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Columbine High School for any first person shooter


Mar 6, 2024
Before you start squawking, let me explain to you that I am autistic so please ESPECIALLY view this situation from the autism spectrum. Please compare me to Max from the Max & Ruby episodes Ruby's Sandcastle and Ruby's New Shoes or the squirrels from the PPG episode City of Nutsville where the squirrels went berserk when the pothole they were storing their nuts in got sealed by a statue that the people thought was a good idea. In other words, it may seem bad to you, but to me, it's good and vice versa.

This is where it gets complicated: I'm referring to this as my source of inspiration: Class of 1999 starring Bradley Gregg. Although the year of this movie is somewhat ironic to the Columbine Massacre, it's in absolutely no way related to Columbine. Even though there are explosions and shootings taking place within a school - not to mention some murdering of students via robotic teachers (you could see blood oozing out of one guy's mouth at one point), it's all actors and mere special effects makeups.

The reason I want or need a school like Columbine High is because of the overall architecture of the structure and the land it's constructed on or the size and shape of the school. It's quite roomy inside, thereby allowing me to perform stunts that require a lot of space to execute the stunt safely. Like super jumping to overhead pipes in the corridors, leaping off of the pipes, and somersaulting in mid air. If you watch Class of 1999 (Bradley Gregg), then you can see they rode motorcycles in the school during the climax. But there's hardly any space for those hundreds of motorcycles to safely maneuver around the school's corridors and staircases. Plus, the Kennedy High School in the movie; even though it looks like a futuristic prison with prison fencing, barb wire, futuristic CCTV cameras, etc, it's exterior shape is a mere rectangle building, while Columbine High somewhat resembles a fortress or a small university campus. And I can't seem to find any other school that looks "fortress-style" than Columbine High that has not had any past or recent shootings.

I also have a habit of visualizing how things would've looked in the movie with other things in place of the originals. Such as from the Family Guy episode Airport '07 when Channel 5 first rolls the raw footage of the plane crash and then CGI edited footage of what could've happened if the plane crashed into... a school, a school for bunnies, and a school for bunnies but one person survived, went home, and beat his wife. So I can imagine the Johnson Reservoir and Columbine High used in place of that high school and pier seen in the movie. So if you take the time to visualize it as a sci-fi setting developer/architect, you can imagine Columbine High with sentry guns studded on certain areas of the rooftop perimeter, searchlights on the perimeter walls, and futuristic CCTV cams on the outside walls. While the interior corridors and rooms will have similar security devices like I mentioned earlier

But here's the good part: you can name this school whatever name you want. Because first and foremost: DON'T EVER NAME IT "COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL". Don't even think about putting the name Columbine High anywhere on or near the school! That runs the risk of the gamers' video getting removed for "violating YouTube's Terms of Service". And the real reason why videos revolving around games showcasing mods inspired by Columbine High School getting removed is still unclear or unknown.

YouTube is becoming a cesspool of convoluted rules and regulations; I have yet to find anything stating what we can and can't upload regarding an event like the Columbine Massacre. Speaking of which, even good comments seem to get ghosted upon posting them. So I can't seem to get any messages across.

Second: use the Thesaurus to help rename the entire school. There must be another substitute word for "school" in the Thesaurus along with finding another thing to name the school after. In addition to that, paint the exterior and interior a different color and add futuristic/modern day cosmetics, furniture, appliances, etc to the exterior and interior.

Speaking of irony, Columbine High School got it's name from the Columbine Flower. Which is toxic to humans. So I can see why people loathe this massacre more than 9/11.


It's kind of like The White House heist (Washington D.C.'s White House) or Scarface Mansion (Tony Montana's mansion) in Payday 2 where it does involve the baseball field, the parking lots, the jogging field, St Pierce St., and the tennis courts. The houses across the fence won't be accessible because the fence will block us along with a set of road construction barriers blocking the farthest south and north side of St Pierce Street. The interior of the school will retain its original floor plan design as it did during its very first construction phase (with the old library above the cafeteria and not the new current library). The classrooms, gym, auditorium, storage closets, and cafeteria will all be accessible like the White House's or Scarface Mansion's roomy interior from Payday 2. The interior and exterior of the school will have a different color set of paint compared to Columbine's tan exterior. The interior rooms will have any type of modern day furniture, electronics (flat screen LCD/LED monitors), and appliances that you prefer. The small props like solar panels, furniture, appliances, and electronics along with the building's overall paint scheme doesn't matter to me. What does matter more than anything else and is mandatory is the floor plan of this school building: Its overall shape MUST appear as it did both inside and outside when it was first constructed and BEFORE it had the second floor library gutted and moved somewhere else.

The reason I need Columbine High in its original floor plan state is because during the pandemic, I've taken an interest in virtual tours of structures that would otherwise require you to pay a hefty fee and sign stacks of paperwork just to get access to the said location. So with Starbreeze/Overkill making the Scarface Mansion heist (with Tony Montana's mansion from the movie Scarface) and The White House heist (featuring none other than the White House from Washington D.C.), I got a virtual tour of that said location via the game Payday 2. Not only that, I also got a visual look at how it would've looked with modern day (Payday style) security technology. Such as the red room in Scarface Mansion designed to deploy turrets from the ceiling and The White House having sentry turrets on the ceiling like Scarface Mansion. - That's where I began to visualize Columbine High with turrets on the outside and inside of the building in certain areas of certain rooms and corridors. In addition to that, the Johnson Reservoir with an arc bridge and some boathouses nearby. So I would like to virtually tour Columbine High from it's first opening day after it's original construction phase was complete.

