"Freddie, kid, I'm going to give you a small glimpse into our mindset. This is a gift, and I probably shouldn't even do this. This might be the most informative comment on the entire video for you. For many of us, this isn't about the black players. It's about the system that tells us White people are to blame for every bad thing that ever happened, and simultaneously that non-Whites are completely beyond criticism. I actually agree with everything you said here about the players, but I still don't care. We are dissenting against the system, which today was trying to get a front-page game-winning goal featuring a black player, and threw the championship away in pursuit of this. Thus, the race-baiting establishment ultimately lost this game for England, not the black players who technically lost it. This critical piece of insight is what separates us and you. We don't care about hurting the feelings of the players, but understand that it is also not our priority to hurt their feelings. This is just collateral damage along the way. We are fighting against something much larger - the anti-White establishment. The way we see it, we are not "punching down" at young players. We are "punching up" at some of the most powerful government/media organizations on the planet. They started this internet race war, not us. They made literally everything about race, not us. They have all the power, not us. This is how we see it. And along the way, reactions like yours will draw fire from us, because bullying people who share outrage like yours is just part of this dissent process. In this video you presented yourself as an "establishment-aligned" target, so you catch "dissent" from us. You may not agree with some of the things I wrote here, and that's fine, but just know that there is much more nuance to the internet culture war going on here than just "dumb evil racists on the internet" ".