Biggest turn off in a woman

The easiest one for me is smoking. I have always despised smoking and I can see a gorgeous woman and be incredibly attracted to her until I see her light a cigarette. All attraction leaves.

The other one that gets me, obvious body modifications/fake ______. I've never cared for the fake boob, bleached blonde bimbo type. For the most part I prefer natural hair colors, but some that aren't too wild are fine.
Most fake boobs that I've seen are not attractive to me at all. I can go to the mall and look at a mannequin if I want to see plastic boobs that barely move around the way they are meant to. I would much rather see flat boobs or big floppies than see two globs of silicone stuffed into a chest.
Don't get me stared on these awful fake butts that are becoming more popular these days.
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