by a significant portion. If our physical differences are obvious with, height, weight, bone density, hair, skin, etc are all visibly different then it is fair to say our brain composition and thus the way we think, solve problems and process information is different as well.

People can improve their IQ over time through different experiences, learning new skills, solving problems, reading, playing chess, diet, etc. Our IQ's can be increased, however our baseline IQ is determined by our genetics from our parents which is based on their race and environments they grew up in. The reality is Eastern Asians have the highest IQ's followed by white European countries with a 90% or greater population comprised of Caucasians, followed by White Americans, then Arabs, followed by Hispanics, then black Americans and finally black Africans.

Is IQ the most important factor for nations to be successful, powerful? I would say it's very important but equally as important is creativity. I believe Eastern Asians do have on average the highest IQ's when compared to pureblood white Caucasians. However, Caucasians creativity combined with their IQ is what sets them apart. This is why they have invented the most important inventions in human society including academic advancements as well than any other race combined.

I believe creativity, IQ, delayed gratification and determination/drive are the most important factors for individual success.
Yep according to some genetics is responsible for everything except intelligence, which is bullshit.



Mar 20, 2021
We must define race, culture, environment and genetics to adequately answer these questions.

1.) Race:

A.) : any one of the groups that humans are often divided into based on physical traits regarded as common among people of shared ancestry.

B.) a group of people sharing a common cultural, geographical, linguistic, or religious origin or background

C.) a group within a species that is distinguishable (as morphologically, genetically, or behaviorally) from others of the same species

So a group of people that share the same or similar physical features such as height, weight, body composition, muscle, bone density, beliefs, practices DNA, intellect, backgrounds, language, culture, etc.

2.) Genetics:

A.) the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.

B.) the genetic properties or features of an organism, characteristic, etc.:

C.) A group within a species that's distinguishable (as morphologically, genetically, or behaviorally from others of the same species)

So the study of human's behaviors, DNA, physical characteristics, and other features.

3.) Culture:

A.) the attitudes, behavior, opinions, etc. of a particular group of people within society:

B.) The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time:

A group of people's beliefs, behaviors, ideology, practices, actions, etc over a specific period of time.

4.) Environment:

A.) the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live:

So essentially your geographic locations.

From these definitions alone it's obvious that our racial background combined with the environmental factors, and culture are the main factors for our genetics. Another factor is one's own personal drive to overcome adversity, obstacles, and to learn and grow during one's own life.

We use DNA to determine one's genetic background or their racial background. Genomic DNA testing determines your phenotype and the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y-DNA haplogroups, along with many other features.

As for comparing humans to dogs or other animals that's a completely different discussion because we were discussing the differences within the same species and not the differences between other species. With that being said, they do have the capacity to learn and increase their intellect as well but have a lower baseline and overall lower potential than humans to increase their own intelligence.

For example Koko the Gorilla who was taken in by a white female when she was very young and this lady taught her many things including how to communicate with sign language. Koko learned over a thousand signs and even developed a sense of humor.

She was given different test to determine her level of intelligence over time. The tests given to Koko the gorilla were Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Ravens Progressive Matrices and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. Chapter 14 of this document gives a description of those IQ tests. Research also showed that Koko was able to demonstrate some of the techniques required for abstract thought. Koko the gorilla has a tested IQ between 70 and 95 on a human scale..

I agree white or Caucasian genetics have decreased over time more so than any other race and it started at the turn of the 20th century and increased rapidly after WWII. The main reason for white genetics decrease over this time period has been due to forced multiculturalism within their own countries which led to breeding with other races to make their genetics impure. Combine this with the destruction of their food, water, air, and culture along with things like vaccinations, and medications. This is due to the Zionist Jew with their intentional measures to collapse our society and to decrease our genetics with policies, money supply, medicine, water supply, food supply, air and even the frequencies surrounding us have ll been intentionally altered to destroy our genetics more so than any other race.

The average German IQ before WWII was 107 and the average in some German cites was around 114. Germany was the most advanced nation on earth during this time period.

Lastly, you go on to say western whites have the worst genetics and Arkians have the best. Who in the hell are the Arkians? What metrics are you using to determining the quality of one's genetics?
The problem here is that you leave out ethnicity and have a muddled definition of race. Your 3 definitions of race are different from each other. Definition C is meaningless. By C, bald people could be considered a race, so we can throw this out. Definition A is my definition of race. And shared ancestry implies shared genetics. Definition B is what I would call "ethnicity", not "race". Using my definitions results in clear concise meanings for each word.

The decay of white genetics was not primarily caused by the factors you mentions, but rather was caused by dygenic modern culture. Jews did play a role in this, but not in the way you describe, but rather by making modern culture more degenerate and dysgenic. I have posted a video several times here describing all this.

I didn't say that western whites have the worst genetics, I said that they have the worst ethnicity because it is the most dysgenic. In other words, not the worst genetics but the most rapidly declining genetics. But because modern culture is now global, almost all groups are declining genetically. The only significant group that isn't declining is traditional Anabaptists. Because I am not Christian, and I don't want to belong to a decaying ethnicity, I formed my own ethnicity which is the Arkians. http://www.arkian.net/


Sep 22, 2023
Since this board’s competitive advantage is a space to speak freely then why not have a genuine and non inflammatory discussion of Race

First off, as my thesis, I think the supply of racism outpaces the demand by a huge margin. There are issues much more prevalent like economics and technological changes that explain the differences in crime and schooling that are far more relevant to the discussion, but these conversations the same emotional firepower that race carries

Also taken as a whole, there are legitimate IQ gaps when other races are stacked up against eachother(which I don’t really find as compelling since there are so many inter group differences) and this is so verboten to bring up that there isn’t a conversation

Lastly, culture is so much more important than race. When you have a culture that fosters a combative attiude toward police and school you are in deep trouble
This is just FWIW on the subject:

The United States was founded by Whites for their advancement, preservation and protection. Even after integrating, the non-Whites have not been satisfied nor will they ever be regarding the race issue. The majority of Blacks want to see the end of the Whites in this country be it by integration or genocide. It matters little to them.

On the other side of that fence are the Whites who want to maintain their cultural integrity which includes, but is not limited to, their race. You wanted a genuine and non inflammatory of the subject, so let us try honesty. There are those who believe in the principles upon which America was built. They still oppose multiculturalism and its trimmings, which include interracial marriage (and sexual unions with other races.) While unpopular, they should still have that Right to believe and practice such within their own communities. It is a part of the Right to a Freedom of Association and a Freedom of Disassociation.

If you look at communities across America, it is where non-Whites live that you find the greatest amount of crime, violence and uneducated people. It is the most prevalent among Blacks and those who are less likely to have the problems seem to be Chinese communities. For whatever reason some people cannot assimilate into our culture and we are going backward trying to adapt to theirs.
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