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Crack heads? Pitt bulls? Cooper? And a puppy


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
So Cooper was 13.on 5.2.23 henisn136 kns stands 5-11, most dogs his age makenit to 12 lucky. Most yall known we've been through a light Nia firebrand Pitt bull attacks. Where I bored I carry bear spray to protecting from the Pitts by I don't wanna be a doggie killer again. My neighbor whenget free outreach community food from church's has 2 Pitts.
Granted they are good. But my dog will kill Pitts based on their behavior after our place burned down. Cooper identities block head Pitts and hit destroy mode. It kida sucks till you see how scared the dogs and owners get while I yell fucking killem..

Today the guy who owns the pit acquired either a lab or a hound. You you to determine. No puppy teeth that. Adult teeth 2mm. Coopermis wearly but is sharing and will learnt love his new buddy. God blessed me again ninjas

I'll get that paw growth evaulatedfroday at vet. I think I can fix it w arm an20230619_135642.jpg Cooper has only snapped once. We waked this morning no issue. So all in all good. I thought Cooper would kill her


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Jan 9, 2021
"It kida sucks till you see how scared the dogs and owners get while I yell fucking killem"
Fucking out. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣

I still don't know how you acquired a dog tho. Still in 4 that shit.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Need a better pic of the new puppy
Identical to Cooper the Pooper but 25 lbs. I took him bc they were loading him up for the pound. I really didn't want another dog. So far he us nice but Cooper was then

I can't get photo to load. Will tomorrow


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
"It kida sucks till you see how scared the dogs and owners get while I yell fucking killem"
Fucking out. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣

I still don't know how you acquired a dog tho. Still in 4 that shit.
since me and Cooper's house burned down he changed. We were homeless for a while and he got attacked by a couple of pittbulls at a days inn. He killed them both. All he got was 2 teeth puncture wounds. He went from being king of the dog park to wanting to kill every dog he has seen. Ive laid out over 20k fixing other dogs so he wouldnt get put down. (Stupid i know, but He would do it for me)
One of the crackheads who usually gets pitts got this mutt somehow. Little girl came right up to me and cooper walking one morning. Cooper didnt mind her much and she is a sweet pooch. Later that day I see the dude loading her up in a truck. He was taking her to the pound BC he couldnt afford the vet for the paw. I pulled out a $50 and took her.

Fast foward Luna is sleeping next to Cooper. He is still standoffish a bit but he will runaround with her a bit. I am very happy to have her. I've been getting up at 330am just to play w her for and he or so before we walk and i go to work.

Im on my back up cell. When i get my good cell back ill drop some pics


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Load them then you faggot, instead of trying.
View attachment 193254

Also, I’m not married. So that person you’re plundering is probably a crack whore. Might wanna get checked.
Why are you so worried about my new dog pic? Last person wh was worried Bout my Dogs was a mail woman. They still haven't found that loudmouth bass
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