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Burnt out and worn down

Teddy Jack

Jan 8, 2021
After the election last fall, I had to step away for a couple weeks. The ignoring of such obvious cheating was just making me so angry.

A break from the news was good, and I never went back to alot of it, including Tucker Carlson. Have not missed him or fox news a bit.
I’m still on a break. Will fight my battles with individuals still. But not going to keep carrying on in threads. It’ll probably be awhile until I want to engage again. I have no faith our election system will ever be fixed after this. Hope I’m wrong.


Dec 1, 2020
After the election last fall, I had to step away for a couple weeks. The ignoring of such obvious cheating was just making me so angry.

A break from the news was good, and I never went back to alot of it, including Tucker Carlson. Have not missed him or fox news a bit.
Same here. Haven't turned on any news channel and really have stopped watching most tv all together. I occasionally watch a golf tournament, or big sporting event but thats about it. Thats after i ditched all social media about 2 years ago.

Of course, i still read other news sources and scan the headlines, but after the elections i realized how much of the news is generated instead of reported. The news is / was being manufactured by those in the media, creating problems where they do not exist. The news no longer reflected what was happening in my daily life, so i stopped watching and severely discount what i do happen to come across.

I really do feel more relaxed and have enjoyed spending more time outside with my kids. We have been doing a lot of fishing, going to the beach, riding bikes and just hanging out. As our rivals friend @Arrrbby ?(RIP) said .... "Good Clean Livin"

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I’m still on a break. Will fight my battles with individuals still. But not going to keep carrying on in threads. It’ll probably be awhile until I want to engage again. I have no faith our election system will ever be fixed after this. Hope I’m wrong.
Elections will always be dirty in this country it's just a matter of how that is shaped and plays out.

If enough changes in 22 & 24 I'll likely take the time to vote. If not enough happens then I'll likely go back to not voting and just assume every major election is rigged like I did before.

About the only elections I think that aren't dirty, because even the deep state couldn't fix them due to simple math, are the Rand Paul type seats.

I think Sherrod Brown's seat is one of the obvious deep state fixes. Trump won the state by a record # but supposedly Brown has won three elections to the Senate. #bigmoneyseat
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