Building a new internet: Crootn brainstorm


I'm gonna share my brainstorm a bit in this thread for my vision to how I see this site and it's "network" evolving

1. Standing up the Free Speech Forum is the very beginning of what we want to do here

2. The next thing to do is to make a push for content creation. Right now anyone that wants to be a content creator thinks that they need to start a profile on one of the social media sites and try and build up a following - we want to sidestep this process completely

-our community puts out threads on a daily basis that are far more interesting than the shit that spews out of the big tech/media platform

-anyone that wants to be a content creator in this community we will provide you your own website - there will be some scrutiny and you need to show us some kind of vision and plan, but if we like it we can stand you a platform up free of charge. This can be a news publishing site, a site for a small business, a podcast/videocast, etc.

-we will have threads on the forum that provide links to our broader community (so we can share the audience here) and can work with the guys on The Board Discord to connect to any live events from the community

-the goal is build our little corner of internet that meets all the needs that are sought out on the big tech platforms. News, sports, funny, hot sauce, etc.

Manifest digital destiny
We are going to need to find a way to fund the devs, but I think we should stick to some kind of donations/merchandising model. We can work out licensing/hosting agreements with all the sites on our network (but it will basically be peanuts).

I would imagine we would want to have the Freedom Oak branded subtly in the top right corner of any site in our network to represent that you are a part of the vision that started this site.
With a push toward censorship, is there concern that the owners of the connecting infrastructure, the pipes, can be coerced into disallowing what is created here?
With a push toward censorship, is there concern that the owners of the connecting infrastructure, the pipes, can be coerced into disallowing what is created here?
Yeah, but we plan on having our own servers up within a year time frame. At that point we would just have telecom to deal with, but if they try and deplatform us at that point we go to court.
Protecting member privacy is going to be huge everywhere going forward. People have been getting fbi visits for post on message boards recently. I hate to think people would need to self censor to avoid getting visits. Search warrants are legal but they are pulling peoples names off their acct info. The stuff you posted on rivals privacy made me look into some of the fbi stuff and it kinda scary.
Protecting member privacy is going to be huge everywhere going forward. People have been getting fbi visits for post on message boards recently. I hate to think people would need to self censor to avoid getting visits. Search warrants are legal but they are pulling peoples names off their acct info. The stuff you posted on rivals privacy made me look into some of the fbi stuff and it kinda scary.
Yeah for sure. We absolutely care about privacy, just need a way to prove it and let the community hold us accountable. Right now we are doing the best we can with the tools we have, but will take an active stance on tightening up security and privacy when things slow down
I thought we were talking about some sort of shadow net here.

Like an Incognito page, but technically running on a completely different backbone/IP system.

But his will do for now :)
We will get there. Gotta start somewhere to get the economy going first - then the sky is the limit.

I’m very interested in standing up local isolated mesh nets.

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