DeSantis Admits the 1 Thing That ‘Killed His Campaign’ – And Ron Just Might Be 100% Right

I'm still not understanding what it is DeSantis killed his campaign; HOWEVER, I have managed political campaigns up to the state level where candidates actually got elected. Here is a couple of things DeSantis could have done differently:

1) DeSantis used to work in JAG for a SEAL Commander. He should have stressed this experience and made sure he had a foreign policy stance that the amateur wannabes would struggle with since they know nothing about the very area DeSantis excels in

2) The man should learn how to connect with people. Hit the streets and shake the hand to the little man. Kiss few babies. Listen to women who are single parents and struggling

3) Make sure that when he talks about immigration, he says that if the feds cannot handle the situation, then the states reserve the Right to monitor their borders and he is capable and willing to do it

4) DeSantis lost a LOT of support signing so - called hate legislation AND in a foreign country when he did it.

DeSantis would do well to study the Constitution from a constitutionalist point of view as opposed to the federal government's point of view. If he does those things and develops a personality, he may go further in the future.

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