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Cops Give Shock Answer For Why Public Nudity in Front of Kids at Pride Event is Legal...

Jan 2, 2024
FINALLY! Some people finally see the light! (For occasional nude events like this that is.)

These kind ladies and gentlemen finally realize it's best to treat everyone equal and not body shame - regardless of race, and gender, AND age!

Again, this is how we are all "BLESSED (UPSTAIRS)"!

Free The Nipple RETURNS from beyond the grave!

Fellow females from all over the world - even though I'm a guy, for too long, you have all been body-shamed by these numbskulls who think they know everything about the female body! The time is now! Rise up, my fellow female friends! RISE UP! Viva la revolution!

This includes: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitc...ter-topless-girl-8-told-to-cover-up-1.3124762 and


May 7, 2024
Its not just that its a bullshit defence, pedos are literally abusing nudity to expose themselves in front of kids.

Its literally the polar opposite of 'clad your women in burqas'.

Indecent exposure is indecent exposure.


May 7, 2024
FINALLY! Some people finally see the light! (For occasional nude events like this that is.)

These kind ladies and gentlemen finally realize it's best to treat everyone equal and not body shame - regardless of race, and gender, AND age!

Again, this is how we are all "BLESSED (UPSTAIRS)"!

Free The Nipple RETURNS from beyond the grave!

Fellow females from all over the world - even though I'm a guy, for too long, you have all been body-shamed by these numbskulls who think they know everything about the female body! The time is now! Rise up, my fellow female friends! RISE UP! Viva la revolution!

This includes: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitc...ter-topless-girl-8-told-to-cover-up-1.3124762 and

And I was hesitant at first and trying to understand this fucking mushroom twat, but nope, not anymore.

Mushroom twat is a pedo, see this right here.

Autists learn immediately when something they have said or done was miscommunicated as bad, and they do their best to avoid it happening again - a lifetime of mistakes leads to needing to minimise those mistakes, a natural development of cognitive empathy to replace our lack of emotional empathy.

Mushroom twat ... Honestly I don't even think hes merely a delusional schizo anymore, I'm quite sure hes a bad faith actor.

Whoever diagnosed this twerp with ASD ought to go till themselves, wait, and him as well.
Jan 2, 2024
Were you paying any attention???😒

It all began when I first stumbled upon Inside Edition’s videos of women - that’s WOMEN getting slammed, insulted, and blasted for “showing too much of their body”. Then it escalates further when they show a school is photoshopping out women’s cleavages to make them look “modest” for their yearbook. I feel this type of treatment towards the female human is all wrong! Like, can’t anybody learn to appreciate and look at the female body without censoring it in any way? Can’t you let ANYBODY get a chance to learn about the differences between the male and female human bodies????

THEN… comes along… you guessed it. That one video Inside Edition publishes. And after seeing her top blurred, my inner voice in my head yelled out: “That’s the last straw!” Like, can’t some of us get a chance to learn something new that just aroused our curiosity? Such as how the human body changes with time in terms of both genders? Like, now, I can finally visualize myself (my whole body) from little boy to fully grown man. But when Inside Edition published that footage, the new question that took me by storm is: what would a female look like from a little girl to a fully grown woman? At least this type of footage can give me a better visual illustration - provided that Inside Edition didn’t blur it in the first place. And this will give the kids a jump start lesson on why boys and girls exist in the first place - not only because of their mental traits from toy stores, but also for a later life stage.

This is how the sequence of events played out in chronological order.
Jan 2, 2024
And again:

Can you really - you know, hurl insults at Inside Edition or blast them for what they did? It was their idea to publicly publish the footage. Just like how that one photographer made the choice to publicly publish footage of the Napalm Girl when she was 9 and completely nude. Therefore, it should be ok to share this footage anywhere.

But some areas censored Napalm Girl’s nipples, but others did not - excluding her groin. Then there’s the diaper boxes I found in any supermarket. And finally… Surprise surprise: typical women being scolded by other people for wearing something “inappropriate” or “showing too much of their body”. I look around and since no one else is protesting about this (most likely due to YouTube’s ghosting of certain words or phrases in the users’ comments), I might as well do it! After all, someone’s gotta step up to the plate to hit that ball! I will not sit idling by the sidelines and continue to watch the female human get treated/censored like this! I will stand up, step up, and speak out towards these absurd reactions, rules, and regulations that revolve around the appearance and censorship of the female body! In short: TAKE CHARGE!

