Are we getting closer to the 25th Amendment of removing Depends Joe?

While watching Tucker last night he brought it up after going through Depends' latest misspeaks......hard to call them "gaffs" anymore as if he mispronounced a word or something. Biden will be 80 yrs. old in Nov, he's had two brain operations, and he's visibly a cognitive mess.

I remember during the election year of '20, skeletor Nancy Pelosi even mentioned the possibility of enacting the 25th amendment but surprisingly when she introduced the reform bill that would enable the VP and other secretaries/department heads to strip the POTUS of his powers she declared it had nothing to do with Trump.

What's infuriating is in the Dems' long game they knew this was going to be necessary with Depends Joe in free fall, but they still propped him up to "getting us to normalcy." After a 40-year high inflation, broken border, adversaries on the move within one year of taking office this normalcy is one disgusting bitch. Speaking of which, while Biden's replacement, Heels Up Harris is the epitome of an empty pantsuit, at least her word salad speaking style would be vanilla in nature compared to Biden's shouting and whispering nonsense.

Still, I wish former San Fran mayor Willie Brown could've picked a more capable intern to tongue wash his willie instead of Harris.
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Keep him.

Eye want The Don’s revenge two bee a sweet as possible.

It'll be something unprecedented when the Pubs win back Congress in Nov and they could immediately and justifiably impeach Depends just for his intentional blowup of the southern border. Meanwhile, the Dems will want him out because he's fvcking up the sales job they propped him up to do. However, the Dems will want to use the 25th amendment rather than agree to impeach him.

We do live in interesting times.
It'll be something unprecedented when the Pubs win back Congress in Nov and they could immediately and justifiably impeach Depends just for his intentional blowup of the southern border. Meanwhile, the Dems will want him out because he's fvcking up the sales job they propped him up to do. However, the Dems will want to use the 25th amendment rather than agree to impeach him.

We do live in interesting times.
I don’t know, as impossible as it may seem, Harris may be worse than Joe.

Has Joe released the results of his yearly cognitive tests?

25th amendment should be for very special circumstances ans while we may be close, not sure we are there yet and if we would be any better off using it anyway.
I don’t know, as impossible as it may seem, Harris may be worse than Joe.

Has Joe released the results of his yearly cognitive tests?

25th amendment should be for very special circumstances ans while we may be close, not sure we are there yet and if we would be any better off using it anyway.

Heels Up would be worse. Imagine that.....a worst POTUS than the one who's won that title in just over a year. Harris polled < 1% during the Dem primaries before dropping out. Even the Dems know she's a joke. I believe they thought they could hide the ineptness of these two dumbasses with the help of the media. Crazy.
Let's hope not

It'll be something unprecedented when the Pubs win back Congress in Nov and they could immediately and justifiably impeach Depends just for his intentional blowup of the southern border. Meanwhile, the Dems will want him out because he's fvcking up the sales job they propped him up to do. However, the Dems will want to use the 25th amendment rather than agree to impeach him.

We do live in interesting times.
They’ll impeach him just two dew it. Maybe even twice just as pay back.

That being said The Dims don’t really want him gone. He is the tallest midget even with as bad as he is.
They’ll impeach him just two dew it. Maybe even twice just as pay back.

That being said The Dims don’t really want him gone. He is the tallest midget even with as bad as he is.

Honestly, I think they (the Dems) had the plan in place to swap Depends for Heels Up. They then realized the laughing hyena is merely a younger version of train wreck Biden. They've likely decided to circle the wagons with the help of the media and ride it out with poopy pants.
The old question, which is worse, Biden, Harris or Pelosi? Those are the top 3 people in our government

If we're considering positions you've naturally got it in order. If we were judge them from being members of Congress I'd break down each one's resume:

Harris-she had the most far left voting record in the Senate, even further left than Comrade Bernie. She's a total disaster socially.....and she doesn't have dementia as an excuse. When she talks she'll throw out a word salad, its evident she's bullshitting her way through life.

Biden- Depends has had a 45-year career in D.C. and all the while never did anything other than sponsoring a crime bill in early 90s that he'd spend his later years running away from. Somehow managed to get a label as somewhat of a foreign policy expert even though he's been wrong about everything. In the Situation Room when the call was made whether or not to take out Bin Laden, Biden was the lone voice dissented on that layup call. All through his time in DC he was pretty much regarded as somewhat of a dolt.

Pelosi- Chick is wicked and unhinged. When Trump ignored her to shake hands it threw the crazy bitch in a rage. At the end of the State of the Union, Pelosi started tearing up the official documents behind him. I don't blame Trump for not wanting shake hands with some cunt that's been working 3-4 years on undermining and circumventing his presidency.

Its really a tough call as each individual brings a unique blend of shitty traits to the table. Biden's treatment of Clarence Thomas during Thomas' conformation hearing edges Biden to the top of the shit heap. Pelosi having engineered two bogus impeachments on Trump puts her in a solid second place. Heels Up gets third place from process of elimination. Stands to reason, she's never been able distinguish herself from others......even in a shittiest politician poll.
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Honestly, I think they (the Dems) had the plan in place to swap Depends for Heels Up. They then realized the laughing hyena is merely a younger version of train wreck Biden. They've likely decided to circle the wagons with the help of the media and ride it out with poopy pants.

Don't forget about ole Hilldawg. I read an analysis where she slips into the VP then they tank Depends.

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