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Can someone explain this to me about diversity


Jan 8, 2021
It is sad I have to say this but obviously not racist just have some questions that I really don’t understand and maybe I’m missing something.

My LinkedIn is littered with all of this talk about diversity. All these people celebrating diversity and promoting it for companies. I am NOT saying it is bad at all. Maybe it is great. But I guess my question is when you stop to think about what that means or even ask them what it means it is pretty simple.... they want to hire non white men. The only diversity that matters is skin color and gender. They don’t want other diversity promoted as in where you went to school or god forbid you be a Trump voter. No no we don’t want that diversity. It’s all about color and gender.

So I guess what I don’t understand is that why is it ok to basically say yeah I’m celebrating that we try everything possible not to hire straight white men? How does that benefit anyone? Just like it wouldn’t benefit anyone to only hire straight white men if that was the criteria for deciding who is hired. Why would you not want the best person to get the job regardless of their skin color and gender? And why would we celebrate that? What does it tell the black people or women at the work place? We didn’t pick you because you were the best but because of your color and gender? How is that good for anyone?

And then we see this .....

Why is it now acceptable to hate white people?

I guess I just look at people only by their color so I don’t understand this thinking.


Dec 1, 2020
I was adamantly against the idea of private school a couple years ago.

My wife homeschooled my twin girls for kindergarten this year so their first impression of school wouldn't be the mask shitshow.

Now, we are currently trying to decide which private school to put them in.

Shit like this, and ideas like "math is racist", is just going to make the divide in culture and education worse - but I'm pretty sure that is what they want


Jan 9, 2021


Jan 8, 2021
Real talk: It's all about in-group preference vs out-group preference. White people tend to be down with out-group preference as opposed to other groups. You don't see very many Catholic churches in Tehran or Riyadh. Big population cities like Seoul or Tokyo have virtually no crime compared to big cities like Chicago, New York, London, Paris etc.


Jan 8, 2021
I was adamantly against the idea of private school a couple years ago.

My wife homeschooled my twin girls for kindergarten this year so their first impression of school wouldn't be the mask shitshow.

Now, we are currently trying to decide which private school to put them in.

Shit like this, and ideas like "math is racist", is just going to make the divide in culture and education worse - but I'm pretty sure that is what they want

my lib brother tried to tell me that Biden was better for black people and accomplished more for them because that’s what black people told him.

This came from a conversation on how trump has done more for black people in 4 years than Biden in 47. His only accomplishment he could list for Biden was that he would say Black Lives Matter. Then he went into the our opinion doesn’t matter because we don’t have the experiences they do seeing as we are white and not black like them.

I say that to your point because I’ve seen it from my wife’s half sister who’s in a great public school as well. It’s being taught where the objective truth does not matter. The stats and facts are less important than how someone feels or what they perceive to be “their truth”. It’s being taught in schools right now and it’s scary.


Jan 8, 2021
Great, I should be drifting off to sleep, but I never shy away from a racial gibberish rabbit hole.

I'm always amazed at how many words are seemingly made up in the language used by the purveyors of these ideas.

I also momentarily feel dumb because upon reading their material, I seldom see the connections that they do.

Then I remember that 90% of this stuff is a grift. They are preaching their own made-up religion that is mostly labeling things or asserting connections or meaning with little or no evidence.


Jan 8, 2021

Northwestern Professor Spotlights Forces Behind Structural Racism in Liberal Democracies​

October 9, 2020
Why do racial injustices, racial inequalities and racial disparities in democracies persist over time without redress? Why has police violence against Black citizens persisted in the post-civil rights era? Northwestern University Associate Professor of African American Studies Dr. Barnor Hesse discussed these questions and more this week in a Northwestern Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs webinar on “White Sovereignty and The Law of Racial Rule.” Hesse highlighted some of the reasons why liberal democracies are the sites and sources of continuous racial injustices, inequalities, and disparities, despite claims to liberty and equality as universal ideas and practices. Here are three key takeaways:

Understanding white sovereignty is critical to understanding structural racism. While precise definitions of sovereignty can differ considerably, nearly all offer a clearly defined lens through which to understand claims to and enforcement of power. In U.S. political history, who is the “we” referenced in “we the people,” “we abolish slavery” or “we made the world safe for democracy? This “we” is in explicit reference to white citizens, who possess the sole capacity to define America and to supervise and authorize that definition, Hesse said.

The enduring power of white sovereignty is based on the repetition of three social forms of violence. White settlers’ foundational violence established the historical right of conquest, and created the space over which whiteness regarded itself as the sole power, Hesse said. “This form of violence plays out each time a black person is subject to stop and frisk or killed by the police.”