And please don't tell me it's because I'm cursed or it's "next-to-impossible" to get this type of news content broadcasted! Other people were able to get their complaints broadcasted, I just need to approach this from every angle.


May 7, 2024
And again:

Can you really - you know, hurl insults at Inside Edition or blast them for what they did? It was their idea to publicly publish the footage. Just like how that one photographer made the choice to publicly publish footage of the Napalm Girl when she was 9 and completely nude. Therefore, it should be ok to share this footage anywhere.

But some areas censored Napalm Girl’s nipples, but others did not - excluding her groin. Then there’s the diaper boxes I found in any supermarket. And finally… Surprise surprise: typical women being scolded by other people for wearing something “inappropriate” or “showing too much of their body”. I look around and since no one else is protesting about this (most likely due to YouTube’s ghosting of certain words or phrases in the users’ comments), I might as well do it! After all, someone’s gotta step up to the plate to hit that ball! I will not sit idling by the sidelines and continue to watch the female human get treated/censored like this! I will stand up, step up, and speak out towards these absurd reactions, rules, and regulations that revolve around the appearance and censorship of the female body! In short: TAKE CHARGE!

And please don't tell me it's because I'm cursed or it's "next-to-impossible" to get this type of news content broadcasted! Other people were able to get their complaints broadcasted, I just need to approach this from every angle.

You are fucking beyond 'cursed' you rage inducing worthless gobshite. You are braindead, pathetic and fucked up beyond disbelief.

In the name of 'free speech', everyone else here has to suffer your crap, never once can you even think to consider the wellbeing of anyone else when you shit out your worthless thoughts can you?

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
These kind ladies and gentlemen finally realize it's best to treat everyone equal and not body shame - regardless of race, and gender, AND age!
Indecent exposure laws do not constitute "body shaming".

California law is pretty clear as to what is considered indecent exposure, and the pride parade falls within it's definition.

Those cops were making excuses. The participants were in fact violating the law.


May 7, 2024
Cartoondude literally thinks its ok for kids to be ......

Not saying it cos that is the one list I will not end up on.

I'll fucking rip an infant to shreds before anyone dares accuse me of such, preferably the accuser's child.

Dead children = joy.
Jan 2, 2024
Cartoondude literally thinks its ok for kids to be ......

Not saying it cos that is the one list I will not end up on.

I'll fucking rip an infant to shreds before anyone dares accuse me of such, preferably the accuser's child.

Dead children = joy.
Occasionally, that is! This is just a once-in-a-while "freedom" type situation! And I have no intentions of harming children!

And again:

Can you really - you know, hurl insults at the News Group that published this event or news situation? Or even blast them for what they did? It was their idea to publicly publish the footage. Just like how that one photographer made the choice to publicly publish footage of the Napalm Girl when she was 9 and completely nude. Therefore, it should be ok to share this footage anywhere. - As long as you don't distribute it too frequently and you know how to word it properly.

Because now, I go to my bathroom mirror and ask myself in the mirror: "If this is what I look like from little boy to fully grown man, then... what would a female look like from little girl to fully grown woman?" And yeah, because I'm male, it's hard to believe or imagine that female nipples go from "seed size" to "gravel stone/pebble size" in 20 years time.


Apr 20, 2024
Cops are really not heroes any longer, maybe a very select few are but most are just Low brow bullies ,,, they are now the oppressors and no longer protectors ,, its sad but true ,,they care more about being in the "cop club" and retirement than they care for any of you. almost all cops have the ability to kill people who they do not know and have never done anything to them and they all sleep well at night.. think about that!

one more thing and i am just saying is all, from my own personal experience I have never met a christian cop nor have I ever met a cop in a christian church ,, its kinda weird. i know there must be a christian or two who are cops but i dont think there are many.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
it is not the events fault that there are kids there, it is the fucking parents of the kids.
The point is that their bs it is held in a public area. As such, they should have to abide by the same rules that would apply to any other public area.

If the city says they can be nude, the area should be cordoned off to only allow the participants into that area, with people with kids barred from entering.