And also, in the song community, I go by this saying: the original song (song composed in its original music form) will never be beat. Even if someone else or the same composer makes a remix of the song, the original format and design of this song and the music playing from within it will never be beat.

Someone from the Minecraft modding community managed to make a Columbine High School map for Minecraft along with some from the Call of Duty games community. Not only that, somebody made a high-detailed school shooting map called "Watt Community College" for the game Ready or Not, so... why not implement Columbine High School as a school map to interact with?

If there's Run Hide Fight, Elephant, etc., why not utilize Columbine too? VOID Interactive successfully pulled it off with the mission Elephant, so... who knows if another game developer for another FPS game can pull it off with Columbine too?

You can decorate it with whatever you want from today. You may get push back from gamers and viewers, but that doesn't mean you can't make this map. Just make sure it retains it's original floor plan from the '90s. I got the wish to tour the White House and Tony Montana's mansion virtually via Payday 2, so I bet I can virtually tour Columbine High from the '90s via any FPS game that's currently receiving more content.272874519_330083682457782_9160887215655172049_n.jpg278020196_374625061336977_4084623542855726656_n.jpg298288120_471494324983383_4962917221340746780_n.jpg305698553_488229756643173_1123170740530606451_n.jpg307094995_499419598857522_1330923355678871869_n.jpg307996172_499419592190856_5718149741544137943_n.jpgAERIAL.03.JPGan-aerial-view-of-the-columbine-high-school-where-13-students-were-slain-by-two-teenage-gunmen...jpgbackpacks.pnggettyimages-185570072-2048x2048.jpg These pics will help the game devs get started.


Mar 6, 2024
In a nutshell, what is this post about?

Are you talking about making a video game where you are an active shooter in a school?
Well, all the other forums and reddits removed this post for little or no reasons, so I thought I try taking a stab at it here.

They just lacked taste in "infamous" creativity, even though there are approved movies like the 2017 9/11 and 2016 I'm Not Ashamed.

More people died during 9/11, so what makes adding Columbine to a game a "poor choice"?
Jul 9, 2022
Well, all the other forums and reddits removed this post for little or no reasons, so I thought I try taking a stab at it here.

They just lacked taste in "infamous" creativity, even though there are approved movies like the 2017 9/11 and 2016 I'm Not Ashamed.

More people died during 9/11, so what makes adding Columbine to a game a "poor choice"?
So I will take that to mean: "yes you imply making a video game with Columbine as a model"

1.) There is already a game in which there is a very similar active shooter situation. The game is Call of Duty ( I dont remember which one ), and in this, a group of guys walk through an airport and shoot all civilians, 100s.

2.) Another similar game could be GTA, where you could just go around and kill people, but it gets boring.

3.) Most importantly, why would you want to make a game whereas someone ( mentally retarded, or autistic, or just plain old door-nail dead evil, may, and perhaps likely, imitate the game in real life>?

Please explain this position, and the reason for the post, other than "they just kicked me off everywhere else so I decided to post that here"

There are few reasons why you would get kicked off this site, but I would argue that you are really close, depending on your point.



Mar 6, 2024
So I will take that to mean: "yes you imply making a video game with Columbine as a model"

1.) There is already a game in which there is a very similar active shooter situation. The game is Call of Duty ( I dont remember which one ), and in this, a group of guys walk through an airport and shoot all civilians, 100s.

2.) Another similar game could be GTA, where you could just go around and kill people, but it gets boring.

3.) Most importantly, why would you want to make a game whereas someone ( mentally retarded, or autistic, or just plain old door-nail dead evil, may, and perhaps likely, imitate the game in real life>?

Please explain this position, and the reason for the post, other than "they just kicked me off everywhere else so I decided to post that here"

There are few reasons why you would get kicked off this site, but I would argue that you are really close, depending on your point.

Like noted above, a virtual tour of a structure has saved more money and grief than I would be spending on a physical tour of some place. Especially if the place denies you entry because you either lack something or another reason (E.G, Princess Morbucks was denied from being a Powerpuff Girl multiple times because she lacked superpowers). Those are some of the snags you may run into. Remember what happened with Willy's Chocolate Experience in Glasgow Scotland?

So since I virtually toured Tony Montana's mansion and the White House via the game Payday 2, why not Columbine - from the early 90's? - With modern futuristic accessories in place of old school furniture that is.

With newer FPS games like Payday 2, Call of Duty WWII, etc. with insane high-detail graphics, I wondered what it would be like to virtually tour Columbine High with these type of graphics now that we have the technology to make and handle these high-detailed graphic models.
Jul 9, 2022
Like noted above, a virtual tour of a structure has saved more money and grief than I would be spending on a physical tour of some place. Especially if the place denies you entry because you either lack something or another reason (E.G, Princess Morbucks was denied from being a Powerpuff Girl multiple times because she lacked superpowers). Those are some of the snags you may run into. Remember what happened with Willy's Chocolate Experience in Glasgow Scotland?

