Chicks with dicks


The weakest President ever elected says they will make America safer :eek: . From affecting the military to undermining women's athletics what is our senile president even talking about? I hope every family wronged in any way by this weak decision will come forward and tell their story. Of course the lsm will not pick that up but 80 percent of America will still know the truth.
A chick with a dick is a dude.

Seriously though, I believe most of this transgender bullshit, just like BLM and so many other divisive things in America, is being pushed by china and our enemies in order to tear us down from within. It is the most logical explaination as to why these politicians are pushing shit that clearly does nothing to help our country, and in fact hurts it...especially when chinese officials are on tape saying this is essentially their plan.
That pic of mooshell with a mustache is priceless. My wife and I were talking today at happy hour and she said it was a travesty that mooshell got so much press as a 'classy', beautiful woman. Covers on several mags etc, while Melania Trump got nothing. A woman who speaks 5 languages, is far more attractive than mooshell and puts up with msm with not even a whimper of not being treated fairly should be cannonized in the history of first lades. Sorry a bit off topic for this thread but the next time I hear someone pronounce stronger as 'shtronger' I might have to punch them. That affectation of moosell's speach impediment is ridiculous.
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