Apr 20, 2024

they will let perverts perv on our children but dont mind at all killing in front of kids and i promise those kids will not grow up to trust the oppressor so called police.
like i said before they are not heroes. we as non cops have to let their dogs attack us and chew us up and we have to take it but if one of our dogs just growls at a cop it gets killed.
the question is when does the line get crossed and what do we do when it is crossed?
will any of you stand with me or just record my take down like that dog in the video?
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May 7, 2024

they will let perverts perv on our children but dont mind at all killing in front of kids and i promise those kids will not grow up to trust the oppressor so called police.
like i said before they are not heroes. we as non cops have to let their dogs attack us and chew us up and we have to take it but if one of our dogs just growls at a cop it gets killed.
the question is when does the line get crossed and what do we do when it is crossed?
will any of you stand with me or just record my take down like that dog in the video?

Most people with a brain know that police are not heroes and are just self serving narcs with a constant power trip.

Those who are simply dumb will never wake up until something like this happens to them. Also in the UK / EU, all the hate speech malarky - a person like me will simply never report someone to the police merely over words they have said, but hey, all the low IQ emotional thinking smooth brains just waste the polices time if their precious fee fees get hurt.

This whole nonsense of 'but there are vulnerable people out there' - if people are genuinely so vulnerable and thin skinned, they would stay at home, never go outside and stay off the internet. The ones that can't do that are fake as fuck and just use laws of protection to antagonise, aggravate, dominate and control others.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023

they will let perverts perv on our children but dont mind at all killing in front of kids and i promise those kids will not grow up to trust the oppressor so called police.
like i said before they are not heroes. we as non cops have to let their dogs attack us and chew us up and we have to take it but if one of our dogs just growls at a cop it gets killed.
the question is when does the line get crossed and what do we do when it is crossed?
will any of you stand with me or just record my take down like that dog in the video?

I like dogs, but was the cop supposed to just let the dog bite him? It was clearly being aggressive and the cop only shot the dog after it continued trying to bite him.

Had it been me, I'd have done the same thing.

Also, it's irresponsible (and usually illegal) to have a dog loose in a front yard. Therefore it is the owners fault for allowing his dog to be in a position to be shot.

I've been attacked by loose dogs before, bit once, and I can assure you that it is no fun.


Apr 20, 2024
anyone who thinks that the cop was justified is not one of my people,,with your reasoning it would be ok to then shoot the cop, the cop was wrong and there is no justification for what he did, i was as a kid chased on bikes by dogs and had dogs run at me and never felt the need to kill anyone of them, stun gun or pepper spray or the baton would have worked ,,hell even firing the gun into the air would have scared the dog off,,,,i cant shoot dogs that are bothering me what makes the cop special? if i was to kill a cops dog under the same cicumstances i would be charged as if i had murdered a human,. double standards are wrong and so was that so called policeman. who in thier right mind starts discharging a firearm around kids?? in my opinion he should have his guns stripped from him and be made to get a real job like hanging sheet rock it would probably save a few pets lives.
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Apr 20, 2024
How come its only cops shooting our pets and not postmen or firemen or UPS or fed ex or doordash?? it seems only cops have a problem with peoples pets. off all the people who come into contact with our loved pets only cops seem to be the ones KILLING them.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
anyone who thinks that the cop was justified is not one of my people,,with your reasoning it would be ok to then shoot the cop, the cop was wrong and there is no justification for what he did,
The dog was clearly trying to bite him, and he did not shoot until the dog came at him the second time.

Again, was he supposed to just let the dog bite him?

i was as a kid chased on bikes by dogs and had dogs run at me and never felt the need to kill anyone of them
Me too, but on a bike they can easily be out run.

stun gun or pepper spray ot the baton would have worked
Pepper spray would have worked, but I wouldn't suggest (from personal experience) using the other two. A truly aggressive dog will just try to get you more, if you hit it with a stick. A long thick stick is good to keep them back, but it probably won't stop an attack.
A stun gun is only effective when the dog is at a point to bite. At that point, he's too close, because dogs have quicker reaction times than we do.

hell even firing the gun into the air would have scared the dog off,,
That'd get you arrested where I live. Use of a gun is the use of deadly force. If you are firing one only to scare an attacker without the intent to kill, that constitutes proof that you did not think deadly force was actually necessary.
If deadly force was not necessary, the use of a gun would be illegal. It's not a noise maker.

,i cant shoot dogs that are bothering me what makes the cop special?
You sure can if the dog is being aggressive and trying to attack. Dogs can cause serious harm and even death. No way to know ahead of time if the one coming at you in the heat of the moment is all bark, or all bite until it's too late.