The second form of violence uses language to externalize and impose whiteness as the primary authority in society. This plays out in our criminal justice system any time a police officer is not charged or convicted of a crime, or when black people are disproportionately arrested, convicted and incarcerated, Hesse said. And reiterated violence, which is instituted to ensure the permanent authority of whiteness, recurs in benign and ordinary situations such as when the presence of a black person is questioned by white citizens, he added.

These three forms of social violence work in tandem to create a problem that extends beyond the shortcomings of law enforcement or other institutions. “They demonstrate that the capacity for social violence rest in the hands of white citizens as a legacy of white colonial settlers, and reproduce the idea of white domination and authority,” Hesse said.

Liberalism and democracy play a role in the perpetuation of white sovereignty. Liberalism theoretically offers black citizens an opportunity to assimilate to the universal ideals of individualism, but without any reference to the structural formation and history of race, ensuring white sovereignty prevails. It presents the white narrative as the universal, which in turn systematically closes any opportunity to raise the issue of race in any meaningful way.

Likewise, democracy offers little incentive for white citizens to forego their structural domination or allow their accounts of the world to recognize structural racism. The white majority has the ability to democratically decide what is or is not discussed openly, and thus conversations about race are ultimately silenced, Hesse said.

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
I was adamantly against the idea of private school a couple years ago.

My wife homeschooled my twin girls for kindergarten this year so their first impression of school wouldn't be the mask shitshow.

Now, we are currently trying to decide which private school to put them in.

Shit like this, and ideas like "math is racist", is just going to make the divide in culture and education worse - but I'm pretty sure that is what they want
My son is only 2 but we've already talked about private school. This issue plus the COVID response in Michigan has me leaning that way. One of our friends who's kids are in high school actually moved them from public to private last year when private schools were in person.


Dec 9, 2020

Northwestern Professor Spotlights Forces Behind Structural Racism in Liberal Democracies​

October 9, 2020
Why do racial injustices, racial inequalities and racial disparities in democracies persist over time without redress? Why has police violence against Black citizens persisted in the post-civil rights era? Northwestern University Associate Professor of African American Studies Dr. Barnor Hesse discussed these questions and more this week in a Northwestern Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs webinar on “White Sovereignty and The Law of Racial Rule.” Hesse highlighted some of the reasons why liberal democracies are the sites and sources of continuous racial injustices, inequalities, and disparities, despite claims to liberty and equality as universal ideas and practices. Here are three key takeaways:

Understanding white sovereignty is critical to understanding structural racism. While precise definitions of sovereignty can differ considerably, nearly all offer a clearly defined lens through which to understand claims to and enforcement of power. In U.S. political history, who is the “we” referenced in “we the people,” “we abolish slavery” or “we made the world safe for democracy? This “we” is in explicit reference to white citizens, who possess the sole capacity to define America and to supervise and authorize that definition, Hesse said.

The enduring power of white sovereignty is based on the repetition of three social forms of violence. White settlers’ foundational violence established the historical right of conquest, and created the space over which whiteness regarded itself as the sole power, Hesse said. “This form of violence plays out each time a black person is subject to stop and frisk or killed by the police.”

The second form of violence uses language to externalize and impose whiteness as the primary authority in society. This plays out in our criminal justice system any time a police officer is not charged or convicted of a crime, or when black people are disproportionately arrested, convicted and incarcerated, Hesse said. And reiterated violence, which is instituted to ensure the permanent authority of whiteness, recurs in benign and ordinary situations such as when the presence of a black person is questioned by white citizens, he added.

These three forms of social violence work in tandem to create a problem that extends beyond the shortcomings of law enforcement or other institutions. “They demonstrate that the capacity for social violence rest in the hands of white citizens as a legacy of white colonial settlers, and reproduce the idea of white domination and authority,” Hesse said.

Liberalism and democracy play a role in the perpetuation of white sovereignty. Liberalism theoretically offers black citizens an opportunity to assimilate to the universal ideals of individualism, but without any reference to the structural formation and history of race, ensuring white sovereignty prevails. It presents the white narrative as the universal, which in turn systematically closes any opportunity to raise the issue of race in any meaningful way.

Likewise, democracy offers little incentive for white citizens to forego their structural domination or allow their accounts of the world to recognize structural racism. The white majority has the ability to democratically decide what is or is not discussed openly, and thus conversations about race are ultimately silenced, Hesse said.

He could have just said, "I hate Whitey", put it on a fortune cookie and would have said the same thing.


Jan 15, 2021
The most insidious part in all of this is that the last fucking person anyone wants to hire is a militant minority. Sure they’ll hire tokens here or there, but ultimately the desire is to hire another white guy who says he thinks there should be diversity in the workplace.