So since I virtually toured Tony Montana's mansion and the White House via the game Payday 2, why not Columbine - from the early 90's? - With modern futuristic accessories in place of old school furniture that is.

With newer FPS games like Payday 2, Call of Duty WWII, etc. with insane high-detail graphics, I wondered what it would be like to virtually tour Columbine High with these type of graphics now that we have the technology to make and handle these high-detailed graphic models.
I see, you are just speaking of touring, using VR and AI.

They do offer services like that like on the Occulus.

I would say that touring a high school would not be a very note worthy thing, and perhaps a security risk. I am not sure if the school is even still there, as it was back then.


Mar 6, 2024
The reason I need 3D models developed for me via a high graphics FPS or TPS game that looks like it's continuing to receive new content like Ready or Not or Payday 3 is because I'm not at the stage of learning how to skilfully use Blender yet. I'm still stuck gathering sound effects I heard from my past media I watched - and especially after so many people refused to cooperate with me because I "Tried to commit piracy". And making a movie - especially if you're doing it solo for no profits and mere amusement like Alvin Earthworm for a sprite animation like Super Mario Bros. Z or those LEGO stop motion animators, takes time. And unfortunately, time is not on some of our sides!

Some perfect examples include Terry Fox and now, Akira Toriyama. It sucks he missed the last song of the Project VOLTAGE franchise before saying a final goodbye. And unfortunately, Toriyama leaves behind some unfinished Dragon Ball Z work. Which leaves us hanging in suspense - I.E, cliffhanger endings. In fact, this is the whole reason Alvin discontinued SMBZ: Us: "HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT EPISODE ALREADY!" due to the cliffhanger ending of each episode. Is there anything wrong with thinking ahead of yourself as well as thinking about others before you do the same "stupid" thing they did? I'm going to finish my projects first, then upload them later. That way, I avoid comments like that.

Is that the way you want to go? To leave your fan base hanging in suspense for the rest of their lives while you head for your eternal place in the who-knows-where's? Every millisecond counts! - Especially for those who have a terminal illness and are literally living on borrowed time! Some of us must and will complete our goals no matter what obstacles we encounter/what gets in our way! Some of us will not accept phrases like "Too bad, so sad" that easily. We have a goal to fulfill and some of us may be leaving sooner than expected or anticipated! You really never know when your time is up!

And yeah... this is why I need Columbine High School developed in it's original floor plan via for any high graphic FPS or TPS game that's past 2016: it's going to play an important role in my movie. It was an inspiration from the following films: Class of 1999 and Run Hide Fight. Like those movies, the blood and injuries you see int hose films, it's all merely actors and special effects. I did my due diligence studying all the characters I'm going to utilize and made sure they aren't in any way related to the murder victims. But when I try to request Columbine high be utilized for this FPS or TPS in whatever way it can relate to the game's story possible, their replies are rather bitter: they remove my thread because it's "rude/vulgar". Even the readers left negative comments!

Almost 3K people died during 9/11, so what makes Columbine more obscene than 9/11? Like... we can still see the silhouette of the twin towers in the loading screen of Jackie Chan Stuntmaster for PSX. But that doesn't bother anyone! People in the U.S. are still reeling after WWII, yet people in Europe don't mind playing WWII themed games.

And I couldn't just think about (someone else making 3D models for) myself, I had to think about others too! So I thought to myself "What if everyone would enjoy my ideas being utilized in a video game they play?" So I looked at the list of 3D props I still need and discovered many of them are weapons. And most of them never appeared in any recent FPS or TPS game. And since Payday 2 has a program called Bundle Modder and Diesel Tool to help the user decompile/export the models from the game to be modified with user-preferenced UV maps via Blender, and imported back to the game, that dramatically cuts down the time needed for me to make this thing from scratch.

So seeing how sad-shape Payday 3's weapon roster currently is and how other FPS/TPS games are still getting new content, I decided to covertly request for help to make 3D models I'm searching for but via for this game - as I don't work for a game's dev company; I'm not that skilled at Blender nor IT. The weapons for Payday 3 were successful, but Columbine High in it's early 90's was a bust. But VOID Interactive managed to make an active school shooter map named "Elephant", set at Watt Community College. That game's mission is based off of the movie of the same name. So I felt confident that people there will accept my new game map request. But it was anything but that.

My Blender movie is going to be based off parts of the North Hollywood Shootout's raw footage as one of my villain's pasts, and my movie's going to be based mainly from the first half of the storyline of that game called the Super Columbine Massacre RPG and three quarters or half the footage from that Zero Hour episode Massacre at Columbine High. But as noted before: with my favorite characters and things taking place of the originals. And in the process, like the Project VOLTAGE franchise with Miku X Pokemon, I'm going to make hidden references to other infamous events to see if my viewers can spot the Easter eggs.

The rest I won't reveal because I want to surprise my viewers when it is finally finished.
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