Again, are you supposed to let 'em bite you and THEN fight back against it?

if i was to kill a cops dog under the same cicumstances i would be charged as if i had murdered a human,
The difference is that a police dog is trained and won't be running loose of it's lead in a public place.

double standards are wrong and so was that so called policeman. who in thier right mind starts discharging a firearm around kids??
Doesn't matter. All that matters is whether or not there was legal justification for doing so.

As long as the officer (or anyone in that position) made sure that no down range persons were hit, it's perfectly legal.

I was recently attacked by two dogs, and would have been fully justified in shooting them. I used pepper spray on them this time. Next time they'll get the same treatment the dog in the vid got, and I'll feel really good about it too.
As for kids, the dogs I sprayed ended up getting the stuff all over their owners little kids. I kinda felt good about that, too.

As for the vid, the sole fault of that dog getting shot, is on it's owner for letting it run loose in a their front yard. I don't know where that happened, but I'm pretty sure there's a leash law for dogs in public. Had they had their dog on a leash or tied up, or in a fenced yard, the cop would not have shot the dog. It ran out to the street where that cop was, or anyone could have been. What if it had been another child and the dog bit him? Would it be ok to shoot the dog then?


Apr 20, 2024
"As for kids, the dogs I sprayed ended up getting the stuff all over their owners little kids. I kinda felt good about that, too."

that about sums you up,,,we know what kind of person you are...the above quoted words are just plain ole evil

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
"As for kids, the dogs I sprayed ended up getting the stuff all over their owners little kids. I kinda felt good about that, too."

that about sums you up,,,we know what kind of person you are...the above quoted words are just plain ole evil
The owner let his pit bulls run loose, they attacked me (on public property), I spraryed the shit out of 'em, (he's lucky I didn't shoot 'em) they ran to the house where the kids were. Absolutely not my fault, and the guy has been told many times over the past 6 years to not to let his dogs run loose. They've bit more than one person in that time, yet the pos owner continues to let them loose.
That's why I didn't give a shit about the dogs getting that stuff all over his kids. He deserved it. (because apparently that's what it takes to learn the mofo a lesson)


Apr 20, 2024
I am glad we are not neighbors, you dont seem like a very helpful or useful person,,you seem very self righteous and so sure of your evil,,,i dont think any person or living thing is safe being near you,,, its sad to me but i still have hope for people..

Live by the gun=Die by the gun
Jul 9, 2022
The point is that their bs it is held in a public area. As such, they should have to abide by the same rules that would apply to any other public area.

If the city says they can be nude, the area should be cordoned off to only allow the participants into that area, with people with kids barred from entering.
I get it, really none of it should be allowed. But as it pertains to the kids.......I wonder what they are calling "kids".

They say that "kids" are getting shot everyday, but in reality it is a 14 year old gangbanger. Not really a kid in that context, you know?

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I get it, really none of it should be allowed. But as it pertains to the kids.......I wonder what they are calling "kids".

They say that "kids" are getting shot everyday, but in reality it is a 14 year old gangbanger. Not really a kid in that context, you know?
Legally, they are.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I am glad we are not neighbors, you dont seem like a very helpful or useful person,,you seem very self righteous and so sure of your evil,,,i dont think any person or living thing is safe being near you,,, its sad to me but i still have hope for people..

Live by the gun=Die by the gun
I'm just calling it like it is. Had the dog not been loose, it wouldn't have gotten shot. It's not as though he shot it as it ran up to him. He only shot it after it went to bite him.

Again, was he supposed to just let it bite him and then nicely ask the people to come get it off of him?

Bottom line is, the dogs owner cost it it's life.
Jul 9, 2022
Legally, they are.
Sure, legally they are, but isnt it weird that they can be tried as an adult. It is an example of the systems hypocrisy.

The typical "kid" does not shoot people in the open street in a turf war or drug deal.

Saying that these are kids is misleading.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Sure, legally they are, but isnt it weird that they can be tried as an adult.
I'm ok with it. Kids def know right and wrong, and if they gonna chose to commit adult crimes, I'm ok with giving them adult punishments.

I just don't think they should be put into adult prisons at that age.

The typical "kid" does not shoot people in the open street in a turf war or drug deal.

Saying that these are kids is misleading.
Yep. They know what they doing is wrong, so charge 'em as adults.


