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Car rams barricade in DC


Jan 9, 2021
Doesn’t look like shot, rather rammed with a car. Police officers may have been the ones shooting.


Jan 9, 2021
Newsmax saying suspect is dead, one of the 2 injured officers in serious condition.


Jan 8, 2021

“Follower of Farrakhan” huh? Turns out it was a racist after all. A black supremacist.

Go ahead and share their belief with libtards and sympathizers of how white people were created and the story of Yakub (Jacob). Next time you hear the black Israelites or Nation of Islam followers talk about how they were building civilization while whites lived in the caves of the Caucasus mountains you will understand their belief better. Oh, Malcom X was one of those looney toon racists too. A few snippets below.

Yakub was a black scientist who lived "6,600 years ago" and began the creation of the white race/white people. He is said to have done this through a form of selective breeding referred to as "grafting", while living on the island of Patmos.

Yakub is said to have been born in Mecca at a time when 30% of original black people were "dissatisfied".

At the age of six, he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion by playing with magnets made of steel.[6] This insight led to a plan to create new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man."

He discovered that the "original black man" contained both a "black germ" and a "brown germ".

He established a despotic regime and set about breeding out the black traits, killed all darker babies, and created a brown race after 200 years. Yakub died at the age of 152, but his followers carried on his work.

After 600 years of this deliberate eugenics, the white race was created. The brutal conditions of their creation determined the evil nature of the new race: "by lying to the black mother of the baby, this lie was born into the very nature of the white baby; and, murder for the black people was also born in them—or made by nature a liar and murderer".

For many centuries they lived a barbaric life, surviving naked in caves and eating raw meat, but eventually they were drawn out of the caves by Moses who "taught them to wear clothes". Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite.

However, they had learned to use "tricknology" to usurp power and enslave the black population, bringing the first slaves to America. According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, all the races other than the black race were by-products of Yakub's (spelled Yacub in the biography) work, as the "red, yellow and brown" races were created during the "bleaching" process.

The new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by." As a result, they became gorillas. "A few were lucky enough to make a start, and got as far as what you call the gorilla. In fact, all of the monkey family are from this 2,000 year history of the white race in Europe."


Jan 8, 2021
Oh the dilemma for the left.

Suspect is a African American Muslim

Said African American Muslin was shot and killed by a police officer.

Did his life matter?

We should watch the reaction to this from CNN and NBC etc very closely to see if they mention anything of the demographics of the terrorist. So far they have done an amazing job of only mentioning his name.
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