Brown recluse?

What are we killing? House flies, mosquitos, roaches?

Roaches are too hard bodied. Same with wasps although if you get close enough you can do damage.

It’s also great for disciplining the dogs. It’s doesn’t hurt but it scares them. Our mini pin chihuahua mix shuts her trap when I pull it out during a guest visit. Little loud mouth.

Hell, works on the kids too. I wouldn’t recommend shooting the wife with it while she making dinner though. I almost lost my head.
I'm no expert, but looks like one from all the pics I've seen. A better pic would be good, but that's as close as I'd want to get too.

From ddg-

The violin marking the key. This spider has that.
The violin marking the key. This spider has that.

Yep. Lucky that the only 2 spiders that are really dangerous around this area are so easily ID'd, with the brown recluse's fiddle and the black widow's red hourglass. Have seen a few black widows, but never a brown recluse that I know of.
That's the biggest problem with spiders. They only touch the treated area with their toes rather than slide through it like roaches and others. They don't get much poison on them and it takes longer to eliminate them. That's why I suggested Optimate. It's very good on scorpions too--my chemical of choice for them.
But with a brown recluse in particular they have a cotton like web that goes back to a funnel. if you don't see them, they're in the funnel. They're pretty easy to hit directly with the poison because they don't leave their nest. I wiped out a whole infestation with ortho home defense because they were so easy to find once you started looking for them.
By a strange coincidence, the brown recluse is in the news today... and it relates to Alec Baldwin!

It does not get any better than this!

Wow! Looks like ole Alec is curses. Too bad the spider didn't get him.

I'm starting a new thread on this
They’re pretty common here in Arkansas. We don’t worry about them much. I’ve also seen a few of these and they freak me the fuck out, but they’re the good guys; they eat the spiders and other bugs:


It’s a wood centipede, or more commonly known as a house centipede. I also have a speckled king snake that sometimes hangs out in my back yard, so I don’t really have any pest problems.
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