Apr 20, 2024
Im just going to call it like it is....the dog and its family was at thier home,,the dog was protecting his family from an armed gun happy thug. The dog died a hero and the kids(look at the vid they are actually little kids) will now probably be scared for life..Imagine if the lowlife cop had just stayed in the car and got on the radio speaker and asked the family to restrain thier brave dog. the cop is nothing more than a gunhappy pussy..... there was 10000 ways to skin that cat and the cop chose the lowlife animal option.,,spanish gangs are killing us and taking over apt.buildings and what are the cops doing?? they are shooting our loved pets. an update too,,the cops town agrees with me and thank god the cop will probably have to move.

Bottom line is the Dog died a Hero and the gunhappy cop lives as a zero.
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Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Im just going to call it like it is....the dog and its family was at thier home,,the dog was protecting his family from an armed gun happy thug.
You are entitled to think that, but legally speaking, the cop was justified in his actions. Anyone would have been.

The dog died a hero and the kids(look at the vid they are actually little kids) will now probably be scared for life.
The dog died due to it's negligent owners letting it run loose. The dog ran to the street where the cop was. A PUBLIC street, I might add.

.Imagine if the lowlife cop had just stayed in the car and got on the radio speaker and asked the family to restrain thier brave dog.
The cop was on foot long before the dog ever showed up.

Besides, he was in a public street where everyone has the Right to stand. You don't have to give up your Rights just because some irresponsible owner lets his dog run loose. A public street is an easement for public mobility. A place where we are all free to walk, ride, drive, etc. to get to where ever we might need to be.

the cop is nothing more than a gunhappy pussy..... there was 10000 ways to skin that cat and the cop chose the lowlife animal option.,
He tried making friends with the dog. You act as though he shot it as it ran up. He only shot it after it turned hostile and tried to bite him.

Apparently you never saw the body cam?

,,spanish gangs are killing us and taking over apt.buildings and what are the cops doing??
They need to shoot those fuckers too.

they are shooting our loved pets. an update too,,the cops town agrees with me and thank god the cop will probably have to move.
No, the town does not agree with you.

The pertinent part from their statement on the issue:

In this case the Davenport Police officer expressed his sincere fear that he would be seriously injured, and we believe the officer's body worn camera supports his statements.

Link contains bodycam vid from the incident. The dog was clearly trying to bite him.

Spin it however you want, but this was entirely the owners fault for not controlling their dog.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
City Code on the issue.

In Davenport, they even want cats on leashes. Yet somehow you think that dogs running loose trying to bite people, should be ok?

6.04.060Animal running at large.

[Ord. 2003-210 (part); Ord. 02-573 § 7; Ord. 2002-501 § 1; Ord. 2000-285 § 4; Ord. 93-283 § 1 (part)]
It shall be unlawful for the owner or custodian of any dog, cat, or other animal to fail to keep the same from running at large within the City

Did the owners received a ticket?


Apr 20, 2024
Thank God we have judge dredd on the job. He will keep us safe from our pets and thier illegal activities. serve and protect i always say. i grew up in an america when all kids and dogs played outside safely,. watch an episode of the little rascals and tell me is a cop justified in shooting the dog Petey? he roamed free!!

It seems the America i grew up in is gone,. I hope that cop is on the beat in your neighborhood you deserve the safety.
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Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Thank God we have judge dredd on the job. He will keep us safe from our pets and thier illegal activities. serve and protect i always say. i grew up in an america when all kids and dogs played outside safely,. watch an episode of the little rascals and tell me is a cop justified in shooting the dog Petey? he roamed free!!
Petey ran free in a TV studio.

You still haven't answered. Was he supposed to just let the dog bite him?

I agree it was a tragic situation, but the tragedy could have only been prevented by the dog's owners.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
The longer i know people the more i love dogs.
I feel the same. I just don't like loose dogs trying to bite.

What was his alternatives? You never said if you think he should have just let the dog bite him. Did you watch the bodycam vid? Would YOU let a dog bite you? In case you didn't know, it hurts a lot, and dog bites can be very severe.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Here's a little more accurate info.

The cop was there due to a loose dog complaint. So that shows that other people had been negatively affected.

The cop got there, saw the dog loose and off the property (in the ally with the kids), and asked the kids to get it on a leash before he ever stepped foot out of his car. Vid shows the kids taking dog onto the property, but they failed to get the dog into the house or on a leash. Why didn't they?

So @Teeaichsee , the cop was there on official business. Look at the bodycam vid and ask yourself what if it had been a kid walking down the street and the dog reacted like that? Should the dog have just been allowed to bite?

The guy gets mad at the city meeting, yet can't comprehend how he was the one with the most ability to have prevented his dog getting shot.

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