Delaware showing its anti-2A colors


I see joe biden's home state is coming hard for our guns...well, magazines anyway. Senate passed a magazine capacity limit, including confiscation, of 17 rounds. This makes about every AR 15 magazine illegal in Delaware.

They also approved another bill that will require you to get a permit before even purchasing a gun, which will be required for said purchase and is only good for 6 months. To get this permit, you will also have to have completed an approved firearms training class within the last 5 years..."Shall not be infringed." Smh. Our judiciary is as crooked as our media. I don't need my government's fucking permission to excersize my Rights.

How did they come up with 17?

My assumption was some of their LE agencies might use Glock 17s. Perhaps rather than carving out a LE exemption, this way they can easily carry that gun off duty? Or more likely just to have less resistance from the masses, as there aren't many guns, handguns especially, that would be problematic. Once their foot is in the door, they can add an ammendment to lower that number from 17 after the next mass shooting.
This is copied and pasted from the LAC thread. I posted it before I saw this thread.

I think we'll see more bills like this passed in blue states. Strangely, there will probably be a few more mass shootings using "assault weapons" with "high capacity magazines" that will spark these blue states. The movement will grow and get louder in Washington. These are interesting days my fellow patriots
What part of “shall not be infringed” is so hard to understand?

Alot, apparently. It's garbage how the 2nd gets shit on by all branches, but especially disgusting by the judiciary. The 4th ammendment is probably crapped on as badly, but that is for another thread.

I do like the direction alot of conservative states are going, with 18 now having Constitutional carry. Unfortunately with some states going one way, some the opposite, and we are just getting more divided.
This is copied and pasted from the LAC thread. I posted it before I saw this thread.

I think we'll see more bills like this passed in blue states. Strangely, there will probably be a few more mass shootings using "assault weapons" with "high capacity magazines" that will spark these blue states. The movement will grow and get louder in Washington. These are interesting days my fellow patriots

My hometown police department had a bbq going in the parking lot at 8:00 in the morning with a blue line flag flying. Didn't get a chance to stop in and see what it was all about.
Well I guess I'll have to cancel my Delaware trip... LOL. nobody is traveling to Delaware anyway. . I still think Delaware is a made up state. I've never met someone from there or that have been there. Delaware is no different the Westeros or Mordor.
Well I guess I'll have to cancel my Delaware trip... LOL. nobody is traveling to Delaware anyway. . I still think Delaware is a made up state. I've never met someone from there or that have been there. Delaware is no different the Westeros or Mordor.

I think this 45 seconds sums up Delaware nicely-

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