It’s as old as humanity itself, you really just want to work with people in your tribe/ circle/ network. Anything else is too much a risk. We should recognize that fact instead of trying to fight it. Analyze why blacks have weaker networks and figure ways to strengthen those instead of hammering square pegs into round holes and set everyone up for failure.


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021
I was adamantly against the idea of private school a couple years ago.

My wife homeschooled my twin girls for kindergarten this year so their first impression of school wouldn't be the mask shitshow.

Now, we are currently trying to decide which private school to put them in.

Shit like this, and ideas like "math is racist", is just going to make the divide in culture and education worse - but I'm pretty sure that is what they want

Catholic School was the best investment I ever made for my kid. It wasn't just the teachers but the students and parents as well. Very involved in their kids education and kids lives in general. Every parent was required to volunteer at the school 25 hours a year so you got to know the kids in their class and teachers staff.


Jan 9, 2021
I think private school will be the only way to go moving forward. I was dating this girl recently who is a teacher in a 99% white affluent district and they were getting all the bs white privilege training. It’s like at this point they’re actively trying to make people become racist.
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Feb 1, 2021
I was adamantly against the idea of private school a couple years ago.

My wife homeschooled my twin girls for kindergarten this year so their first impression of school wouldn't be the mask shitshow.

Now, we are currently trying to decide which private school to put them in.

Shit like this, and ideas like "math is racist", is just going to make the divide in culture and education worse - but I'm pretty sure that is what they want
Division is definitely what critical race theory/Marxists want.


Jan 8, 2021
I think private school will be the only way to go moving forward. I was dating this girl recently who is a teacher in a 99% white affluent district and they were getting all the bs white privilege training. It’s like at this point they’re actively trying to make people become racist.
FYI, they are actively trying to make people racist. The elites plans only work if America is not unified, and militarily neutered.


Jan 15, 2021
Anyone think slavery is going to circle back also?

I mean, to a degree it's already here. You have huge swathes of the country trapped in debt where their living expenses plus debt won't equal life time earnings. It's going to create a credit crunch. The student debt crisis is absolutely real, kids are coming out of college with what amounts to debt equivalent to purchasing their first house and have to work that off. If they had not had that debt and were able to buy the house, earn equity, help promote economic activity in financial markets, the monetary value to the economy would be exponentially larger than getting a useless degree in art history.


Jan 9, 2021
Yes. It will be done voluntarily at first and be considered the highest form of woke-ness.

First off I ain’t doing shit to atone because my ancestors weren’t even here when there was slavery. They were probably peasants in some shithole Eastern European Slavic state. Once they got here they had their real name fucked up by customs agents, were ridiculed and harassed by “nativists”, then worked in coal mines and steel mills for company tokens to use in the company store or pay their rent that the company owned. That sounds a lot like slavery. Fuck it, I want reparations too now.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I mean, to a degree it's already here. You have huge swathes of the country trapped in debt where their living expenses plus debt won't equal life time earnings. It's going to create a credit crunch. The student debt crisis is absolutely real, kids are coming out of college with what amounts to debt equivalent to purchasing their first house and have to work that off. If they had not had that debt and were able to buy the house, earn equity, help promote economic activity in financial markets, the monetary value to the economy would be exponentially larger than getting a useless degree in art history.
You must be young.

Also how did we get to this point ITT without a good 'orange man bad'?


Jan 19, 2021
Something that perplexes me every day is when I see commercials and activists talking about the need for change. Exactly what change is needed in this country at this point in time for people of color or different sexual preference? I mean literally every walk of life in our country bends over backwards to accommodate the “minorities” in our country. They are giving the benefit of every single doubt and if you even have the audacity to question this you are labeled a racist for life. They are given jobs that they are less qualified for than white or heterosexual counterparts. They are catered to at every turn and can act and talk with impunity. What more could they possibly need? When they literally have the entire country by the balls.
Feb 9, 2023
It's another word created by the Edomites/Canaaites aka Fake Jews used as a tool to be racist against whites, to exclude whites from society, to create more hate against white people, etc. I'm so happy to not be in the slave wage workforce anymore.


Dec 7, 2021
I was adamantly against the idea of private school a couple years ago.

My wife homeschooled my twin girls for kindergarten this year so their first impression of school wouldn't be the mask shitshow.

Now, we are currently trying to decide which private school to put them in.

Shit like this, and ideas like "math is racist", is just going to make the divide in culture and education worse - but I'm pretty sure that is what they want
If I had school aged children they would not be going to public schools.
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