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Cold Waters with the Russian MOD


Jun 23, 2021
I started playing around 8am this morning and finally stopped at 8:30pm. The game is enjoyable most of the time but I get so pissed when they try and bend me over. I mean I'm taking on 4 to 6 escorts before I can even think about sinking the important targets. I've been paying close attention to the best outcomes of all my engagements. Like in real life the farther away you are the better but the game always drops you right in the middle or too near the target. This Russian MOD I just added makes it a lot more enjoyable and you have lots more ships and sub. I particularly like the rocket propelled torpedoes but they are not very accurate and mostly a waste of your ammo not to mention you will be pounded very hard. The best defense is always offense, and I think I have found a nice little glitch in the AI. If you place a couple decoys out and allow them to get into the middle of the group of ships, then make a strong torpedo attack your decoys will pick up all the enemy torpedoes like the Pied Piper as they just go straight, they are wired like the HE rounds but only if you are stationary and not making crazy maneuvers, which you are always doing. It is nice to see one of their own torpedoes hit their fellow ships. That Alfa sub the Russians have can hit 42 miles per hour and handle like a dirt track car so forget about catching it with a torpedo unless you can sneak up on it first then fire before it can get up to top speed. Pretty fun game


Jun 23, 2021

That is the first release, it is several years into the game and no updates are planned, the team disbanded. The last version has South China Sea where you battle the Chinese. Now this Russian MOD is so much more and actually repaired all the things that never worked in the original games. It's free. You have the option of playing either side Russia or NATO. A much more complete playable list of all subs and surface vessels.


Jun 23, 2021
I have the first release of Black Shark but never really got into it do the control issues. It is terrible and believe me no helicopter is that twitchy, it's like they just ignored the physics when they made the game. I purchased a not expensive but damned tight joystick to see if it made any difference in the handling but NO it didn't . I just concluded it is not a good simulator and I did not buy the newest release just due to the control issues. Even a little light weight huey controls feels very heavy and you have to make it turn like you're in charge. I spent my money on Steel Beast PE recently like two months ago and the joystick I purchased works great for a tank gun or an infantry vehicle cannon. I can't hit shit when it comes to hitting another tank but I am good with the infantry vehicles weapons and I don't waste a lot of ammo trying to get on target. That is the most expensive game I have ever purchased 125 dollars but I have wanted it ever since it first came out at 150 bucks. The graphics is not really eye candy but the vehicles and the AI is top notch. If you like nice 3d Top View check out all the MATRIX releases, I have this Armored Brigade and add on's and it is a nice strategy game that keeps it interesting.



Jun 23, 2021
That's no ARMA.
Nice graphics but I could never really get into those scripted games that force you to do what they say. I have a small stack of what were nice looking games but terrible games to play. I still find my old games a lot more interesting. One game goes back to 1989 and the graphics is just terrible but the game play was super realistic. It was the Tornado release and I just got it running again on my modern machines. What was nice about the game was so much attention to mission details. You had a flight of aircraft that you setup their targets and arrival times and you would be coming from different directions, like one aircraft taking out a runway the other aircraft in the flight were coming from left and right knocking out bunkers and other targets. Most of the time you would fly the backseat so you could control your bomb drop entrance and exits and keep the timing in sequence for your own aircraft. You sneak back home and and felt great to still be in one piece no damage to your plane then lo and behold your runway had been hit while you were away. You are waved off to the next airfield and it was always a toss up if you had enough fuel. Such a full and great game for so long ago. I just wish it had been ported to the modern computers it had so much going on that was fun to do. It was one of those early games that were years ahead of the others.


Jan 15, 2021
Nice graphics but I could never really get into those scripted games that force you to do what they say. I have a small stack of what were nice looking games but terrible games to play. I still find my old games a lot more interesting. One game goes back to 1989 and the graphics is just terrible but the game play was super realistic. It was the Tornado release and I just got it running again on my modern machines. What was nice about the game was so much attention to mission details. You had a flight of aircraft that you setup their targets and arrival times and you would be coming from different directions, like one aircraft taking out a runway the other aircraft in the flight were coming from left and right knocking out bunkers and other targets. Most of the time you would fly the backseat so you could control your bomb drop entrance and exits and keep the timing in sequence for your own aircraft. You sneak back home and and felt great to still be in one piece no damage to your plane then lo and behold your runway had been hit while you were away. You are waved off to the next airfield and it was always a toss up if you had enough fuel. Such a full and great game for so long ago. I just wish it had been ported to the modern computers it had so much going on that was fun to do. It was one of those early games that were years ahead of the others.

ALiVE and persistent mods are the way to go. Open ended campaigns.


Jan 9, 2021
You guys do realize an actual A-10 squadron used DCS to log currency? That’s how much detail goes into it. It took about 5 weeks just to figure out Air Refueling consistently


Dec 1, 2020
You guys do realize an actual A-10 squadron used DCS to log currency? That’s how much detail goes into it. It took about 5 weeks just to figure out Air Refueling consistently
Excuse the stupid question

are we talking flight simulators in here? Or we talking real life refueling. I have questions on both


Jan 9, 2021
Do any of you play this? It's a great WW2 sim.
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